Cutting Cattleya Sheaths - the pros and cons

Cutting Cattleya Sheaths - the pros and cons

Gardening at Douentza

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@PictureMaria1 - 24.06.2015 03:15

VERY INTERESTING!!!! That is one hard sheath! ...and what a huge and beautiful Cattleya!

@andyfx7.929 - 24.06.2015 03:15

easy to take your eye off the ball, when you have so many floral distractions! :-).

@orchidsplz24 - 24.06.2015 03:37

amazing cat! i thought it was a laelia but it has probably been changed several times. How tall do they have to be before they flower?

@KrookedOrchids - 24.06.2015 04:50

Great video ♡ crazy its just coming into flower now from a start in October!

@meadowfrance - 24.06.2015 05:25

I've had trouble with two cattleya's buds getting stuck (at least I thought they were stuck) in the sheath and after I opened the sheath the buds died on both plants. :(

@desertplantsofavalon - 24.06.2015 08:37

Such a BEAUTIFUL large Cattleya :-) and beautiful blooms, well done on saving the buds, I am learning loads about Orchids from your amazing vids Rachel, and WOWSERS at the beautiful purple blooms on the Dactylorhiza, so so beautiful:-) Thanks so much for sharing the beauty and have a fab sun filled day ahead today XXXXX <3

@andreasoilander5407 - 24.06.2015 09:37

Beautiful, enormous cattleya! Thanks for making this video. I got curious when I saw in another video that you cut the sheaths, and I meant to ask what is the right moment to do it, and this answered my question. My cattleya tenebrosa is in sheath and the buds are very small inside. Last year I didn't cut it and it didn't have a problem. If necessary I will cut it. I have orchids hanging above it, so it was good to hear your warning about the possibility of dripping sap and its dangers.

@growingthings6232 - 24.06.2015 13:47

That's a beauty Rachel what a monster!!!

@PlantzNThings - 24.06.2015 13:49

That's a great tip!

@AntoniaOrchids - 24.06.2015 15:53

Gorgeous! thanks for the knowledge and for showing us THAT Cattleya... Wow!!

@rkatika9 - 25.06.2015 13:10

Excellent idea, I don't think I've heard of this before. Your plant is beautiful Rachel!

@MissOrchidGirl - 25.06.2015 15:00

oooooh that is one gorgeous girl, I am stunned! thanks for the tips on the sheaths, I saw you cut them on Roebling as well :)

@johnbenedictorchids5207 - 26.06.2015 02:10

Rachel, are you sure you're in Ireland...? :) Your beautiful garden and its environs resemble Southern California. Simply beautiful; as are the blooms on your Cattleya. Thanks for sharing with us... :)

@ayab724 - 27.06.2015 19:35

i love the red flower behind have the name?Tks.

@SHARONSHORTOrchidsandGarden - 30.06.2015 01:34

What a beautiful catt. It reflects it's owner. Thanks for sharing.

@SHARONSHORTOrchidsandGarden - 30.06.2015 01:38


@annaisgrowing - 01.07.2015 23:57

great video!

@downunderorchids4853 - 02.07.2015 16:02

I just love love love your cattleya... she's a beauty..thank's for sharing

@naturalPianoadastra - 21.07.2015 20:49

Really a wonderfull blooming!!!
I have a Laelia purpurata too but this year it did not bloom :/

@deanirving9104 - 26.08.2015 02:20

do you know where i can get a good sized Cattleya purpurata?

@CockatooG2 - 07.09.2015 22:27

Good topic, thanks for sharing your knowledge!

@suzankarahasanoglu9373 - 17.11.2015 23:12

Our orchid fertilizer on how much time you give magnificent wonder😊

@sayjae40 - 11.01.2016 16:12

Very helpful to know good new things about sheaths will try doing this on my chi Lin new city cattelya

@sayjae40 - 11.01.2016 16:12

thank u

@heidicrespin8240 - 19.01.2016 08:26

How fantastic I love it

@quesofreshcoh - 03.02.2016 05:55

Gorgeous plant, the flowers are marvelous, and I do want to ask you if you have tried putting a plastic baggie or something of that sort to protect the sheath after you cut it, I will try this with my cattleya if it produces a sheath this time (last time it did not but the previous time it did) so I think it could be a fun little experiment, any thoughts?

