ОтветитьAnybody know how to fall asleep after taking it
ОтветитьAnd it’s also a fire song 😉
ОтветитьMDMA is so cool till you remember how bad the comedown is. At its best you can’t sleep for a day and have to wait weeks/months to do it again. At its worst you have insomnia and or depression and now you gotta deal with that for a long while if not for life.
Ответить1 for the money
2 for the better green
3-4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine
I just had the worst comedown of my life off ts.🤦
Ответитьguyz ...i think im having my self back in day3 after taking mdma ...please tell me
thats gonna last forever
Is it good to take before work chat ?
ОтветитьIve done MDMA a few times but magic mushrooms are the safest "recreational" drug to take and those who take them are the most sensible and well prepared.
ОтветитьThe info about rats on mdma is wrong... they have done the studies also on chimps before the drug was illegal they stated it destroyed brain cells, but later confessed they had used methamphetamine and not actual mdma... look up your sources people
ОтветитьLowk like acid without the trip crossed with meth without the bullshit 😂
ОтветитьI've had it twice at 2 concerts/raves in the past month. Absolutely amazing experience, i just want to hug, cuddle and hold everyone, all my senses are hightened, the lights, the music and touch just feels so amazing and EUPHORIC.
ОтветитьI just got an ecstasy pill (blue punisher) I'm wondering should I take half the pill or the full 1...also where is the right setting to take it
ОтветитьOh mannn, Molly Molly Molly, I have tried it so many times that I cannot even keep count. First time was at a Rave,it was truly one of the most happiest magical experiences of my life. However,be mindful how much you do. I got very out of control started doing it way too much to the point I was having horrible comedowns. F**ked up my mental health a bit for sometime. I’ve only had 1 perfectly good comedown from using mdma. A comedown with no headache which is rare,I literally felt just tired but other than that I felt as if the drug cleansed and renewed me in such a beautiful way. You will have the best time of your life with mdma,just don’t do it every weekend like I have. Once every 1-3 months is ok. The drug can really fry your brain and mess up your life if you abuse it. It hasn’t messed up my life but my serotonin in my brain was f***ked for weeks. And I got depressed for awhile. Despite the horrible comedowns (the comedowns worst part for me is the feeling depressed part) it’s a fun drug but use with caution as it’s a hardcore drug. You will be talking on it like you’ve never talked before,dancing like a pro,you will feel love on it like you’ve never loved before. When you listen to music it feels like the song is f***king you. It feels so good. Physical touch will feel out of this world. Everything will look f**king fabulous to you. Even a compliment from someone will hit you so good compared to being complimented sober deadass 😂 You definitely crave the high so much that it makes you want to do it again & again which is the issue with mdma. It’s definitely my favorite and my crazy a* has candy flipped it with LSD here and there. I haven’t had any issues mixing it with LSD but just don’t mix mdma with stimulants. That’s dangerous. It was fun mixing it with LSD. It takes the brain some time to readjust from mdma so that’s why like I said try every 1-3 months not every weekend. That’s how I learned my lesson.
ОтветитьHow about brain damage?
ОтветитьHow can i get mdma in Mumbai?
Watchin this with E
It’s honestly the best high I have ever had!!! I cannot explain how amazing it feels and how sensual it feels to be touched and to touch. It’s breathtaking! Otherworldly !
ОтветитьThis comment section is filled with junkies ,😛😭😭😭
ОтветитьLove to see all the positive comments here and absolutely agree in the positive potential of MDMA in the treatment of all sorts of mental health problems, but from experience you should be careful about its use and overuse. It heightens emotions and makes you more open and vulnerable, which can be incredible but can also be traumatic. I was overusing MDMA when a close relative died and it sent me into a deep depression. When you roll, make sure you protect yourself in the week after. And use once every 3 months or more to get the most out of it. MDMA is a portal to the pure joy our brains are capable of, but it's not a substitute for real self-acceptance and loss of inhibitions. But it can show you what is possible
ОтветитьMost people are generally inhibited/shy and use mdma of course, to get them over that barrier. But the problem is relying on mdma to sort of be your "wingman" for every social occasion instead of learning how to do it on your own. You end up with poor boundaries and unrealistic expectations.
