REVO-As installed by Big Al's Cycles

REVO-As installed by Big Al's Cycles

Legend Suspensions

7 лет назад

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@N6J6R6 - 05.06.2017 02:29

Sick! What kind of rear license plate set up is that??

@samhunter4068 - 07.06.2017 04:54

where exactly do you measure the sag?

@dantheman6931 - 26.06.2017 23:36

Nice! Do a vid on the AXEO install

@Steve-vm1fi - 28.06.2017 18:03

Big Al rules and this just sold me on upgrading to some Legends (bye bye progressive)

@ianrivera2523 - 31.10.2017 06:19

Just installed these myself. While doing the sag I felt like I was cranking the suspension to stiffen it but it just wasn't going anywhere.... any advice? I doubt anything could be wrong with the shocks themselves.... but idk. Thanks!

@maciejnowaczyk3056 - 09.11.2017 01:05

The paint on that dyna is amaizing!! What is it? HOK?

@djilltek - 30.05.2018 23:12

Do you recommend raising the front end suspension when using the 14" rear shocks?

@captainlimewire - 02.12.2018 06:23

Due to the price of the product I will not be able to upgrade my front and rear suspension at the same time, but I would like to do one ASAP, what do you think would be best to upgrade first?

@jamest4162 - 01.03.2019 07:27

Any idea how tall the rider is here? Was deciding whether or not I should go 13" or 14" at 5'10".

@jamesdjesse - 06.03.2019 06:42

I really like that bike

@ryanhardin5166 - 29.05.2019 20:38

I have revos on my WG and have them cranked almost max, and sag a lot(300lbs)...can the be upgraded?

@tedfritsch3340 - 20.07.2019 18:38

What do the numbers on the dial represent? I have mine on 1, and I weigh 210#. Seems like they are bottoming. thanks for the helpt

@ntdfmaverick - 13.11.2019 17:37

Nice, I wanted to see if the 14 inch ones would work with a Thunderheader. Evidently.... yes!

@ChisungLee - 16.05.2020 03:23

I just got my Revo piggyback. It was red mark on it. Do you know what that means? If it is for left or right, does red mark go outside or inside?

@Jimmy_Jim_Jim_1234 - 08.10.2021 03:22

Not red, blue!

@bernardlesperance742 - 12.12.2021 04:41

I don't understand what the last measurement you took was actually measuring. Can anyone clarify?

@mrdrivebytrucker - 04.07.2023 05:10

I’m so confused. The other Legend video says you CANT use 14” rears with a long exhaust, yet you just did.
