How to install the latest DHIS2 (2.40.1) on Windows 11 in 2023

How to install the latest DHIS2 (2.40.1) on Windows 11 in 2023

Kenneth Koker

1 год назад

10,477 Просмотров

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@ibrahimal-adnan7557 - 23.10.2023 21:41

When I enter the link I get:

Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

@thurainhtun4710 - 03.11.2023 09:21

Thank you so much

@ShopBoxTube - 30.11.2023 15:32

How do I get dhis to auto load, everytime the server restarts without having to start the services in the bin folder manually each time?

@rdelights89 - 03.12.2023 15:31

helloo very nice and helpfull video i have question i am able to load dhis 2 after login now when i am clicking on maintenance its not opening it keep on loading can you plz guide me

@samuellukanga8814 - 06.12.2023 17:06

Thank You for this video

@fastcookingtechniques - 13.12.2023 12:44

very excellent for your video in localhost machine, that would be grate if you can demo how to install DHIS2 on window server or ubuntu?

@SalimMangal-z7t - 19.12.2023 08:12

Hi, Kenneth, I could not found tomcat 9.0.80, can i use tomcat 9.0.84 version?

@SalimMangal-z7t - 20.12.2023 11:14

Thank you so much I found 9.0.80, and all the version of the software are working properly, it works for me

@geffkenne8475 - 27.12.2023 15:13

Excellent video, At the last screen, When I enter the password, it says wrong password our username. Isn't it supposed to be admin and 123456?

@jerrymudi4870 - 30.12.2023 07:10

good morning, thank you for this video, but am a new user to dhis2, pls how will i create my dhis2cof file

@jerrymudi4870 - 30.12.2023 08:22

and also after my installation, i couldnt see 307 tables, pls what went wrong

@BabaYahayaMohammed - 07.01.2024 21:47

I am still struggling bro. My tomcat is not able to connect with postgres

@Tech_gossips - 21.01.2024 17:49

thanks so much because I couldn't understand well there documentation but after taking it through your video, I managed successfully to install DHIS2

@waltersono9561 - 22.01.2024 15:54

Thank you @Kenneth Koker for posting this video. It is great.

Do you know if there is a problem in displaying the datasets in the Data Entry App?

Because, in my instance of DHIS2, I cannot select the data set, nor the organizational unit, in the Data Entry App. When I open the console, it shows some errors. I was wondering if this is a known problem, and how could I solve it. Thanks

@mbarekchakroun3445 - 24.01.2024 17:40

Thank you so much

@onyenetochinedu3371 - 03.02.2024 11:36

Thank you for the video
it's very detailed
please can you do a video on how to install it online (web hosting)

@DopasiIT - 07.02.2024 10:48

Hey Kenneth, I followed all your instructions/guide lines, after clicking on Tomcat9_DHIS.exe files it executes all and after that i followed the next step: Tomecat9_DHISw.exe, which executes properly. but in DB, its showing only 1 single table (postGIS one). As its my first time to work on DHIS, i dont know how to handle this. could you please help me with that. Thanks!

@Bold_Experience - 16.02.2024 06:07

Thank you for this video, please can you guide on installing and use of DHIS2 data entry BOT

@waltersono9561 - 22.02.2024 14:04

Hi @Kennet Koker. I am having trouble uploading GeoJson into DHIS2 version 40. Whenever I try, every time it returns the following error message "One attribute must be selected". Do you know how fix this?

@technotambo2 - 28.03.2024 21:45

Watching you from Zambia, Africa! Nice Video! But how can I load the Demo Data .sql file? I successfully completed, but demo sql file cannot be loaded in Postgresql thru pgAdmin 4 coz it just does not read any .sql files, I also tryed C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin>psql -U dbOwnerUsername databasename < D:\sampledata.sql please help

@bluefire8888 - 31.03.2024 19:05

Thank you for this video, please can you guide for installing on Debian 12?

@YassineAqachmar-mw3zh - 03.04.2024 01:59

One of the best tutorials ever. Thank you very much. Everything is working smoothly

@mostafaelkordy7070 - 03.04.2024 06:24

Hi Kenneth, thanks for an amazing tutorial! Everything seemed to work until i deployed the war file. The db tables wasn't created as you said so I know something with off and I also get the 404 when I put in the localhost:8080/dhis. How can i debug this?

@tadabas3 - 09.04.2024 18:56

Brilliant, straight to the point, no fuss, clear, enthusiastic and everything works

@elmoujarrade1 - 13.04.2024 14:59

Hi Kenneth ,

I hope you're doing well. I have a technical question to ask you. Do you know if Windows is compatible for installing an instance of DHIS2 2.40.1 on a server without encountering major issues? I need this information to plan our deployment. If you have any advice or recommendations, I'm all ears.

Thanks in advance for your valuable help!

Best regards,

@jeanclaudenoah9395 - 16.04.2024 14:32

I followed all the steps, but my database is not created. How to fix this ?

@vincentsvlog1761 - 23.04.2024 13:06

Hello Sir, can we import dhis2.war file into Eclipse IDE for customization development?

@tadabas3 - 07.06.2024 16:05

Please do a video for deployment on windows local server

@RehabSalah - 10.06.2024 11:14

Welcome back

@mohindersingh94 - 16.07.2024 07:50

Thanks Boss.. 👍

@mohindersingh94 - 18.07.2024 12:36

Dear @KVSK, could you please make a full video to setup database backup script for dhis2 application window server?

@CKandt. - 01.08.2024 13:43

excuse me sir but i cant find the the postgis extension

@CKandt. - 01.08.2024 14:53

another question sir i have followed all steps but I only have the first table, what could be the problem

@DVSSERSEIE - 12.08.2024 11:00

I'm bloking in the Postgres password, It's not working

@briannzioka12 - 28.08.2024 12:31

Is it too hard to successfully install this DHIS2 ? because aint nobody getting it right- the tables are not multiplying and the browser host service doesn't launch

@yusufbadamasi2963 - 02.09.2024 02:31

Thanks a lot but, I couldn't fix mine, I am facing the same problem how can I get the tables appear in my postgre?

@njitabernice4147 - 27.09.2024 13:18

Hi sir I followed all the process but i have just one table created what do you advice me to do to fix this please

@johnpaulsikombe9213 - 20.10.2024 12:53

Thanks Kenneth, I managed to install with no challenges

@Lmbano - 22.11.2024 17:25

Thank you so much for the video

@thabisonaleli6059 - 03.12.2024 14:56

This super awsome

@mohidulhasan9893 - 09.12.2024 08:11

Thank you @Kenneth Koker. It works for me

@willymfuni3121 - 10.12.2024 11:49

j'ai réussi à installé comme dans votre vidéo sauf que j'ai un problème. Visualiseur des données ne fonctionne et dit qu'i l n' y a pas de données disponibles. Pourtant j'ai remplis des données dans saisie de données qui sont toujours visibles. besoin de votre appui si possible

@pacificexperience - 05.01.2025 03:27

You are the best teacher - Thank you

@KVSK - 27.02.2025 01:16

For anyone having difficulties in installing, I recommend that you follow the same steps as in the tutorial but use Java 17 JRE, Postgres 15 and Postgis 3.5, apache-tomcat-9.0.100, and dhis2-stable-41.3.0.war.

@aigbeeromon1041 - 02.03.2025 04:01

It worked exactly as explained. Thanks 💯

@dolapoikuyinminu35 - 08.03.2025 10:32

It's worked perfectly. Thanks so much🎉
