Andy got it right, the fact that human life is sacred, and atheists as well recognize this.
Sacred common ground. 😊
Not sure these guys got anywhere.
ОтветитьIf not in speech, but in everyday practice, the idea that Evolution is the God who will not, and must not at all cost be named and its followers are thoses who worship at the alters of Atheism and humanism.
ОтветитьDang, Andy completely tore down the other guys arguments and instead of getting to those refutes, he resorted to those "why?" questions that a lot of us get when we have that emotional barrier between us and God's ways that usually gets torn down when we approach them intellectually rather than emotionally. I can see that these emotional arguments against God's ways are disguised as intellectual, but they're emotional at it's core. "why did God wait so long for redemption?" Etc etc, humans can be so arrogant to think that they can devise a better plan for finite beings than an infinite being..
ОтветитьWow that was absolutely amazing! Andy did an amazing job breaking down the atheist and humanist claims about human rights and the opposing debater had nothing to stand on. Justin B also did an amazing job contributing and steering the conversation! I cannot wait to watch the QnA and hope that you guys at Unbelievable continue to put quality discussions like this online! God bless you guys
ОтветитьLove the last question, always boils down to objective truth
ОтветитьAndy B really thinks he's funny,his beliefs are.he glosses over how generation after generation
lived and died before Christ, without any disadvantage,(if they were to be disadvantaged it would be also unjust,)
but we ,if we don't ,or more likely find it impossible to believe the Jesus, bibical stories, (written by other humans btw) are worse off (damnation for eternity) then those past generations,(for whom it was impossible to believe or not )
how does he and other Christians find that either logical or just?
And that is leaving aside the logic of a god ''dying'' for OUR sins which has been questioned a lot by people who don't accept incredible things as fact just because they are written in a book,
I know expecting logical answers from religious is a bit ambitious
Ответить"end of serfdom" 😅.
What about these guys 🔺️👁? Secularism is the most destructive force on planet Earth. Secularistic corruption is the cause of wickedness among "popes". Scripturally, popes are not allowed: "call no man on Earth your father, for one is your Father in Heaven" -Jesus Christ. From a Christian perspective Rome (the "Catholic church") are not a Christian institution but a secular one. The protestant reformation is Christianity declaring Rome unChristian.
God sent His Son by His timetable and not man's. Ask God when you stand before Him....
Ответитьsufficient are
ОтветитьLove this debate. The respect each person has for each other as persons and their different views in so much better than many other debates I've seen.
ОтветитьAndy is good ! Justin is so eloquent but unfortunately his own position doesn't give him much to stand on.
Ответитьslavery was not okay because your 'everybody' did not include the slaves, the questions are tough and they need to ANSWER the question, but the answers are uncomfortable so they don't answer it.
ОтветитьWhat hope did any of the accused in the Nuremburg trials have when your enemy and victor has you on trial?
ОтветитьChristian worldview: feet planted firmly on The Rock, Jesus Christ, and we have OBJECTIVE value, worth, meaning and hope.
Atheistic worldview: feet planted firmly in the air, waving around aimlessly, and we have NO OBJECTIVE value, worth, meaning and hope.
Justin Trottier is everything Jordan Peterson wish Jordan Peterson was.