ОтветитьDid md yesterday. The feeling was never what I ever experienced before. Truly freeing and I had love inside of me, true love. But the effects ruined my experience when I talked with a stranger and told her my whole life story.
ОтветитьTried mdma for the first time today with my brother and a friend, nothing can quite compare to how amazing it felt.
ОтветитьPlease if you are seeing this do not take this mdma it's not good for you even if you are planning on doing it once for a managable amount. You don't need some crystal to feel happy you can get happiness by going out spending time with others rather than risking it on a drug like this you may end up wanting more of it you may become addicted to it its harmful and please dont take this comment section seriously
ОтветитьEveryone Ik who does that ends up for the better liteflake got the thc, ket addys and more
ОтветитьYou can order it from liteflake easily much cheaper than this and same quality.
ОтветитьYou can get it from liteflake easily. They're an online plug. Gets to you through USPS it's like ordering clothes but its yayo.
ОтветитьPlease do a video on liteflake their coke is top tier you said you were going to do one last month but never did it.
ОтветитьI used to shop online for it at liteflake lmao
Ответитьor..just get it online lmao from Liteflake
ОтветитьIn my opinion, ecstasy is good to make you realise that the negative emotions you felt before dont matter as much as you thought it did, which is can be good, but my favourite is lsd where it really delves deep in your mind as to why you were feeling like that. Ecstasy is the best drug ive ever felt, but acid is my favorite because of how profound it is.
ОтветитьIs 20 bad. Ik it’s odviously bad but I mean as in within 12 hours I took 18-20ish I don’t think it was MOLLY but ecstacy and I don’t think I would have been able to take more than 1 or 2 reaaaal mdma pills. Can someone tell me if I was just taking weak stuff or am I physically gonna pay for it later
ОтветитьI never took mdma other than if i went raving or anywhere that has loud music and lights. Amazing feeling ever id must say but take it responsibly. Never OD and always stay hydrated. Note tho its possible you can blackout taking it so you wont remember anything while on it (from what ive witness with my cousins and siblings) luckily ive never blacked out before.
ОтветитьI wish you went more into detail about the brain damage….
ОтветитьI just ate some Molly and everyone needs to just chill and be kind🫶🏽
Ответитьi had 2 pills an are wtching this now
Ответить3-8 hours is sad bro try 2 dayz
ОтветитьTonight will considerably be my first time taking recreationally, it’s very important to research 🧐
ОтветитьI used it to get over my traumas, and it helped me really to break trough it. The downside was I was taking it to regularly and developed some kind of addiction wich held me down in a devilscircle. however ismall amounts of it in combination with cannabis taught me how to get rid of my anxieties, limitations self harming thoughts and helped me to quit alcohol and made me much more sensitive to my feelings and needs. Although it was a very painful process it freed me in the end. Warning that is just my personal experience and I don't want to encourage people to do the same without a specialized therapist. I think I only came through it alone because of my psychological knowledge and resilience. I really think it would have been much easier for me with the guidance of a quallified therapist. anyway just wanted to share my personal experiences with you. Much love to you who is reading this <3
ОтветитьSay no to drugs... Wake up to reality ❌🔥
ОтветитьMDMA, when used responsibly, might be one of the most incredible experiences a person can have. It's just amazing.
ОтветитьFkn loved it lol😅
ОтветитьThe best drug ever, thanks Alexander Shulgin
ОтветитьPsychedelics can really make a difference in dealing with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. For me, they've been extremely beneficial.
ОтветитьFor 23 years i lived like in hell, no emotions, no friends, no relationships. and then i tried MDMA. it literally saved me from suicide and gave me a life i never had. Just 1 pill resurrected my soul and brain and it's just unbelievable.
Ответить" I'm an alien off that molly, I see stars I see space"
ОтветитьI did it with a really important person in my life yesterday. That's when I realized I wanna marry her. She is the thing I wanted all my life I was just too blinded by my own issues I couldn't see the greatness in front of me.