@annathornburn4716 - 09.02.2016 11:32

I don't think I fully appreciated how huge that plant is!! The Christmas video of it in the house is misleading to its actual size! It looks splendid though, amazing growing :-)

@marksletters - 23.06.2016 11:57

Thank you ! A lovely video !!

@adiposerex5150 - 22.08.2016 14:56

The semi-alba catts are my passion. Yours is lovely. I have CG Robling, and LC Hakucho plus an intermedia hybrid arriving in 2 days.

@khinezin2469 - 23.08.2016 04:29

my cattleya isn't bloom after she bud!
Please give your advise and opinion!

@craig6903 - 24.09.2016 07:32

Awesome thank you for making this video! My Purpurata is in sheath more about a month now and I think I have another coming too. I didn't know anything about cattleya growing sheath, been trying to find answers. But your video is very helpful. I guess if I get buds it might be months down the road. Good to know. Thanks!

@sherrywalker4619 - 10.11.2016 04:48

Thank you! 💖

@craig6903 - 12.11.2016 17:46

Hi awesome video! Exciting news, I discovered a bud growing in my purpurata! This is my first time getting a bud in a sheath. The bud is about 1 inch to 2 inches from the lower end of the sheath. Should I wait to cut the sheath when it get closer to the top? Or right away? I'm not sure how fast the bud will take to develop. Thanks for your help. 😎

@timcattley1056 - 11.02.2017 01:39

Would you please consider pronouncing the name as Kat-LEY-uh NOT Kat-LAY-uh. The name comes as I am sure you are aware, from William Cattley NOT William Cattlay. Regards

@denisesorchidparadise1411 - 04.03.2017 04:59

that is gorgeous cattleya, I just got a C.Canhamiana Fma. Coerulea azure sky's. if you have this plant could you do a video on it,tips on care, Thank you

@sheetalmudaliar - 08.06.2017 12:37

I love the clumps of blue purple flowers in the back ground.they gorgeous.can you suggest where I could buy them.also a little bit about their grow n care..
I would really appreciate it.

thanking you

@sheetalmudaliar - 09.06.2017 22:52

Rachel its ok.. I live in​ india..our climate is very tropical n different from Ireland.i guess,its so beautiful in Ireland.

thanking you

@mickirun - 06.09.2017 18:32

I've been learning at from you and couple others. I'm new with orchids

@jennifers9947 - 29.09.2017 05:16

Thank you for your, I know to cut the sheath on C. G. Roebling..lots of buds inside..hope it will become as beautiful as yours

@debbiesmith6344 - 31.03.2018 18:54

I so do love big cattleya with big flowers .But yet to find a big cattleya with big flowers .I do love your videos as really help me to look after my orchids 😊.

@debbiesmith6344 - 31.03.2018 18:55

I do have a cattleya merry green pride what a big cattleya .However not large flowers like i wanted .

@onetwocue - 17.10.2018 18:50

So it's like circumsizing

@1171 - 26.06.2019 12:58

Thanks I have a Cattleya in sheath now I received it with purple showing but it’s new And I’m a beginner Orchid grower and I knew it was a bloom but didn’t know to cut the sheath . Thanks I enjoyed your video from Louisiana in the 🇺🇸 USA.

@KAMJKJ - 29.08.2019 13:09

I have a idea when cattleya formed a sheath weekly twice torch 🔦 the sheath weather it cast the shadow that confirms the buds then we should be calm until the bud develop and when it come near to the top cut the sheath on top and let the bud grow ☝💪 stronger

@AlexandreMedeiros40 - 22.02.2021 13:35

Cattleya purpurata is wonderful !, I liked the video and I subscribed to your channel, see mine too.
