JPMorgan | NETFLIX - Target price 390 USD | Profit or Loss? #aktienplausch #stock #shorts

JPMorgan | NETFLIX - Target price 390 USD | Profit or Loss? #aktienplausch #stock #shorts


55 лет назад

168 Просмотров

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The contributions are for information purposes only and do not constitute investment advice or recommendations. Viewers who make investment decisions based on the information act as self-deciders and thus at their own responsibility and risk. Liability is therefore excluded. All informations without guarantee. Past performance is not an indicator of future results.


#NEWS #actual #target_price ##profit ##loss #NETFLIX_INC ##NETFLIX_INC #@NETFLIX_INC #WKN_552484 #ISIN_US64110L1061 #USD #Ticker_NFLX.US #stock_exchange_NASDAQ #aktienplausch ##aktienplausch #@aktienplausch ##netflix #@netflix ##Analyst #Analyst_JPMorgan #U.S._bank_JPMorgan #U.S._bank #USA #JPMorgan ##JPMorgan #US-Investmentbank #US-Investmentbank_JPMorgan #@JPMorgan #investment_banking #J.P. Morgan #Brokerage #Asset_Management #financial_services #Wealth_Management #Private_Banking #M&A
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