Roth 401k VS. Traditional 401(k): Which Is Best For Retirement Planning?

Roth 401k VS. Traditional 401(k): Which Is Best For Retirement Planning?

Jazz Wealth Managers

10 месяцев назад

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@Jazzwealth - 02.02.2024 21:33

Thanks for watching!! What'd you guys think of this topic and how it was covered? Do you like when we go through NestEgg? Have a topic you'd like to see us get geeky with? Let us know in the comments!

@johngill2853 - 28.02.2024 21:29

The biggest factor in my decision is the fact if my plan falls short the traditional is better and if my plan is met more Roth would be better.
I'd rather have more money in worse case scenario than worry about a little more taxes in Best case scenario.

I'm hoping I regret not doing more Roth

@ivytibbitts5429 - 15.02.2024 18:57

Thank you! Great video

@stnwhitehurst - 14.02.2024 03:23

I’ve been watching you guys for the last 3 1/2 years. I am so ready.

@thepreston1021 - 05.02.2024 21:56

High Earner, I max 401k Pre-Tax and After Tax (with an in plan conversion). I do a spousal backdoor Roth for my non-working wife, could I also do a BackDoor Roth for me as well? 20 years or so until retirement

@kdt522 - 04.02.2024 09:47

Great info and video, thank you! And while we know you can't give direct advice, I did want to share that unfortunately these are "easy" and great ways to put money away, we need to make our money make money. If you can, make investments such as a rental home, etc. Won't go into the reasons nor argue with anyone but our 401k or Roth IRAs will not sustain our retirement, especially those who had kids later in life or the simple cost of living now.

@danieltik - 03.02.2024 07:20

I need to see some investment planning that factors a combined strategy of securities and real estate. I'm attempting to max both Roth 401k and Roth IRA and also buy a new piece of real estate every 2 years for ten years. The goal is to end up with a $3m net worth. Help!!!

@CapAnson12345 - 03.02.2024 05:23

There are three reasons I think Roths are superior in most situations.

1. You're done with taxes. With one small exception. Yes you have to pay the taxes upfront but once you do you never have to worry again.

2. You can withdraw your contributions without tax or penalty any time. Not that you would want to, but if you HAVE to you can.

3. No time limit/RMD. Plan on living to 200? Your Roth will just sit there compounding for over 100 years until you own all the things.

@JJBrooks13 - 03.02.2024 03:51

When I retire I will take an income of $117,000 - with the standard deduction it is a federal tax of 13k, or 11%. I'm currently in a 24% marginal tax rate. Add to that I will retire in a zero % state compared to 7% now. So 31% now or 11% later, not even close.

@martinguldnerAutisticSwanGuru - 03.02.2024 02:39

I am in the 12% US federal tax bracket. My retirement contributions are 100% Roth IRA/Roth 401k . I expect tax rates to be higher in the future and my Roth account distributions are not counted in taxation of Social Security benefits.

@jasoni3519 - 03.02.2024 01:16

Have you ever seen or would it even make sense that a client went part time at 60 made withdrawals from traditional ira to subsidize living while contributing to there Roth 401k for 5-7 years or so ?

@CalmerThanYouAre1 - 02.02.2024 22:59

Also have to consider the X factor of some ungodly tax rate in the future due to our government basically bankrupting our country. Stuffing Roth accounts now is the best defense we have against that.

They’re even talking about taxing unrealized gains and doing away with 1031 exchanges! Wouldn’t be surprised to see a refresh of the Boston Tea Party before it’s all said and done!

@ericjohnson3715 - 02.02.2024 22:18

Can't you do both: Roth and Pre-Tax?

@brucesmith6868 - 02.02.2024 21:52

Thanks Dustin and Eric

@KyleKuyat - 02.02.2024 21:12

Love it, great breakdown guys! There are so many "it depends" factors when it comes to making any financial decision, especially this one.
