A story of bloody rags to even bloodier riches. "Achilles", "Action", "Ambiment", "Ambush", "An Upsetting Theme", "Asian Drums", "Autumn Day", "Black Vortex", "Call to Adventure", "Crusade", "Desert City", "Dreamlike", "Drums of the Deep", "Enigma", "Five Armies", "For Originz", "Hall of the Mountain King", "Healing", "Journey To Ascend", "Luminous Rain", "Machinations", "Mirage", "Mourning Song", "Night Vigil", "Odyssey", "Overture", "Passing Action", "Realizer", "Revival", "Rising Tide", "Rite of Passage", "Ritual", "Silent Night", "Sunshine", "The North", "The Pyre", "The Sky of our Ancestors", "Thunderbird", "Unholy Knight", "Vanishing", "Vortex"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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