Giving Older Characters Updated Versions | Genshin Impact

Giving Older Characters Updated Versions | Genshin Impact

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@goldhm1394 - 22.02.2025 08:01

Noo just give them buffs

@LazyGibbon - 22.02.2025 11:42

What genshin needs is dudes, buff dudes, ripped dudes idc, anything to have more than 1 dude per year

@supremifyna2622 - 22.02.2025 12:50

why does every single one of bros videos seem like a homework assignment

@Nusa9376 - 22.02.2025 14:52

Bro forgot General Alatus gain attack with a cost of his HP 😭

@mozzy2968 - 22.02.2025 15:46

Knight Noelle could be a bond of life character. She could store damage she and her party takes as bond of life, and maybe generate it as she attacks, and the more bond of life she has the less damage she does, so you need to heal her to cleanse the bond of life to max out her damage. Then maybe with Gorou and an off field geo dps like Albedo or Chiori you could have a team where Sigewinne could be strong option. 2 birds with one stone.

@Melllie - 22.02.2025 17:52

Kaeya has a pretty interesting reputation in the lore, that being said he would be the perfect character for an Blows kiss AOE ult with super high damage!

@senpaireads9086 - 22.02.2025 20:04

10000% here for an updated Kaeya 🙏 I've been an updated-Kaeya-truther for ages

@nunobatista5822 - 22.02.2025 21:15

So basically Noelle would activate a state where she would go ALL OUT getting a massive boost in power but getting tired or weaker the more she used it. A nice concept the only problem i see would be too keep that balanced, how much stronger she would get? For how much time? And how weak or tired would she get? Would that reset in battle or you would have to leave?
Or its just a regular temporary power boost that lasts a few seconds and then she returns to normal?
Or a complete new version of her that is just a stronger or more support focused unit?

@kasvinimuniandy4178 - 22.02.2025 22:19

le me as an Albedo and Noelle main.

@ArgosThePeacock - 23.02.2025 00:28

I have a speculation that if Noelle gets a 5-star version, she'd use an anemo delusion creating a new reaction called "Artificial Swirl", being able to "swirl" Geo and Dendro

@scarletkurono2814 - 23.02.2025 02:32

Wow I hope Hoyo watches this such great ideas for future improvements.

@alvarorubio1993 - 23.02.2025 03:50

Please make new Child actually throw his walle, from the begining I pulled him along with Diluc because it felt like playing with a PowerRanger

@cdonovan4471 - 23.02.2025 04:11

For Albedo, I think he has the highest chance of this actually happening. We know from the artifact sets in 5.5 that Skirk is most likely going to have an alternate energy mechanic that Mavuika was the guinea pig for, and since Nod-Krai is teased to have people that can weild power outside the elements, this feels like a golden opportunity to create an Albedo alt if we ever get an event where he unlocks this power or if this power is anything similar to Khemia at all. Plus, Nod-Krai is theorized to be right above Mondstadt and if Albedo ever gets time in the spotlight of the archon quests again, then that would be a great opportunity to maybe give him a new form that uses this alternate mechanic and potentially turn him into a support for Skirk since if she's usable with Xilonen, they could give geo resonance as well which is broken.

@Zahri8Alang - 23.02.2025 05:19


@Roseoaxillaris - 23.02.2025 07:09

Diluc with the delusion from the manga would be a dream come true.

@pytle - 23.02.2025 07:28

I want Noelle's shield to interact with Geo constructs!

@kirahibiki5070 - 23.02.2025 07:30

And that is why FEH is failing. It was great, but the devs are moneybags.

@RedXlV - 23.02.2025 08:01

I don't think grown-up Klee is in the cards, because that would be like 100 years in the future.

