미나엄마가 꼭 걸을수있기을 기원합니다 작은 부인을 어드면 불행합니다 기다리세요 전설은 회복될수있습니다 기다리세요
ОтветитьПереведи на руски
ОтветитьTŕadu an romană❤😢😢
ОтветитьЖаль что все ВИДЕО В ПЕРЕМЕШКУ
Ответить아르만이 너무 착하고 일도 잘돕는다 최고야
ОтветитьPoor Afsana she looks sad and depressed
ОтветитьJsanget senang sya menonton nya..sehat semua ya istri cantik baik..bebby imut cantik keluarga dari BPK baik semua..❤❤❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьJésus prends soin de ton père qui fait touts pour toi que le dieux veillent sur toi inchalah ❤
ОтветитьJésus ta un père il coûte de lore il et très serviable à sont fils Jésus très bien
ОтветитьBonjour touts le monde comment vous allez bien et le grand père il vas bien les enfants il elle vont bien et mina elle vas bien et Jésus il vas bien je vous passe le grand bonjour à vous tous et profiter de la nature bisous à bientôt
ОтветитьA segunda esposa não é normal. Se ela ficar com a Lenda, vai mata-la!!!!
ОтветитьSeñor Operador por favor compre le zapatos al niño, no le quedan con los que camina. Gracias Bendiciones
Ответитьjezis jemoc hodnej nasvoji zenu
ОтветитьSeñor operador dígale Afrain que raído se dio povencido y si lo ama Zulfa
Ответитьافسانه انتي رجلج مكسوره مو ايدج ارمان فتى جيد🇮🇶🇮🇶👍👍🤲🤲😏🌹🌹🌹
ОтветитьArman is a very good boy, so helpful and protect the family..
ОтветитьI'm glad they are getting out of that dust bowl, they can't stay clean cause of all the dirt! Being back in the village will be better for Mina also! Plus you will be a lot more comfortable!
ОтветитьАрман кимден торолгон энеси ким Алинин баласыбы
ОтветитьКим котормону тантырап которуп атат жон эле койчу которбой эчнерсеге тушунбойсун ушул кантип котормо болсун тура эмеы мунун андан коро которбой эле койчу
ОтветитьHow many weeks is that bandage on? Doesnt make sense.
ОтветитьAli has no tent, no bed, no clothes, no food, no pots and pans. Nothing. Hello Crazy wife #1.
ОтветитьShe is wearing the same blue dress since the accident, hospitalization, Fatima's house and keeps it in the dirt. Her head bandage looks very clean for never being changed and why would it be on for this long? Broken hips.Not possible, she would be screaming in pain, swollen and bruised if anything broke. A story.
Ответитьsenhor Ali vai ficar sozinho ai toma cuidado com jamo ela pode tentar alguma coisa contra sua vida ate mesmo sequestrar sai deste lugar ou vai para cidade e fique .lá
ОтветитьI can't believe that Afsana can't even help by holding her daughter or even making tea she can ask Arman to move the wheelchair and prepare tea,cause from her waist up she can do things, but she became a mummy and she doesn't even try to move at least a tiny little her legs, she depends on Jesus and Ali, common Legend put some effort by yourself, you have become so dependable, your hands are good, you can do small things, UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Ответитьوالله حرام اسطور فوق ماهي تعبان ومريظه زوجها تزوج عليها وليش يزوج زوجة أخوى شنو هذا كل لعب أصلان حرام أخوى موجود مطلقها حتى مانشوف فيهم واحد اصلي شلون صلاء وهم في هذاي لوساخه مايجوز ❤
Ответитьلا حوله ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم شنو هذا عذاب هذول من صجهم ولا تمثيل هذا تمثيل كله 😢
ОтветитьDeus abençoe vocês sempre ❤❤❤
Ответить::?:Donde esta el perrito que hace tiempo que no lo veo :¿¡
Ответитьوالله اثار البدو في مشقة طيب ليه المشقة هذي استقرو في بيوتكم احسن لكم من التعب هذا كله والبهذله وإللي يحزني الاطفال حرام تبهذلوهم كذا
ОтветитьWhat’s under the dress? We nave saw any cast. Is her leg even broken?
ОтветитьThose kids needs care. Good shower and change of clothes. They slept and breathe in all that dust. Very unhealthy for their small lungs.
ОтветитьA lot of people are saying that Afsana doesn’t even help by holding her daughter. What do you guys expect? She’s always been very stupid. All these is fake people! Just go back to the video where she supposedly fell, and look around the video closely, the wood they were picking was at the bottom of the mountain , there is nothing at the top of that mountain! if anybody falls from there, they would die for sure.
Ответить❤❤ Ya Hussain as ❤❤
ОтветитьAfsana doesn't even try to hold her daughter Mina.
ОтветитьAfsana can hold her daughter while everyone is helping pack up the truck. Afsana has to do something for herself instead starring into the distance. Mina is very spoil and crystal for everything she can get her hands on.
ОтветитьGood night sweet family 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌺
Ответитьاحنا المشهيدين لان قبل نتزوج نحن نحب كثيرا الناس سوفة تجلب. المشاكل اليك ولزوتك😢😮
ОтветитьI want Isa to get married again. Afsana is no use to him now. And mina is a spoiled rotten brat who needs to go stay with somebody else or something. Nobody has the time to deal with Mina. All she wants to do is cry, scream, & want Isa. Everybody is trying to get there life back on track. Once they do all that then go get mina back. I don't care if they never get her back, I'm so tired of seeing her. I hope Isa & the new wife will have a baby bc she knows how to raise children. Afsana & Isa do not know how to handle there child. Somebody who doesn't have any kids Can adopt mina. That will be better bc Mina needs a lot of discipline & straighting out due to her parents ruining her by giving her way on everything. Shame, Shame, Shame!! But seriously I'm fixing to stop watching these videos of which I've watched for almost 2 years. This channel has to much drama all the time. I'm just over the nonsense & I'm over Afsana, Mina, & Isa. There all losers in my opinion!! This is all fake & scripted anyway but mina mainly has to go!! Put Afsana in the hospital till she can do something. Then Isa can concentrate on working & taking care of hisself!!
ОтветитьSo what do they do to the hole in the ground they used for a toilet? 🤥🤥
ОтветитьMr Ali it is sad but forget it find Zaynep move on she staying with husband 😞
ОтветитьЗайнаб вывели из сериала, это понятно, что она Али не жена, а сноха, и похоже ждёт 2 ребенка
ОтветитьЗайнаб не жена али, а его невестка муж который ее украл на самом деле сын али.все вранье.
ОтветитьWhat are you all insane? Is r Ali staying there in the middle of nowhere? Inelegant never understand you people. Good luck mr . Ali . I hope a coyote or some wild animal doesn’t come and drag you away .. are you going to sleep up in that tree like a monkey? 😂🤔😳🐒🐒??🥴🤣
ОтветитьEsse lugar não trouxe, coisas boas não! 😢😢😢. Ali tá triste por causa de zenaibe. Mas ela sabe pra onde eles vão. Ali vai dormir , hoje com jamu?😅😅😅😅😅.
ОтветитьAfsana can hold Mina whilst Isa is helping his father, her arms are not broken, please mother
Ответитьكم هم طيبون هؤلاء لاولاد ويحبون عيسى ❤❤❤❤ولاكن افسانا ليست سعيدة بالعودة إلى البيت❤مسكينة انا حزين عليها❤❤