@VrtielA6300 - 23.02.2025 09:26

Keqing still needs more powers for atoning her own banners; 1.3 and Chronicled Wish 5.3

@crazyanimeguycag8953 - 23.02.2025 12:12

Fun fact Kaeya was accually meta not so long ago

Okay hear me out am not talking about some hyperfridge/freeze melt with rosaria etc
Specifically am talking forward melt with arlecchino and only at c6. In team of arlecchino c6kaeya kazucha bennet. In this team you have all standard arlecchino supports but you swap out hydro option like furina yelan xingqiu (which are concidered her best teams) for Kaeya. Why Kaeya and why only at c6?
That’s because arlecchino has standard icd and vapes/melts every 3th hit and c6kaeya was the only character in the game who can enable concistant cryo application ( now there is Citlali so he’s not the only one) so the vape hits simply became melts instead.Melt has higher multiplayers of 2.0 instead of vape 1.5. And if you want to argue kaeya can’t possibly be good of field dps think about what makes xingling great, it’s her no icd so she can do her job with reactions and she snapshots. Guess what?
In this team Kaeya is also adding support by enabling reactions and also snapshots. bennet and kazucha is there to buff arlecchino but kaeya as well. And his personal dmg is better then most would imagine on emblem set and with c6 which also buffs his dmg from c0 up to 88 % ,also kaeya burst is aoe not like xingqiu or yelan and his c2 can extend his uptime (depending on number of enemies it can be base duration or up to infinite uptime), while as well following your active character.
And that’s not all!
Arlecchino is very front loaded with her bond of life mechanic meaning the more dmg you deal at the start of rotation the better. Melt takes advantage of that alowing her to do more dmg quickly and alowes her to end rotation early giving her more bond of life for second rotation.
Now obviously there are some disadvantages like in every team for example if you use kazucha burst you want to infuse cryo which is not hard but can be inconsistent due to for example getting hit with elemental dmg on kazucha or difficulty to swirl pyro on second wave after dealing with first without messing up cryo application, but other then that I believe what’s the most important factor of no one playing this team is just simply the % of people having c6kaeya or trying to get it in starglitter shop, maybe also the fact that hes a starter character.
So in short he can still support one of if not the best team in the game but nobody talks about it/knows about it, and he got powercrept in that role by Citlali tho before her he was the only one who could do it.

@noobcyclist1017 - 23.02.2025 15:47

This channel is really a coping channel.

@kuricosmos - 23.02.2025 20:15

Editor coming in clutch at the end there~! Misinformation aside (double so since Monstadt is getting another new unit soon), I'd love to see some 4 stars evolve into 5 stars via alternate versions and such.

@catman1802 - 23.02.2025 20:49

i dont really think updating characters would be a good idea (coming from a guy who has and built albeado) i feel like it would really make the power creep go crazy also it would suck if u pulled for a character then that same character gets a new and better form

@YuaHaruna - 24.02.2025 03:39

hahaha Kaeya is mad that he's a 4 star! haha also...i have a headcanon that his eye patch is a spycam haha

@Zaturn_ - 24.02.2025 04:28

Inb4 Skirk video.

@neme2877 - 24.02.2025 14:39

Your updated versions ideas is garbage, stfu, you nerd.

@Heyheyhey0475 - 24.02.2025 17:40

Aw yeah yaoi gacha

@konokai1176 - 24.02.2025 18:57

Ningguang dies next latern festival and gets resurrected by zhongli he goes like “tendo banzhou” boom five star ningguang she does a gilgemesh and summons hella geo weapons “another epic victory they win” the end

@YukiTheOkami - 24.02.2025 19:20

I rsther had them updated for free for example fixing tstsrhlias multiplyers cooldown maybe even energy needs and giving him a plunge when in stands would make him more competitive with charachters like neuvilett agsin

They aimply should quetly update the 5 stsrs for exsmoke making venties vortey pull in slightly larger enemies and buffing his frsgility a little bit away

For yean mske her burst radius a bit bigger and give her less cooldown on her e
Kequing needs better multiplers she doesnt need to be on the same level as chlorind but make her second best in compareisson msybe?
For albedonthe fix is easy mske his flower undestroysble sonit only disapears with time and bring back his signature weapon as maybe a fishing weapon

I feel like it would be unjust tonlet people spend money for charschters they basicly already hsve
For hu tao also easy give her imunity to death from burn demage and chsnge the constelation thst was doing this to something else

For thoma and other polarm 4 stsr shielders make a sacrefitisl poll arm thst only can be held by 4 stars simply to get the stacks up
I ubderstsnd if a 5 stsr could hold this weapon it be broken lmao

@joshuawilliams4741 - 24.02.2025 22:56

Man, these are some great ideas. I hope Wuthering Waves implements them.

@caphius6095 - 25.02.2025 00:12

I'd love to see a Lisa unit get 'The Herta' Treatment. Where she starts to take things seriously instead of joking around and becomes very powerful!

@ETPangilinan1 - 25.02.2025 14:37

If they want to edit their characters, either they make an event where some characters get promoted or changed, or make hang out events that are not easy to complete but if you do, earns them some kind of change to their vision, making it stronger or new abilities.

They can make it permanent or the ability to switch between abilities.

@5brags455 - 25.02.2025 18:18

Or idk, do like some other gachas do and buff their old characters.

Really wouldn't hurt Hoyo since ppl will buy anything they shit out

@unapersonav1522 - 25.02.2025 21:33

Venti not being the first choice should be illegall

@ProxyDoug - 26.02.2025 20:44

Beidou is the same case as Ningguang, as well as Wanderer being a similar case to Childe. It's kind of a shame we had that model of Scaramouche for so long, only for him to change when becoming playable.

@SELESTIAL_0033 - 26.02.2025 22:40

Ayato Surely Needs A Passive Like Dude Doesn't Even Have A Passive.

@komi-samabeliever7319 - 27.02.2025 10:21

I don't like current Childe, he is among the bottom of my priority list. But if they ever release 5* Foul Legacy version, then easily he'll come on top of the very same list.

That form still the most badass entity even to this day.

@kazuu_44 - 27.02.2025 10:29

honestly, albedo being a dps (or even just a better sub dps) would make sense with the destroyer form

@gabriel23230 - 27.02.2025 18:56

I am a sucker for 5 star Beidou… She has an underling as a T5, one of the best rated of all time, while also being just as Kayea, a cohesive kit already that just lacks the numbers to keep up with modern days genshin. TBF i feel like they could also adress her limitation of 2 enemies, somehow, for it not to cripple her as badly if not.

@harrywijanarkosetyawan2270 - 28.02.2025 06:54

My noelle furina team hits hard even with er sand and whiteblind, imagine she is 5* is diabolical

@rusope1050 - 28.02.2025 16:10

thinking about it, from a lore point, ningguang would make more sense being a 5star than ganyu or shenhe
and now that you and commenters mentioned it, i want 5star versions of all 3 starter characters :D

@isomizumi7074 - 01.03.2025 00:13

no one mentioned venti... there's so many things wrong with him and by far he's the most irrelevant archon in the meta he is crowned as the king of cc but let's be real would you use kazuha or venti in cc content? i would love if they made him a swirl support or an anemo dps or just make him be the best cc ( longest easiest and strongest crowd control maybe he would cc elite enemies like ruin guards ) and even if his cc doesn't work have him give buff's like em or something unique

@Cupid0de3znuts - 01.03.2025 17:53

HELLO!! As someone who’s mained Kaeya ever since i got him and goes crazy for every detail of his backstory, I feel like saying that he might become a self sufficient 5* isn’t all that crazy! Hopefully this around endgame where he becomes a 5* and gets a more important role!!

@kitty.fish09 - 01.03.2025 19:11

I think a berserker mode albedo would be really cool, especially if he got more draconic elements in his design! I could see him either staying as geo or even being cryo or pyro

It could be released if the whole destroying mondstadt thing ever comes into fruition and stuff ,,, Albedo

@mothinman6313 - 01.03.2025 21:54

I would shill out for foul legacy Childe so damn quickly it’s not even funny.

@jikkixi - 02.03.2025 00:13

i only just discovered ur channel but u earned a sub man! i watched your take on why mondstadt doesnt receive updates, and why the modern designs are kinda off. your analyses r spot on!

@SeijiTekakishimo - 02.03.2025 16:17

Noelle = no L best girl
