Why I reverted to Islam ️ (ex atheist)

Why I reverted to Islam ️ (ex atheist)

James Lake Show

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@sarahnamakulajannat3738 - 26.08.2024 18:57

Masha-Allah. So happy 4U bro. May the Almighty Allah kip u steadfast on this straight path & grant u Janatul Firdawsi. Kip studying the deen....alot more beautiful things r n stock. The more u wil learn the more u wil get 2realize this great blessing that we have.

@theONE-ws8lh - 26.08.2024 22:11


@adelbenaida5597 - 26.08.2024 22:13


@ahmedhussein7832 - 27.08.2024 01:26

lol that's lot of bs sorry. I am atheist too and in the past, like everyone in this world I had difficulties. Guess how i have passed them? By myself. Definitely not by praying in the invisible fried. All these things you say are just in your mind and that is why no one has ever been able to prove the existence of the invisible friend.

@cole3835 - 29.08.2024 08:48

Really interesting to see how a person becomes brainwashed. Thanks for sharing

@parayadesh - 29.08.2024 12:15

My brother you sound very sincere may Almighty keep you in the best of health and Imaan.

@harry.flashman - 31.08.2024 21:49

James did you read the final sermon about 73 sects and the saved sect.

@beccarana - 31.08.2024 23:11

Congrats! I converted over 10 years ago as well! God bless you.

@kumail122 - 03.09.2024 16:52

forget about shia. Just follow Prophet (AS) when he clears the path to follow Ahlulbayt. Around 100000 companions of Prophet are murdered by 100000 companions of Prophet, rightly guided. New converted Muslims can smile now.

@englishguru0007 - 04.09.2024 01:30

Islam is the best framework that encompasses every aspect of life. It's all about personal growth and becoming a better person useful to humanity. It's truly a gift. People who haven't discovered Islam are missing out on the beautiful aspects of life and personal growth

@englishguru0007 - 04.09.2024 01:35

And yeah I have had my stint with athiesm, Christianity and other religions. You always end up coming back to the Deen. You sometimes wonder what good you have done to recieve the gift of Islam. Don't know where I would be without it. Actually I do. It would be pure chaos, disorder, confusion, lack of direction, negative thinking, fear and the list goes on.

@englishguru0007 - 04.09.2024 01:44

And yeah you get a double reward than a born Muslim. Congrats. You are among the likes of Sahaba who were also converts. So as a born Muslim you wonder what level those great Muslims were at who embraced the faith at a later stage in life.

@SNIPERENTRY-i4k - 04.09.2024 02:25

I'am so happy for you
Thank god

@usmanarshad2049 - 05.09.2024 04:57

Only if PEOPLE could understand LA ILAHA ILA ALLAH !!!!

@user-hz8ff9zb9u - 05.09.2024 10:49

Manly jewellery is allowed bro. U just can't wear gold jewellery as a man. U can wear diamond, silver , ruby , other stones etc. Just pick a nice manly design cos muslim men are not allowed to imitate women

@zuzuriibrahim3072 - 05.09.2024 19:36

Hope u will go to the place god promised

@ferzan3499 - 06.09.2024 03:37

MashAllah brother. You have a very pure heart and I could feel your sincerity through the screen. May Allah keep us all on His swt deen and grant us all the highest ranks in Jannah. InshaAllah Allah azza wajal sends good-hearted people to you in your day-to-day life and whenever you need it. I am sure your parents are very glad of the person you currently are. I will be praying for them to embrace Islam as well

@JKHAN313 - 07.09.2024 12:52

Earned a subscriber, Brother, just from your beautiful character, Alhamdulilah! Give us a shout if you ever come down to East London Brother, would love to meet up for a drink iA !

@Exahax101 - 09.09.2024 14:07

Congratulations Allah has guided you to the truth. If you have islam you have everything. No wealth can replace the gift of Islam.
This life is just temporary. Our permanent home is in hereafter. May Allah keep you steadfast and grant you paradise.

@afifaamin6944 - 11.09.2024 12:07

Congratulations! May Allah keep you steadfast.

@thirstingknowledge - 11.09.2024 15:02

It's not the external. Sufism which is the heart of Islam, doesn't say that music is forbidden. I don't know properly though. I dance salsa and am good at it at my age, but I operate with Taqwa so that I have the spirituality. Do not drink or do anything that are actually forbidden. But I like music and the art of dance. Always have.

@riazsyed5457 - 11.09.2024 15:06

Alhamdulillah very proud of you! You are definitely guided by Allah due to your sincerity. You are smart guy, just keep learning. you will be happy to appreciate TRUTH and to be on the side of TRUTH. Islam is the TRUTH and is open to all humanity regardless of race, language, ethnicity, region, nation. It doesn't matter if one is born in Islam or not, to be muslim need to understand and accept the beliefs wholeheartedly and sincerely. Islam encourages a person to learn and understand and seek knowledge. After you change you will learn how most people are unfortunately so deluded by the environment around them and their judgment or truth and falsehood is messed up. If you can't figure out anything going on in your life, then look in Quran, Hadith and talk to an experienced Muslim scholar to interpret something you don't have the tools to interpret.

@ButhainaMaq - 12.09.2024 22:25

You can listen to music as a Muslim. Read the Quran not the scholars.

@haaswww - 12.09.2024 23:05

Bravo brother. Keep it up and you will get better and stronger. Islam is a journey of discovery of goodness that Allah created for us in this world. It's marathon not a sprint. We will keep learning about Islam and making ourselves better until we leave this world. May Allah bless your soul and strengthen your iman. Allah choses those who He wants to guide. You mentioned the materialistic stuff like jewelry and what not. Why do we strive so hard to buy stuff knowing that we are all going under when we leave this world, that makes a lot easier to keep things (life) simple, that way you live frugally and happier.

@RASH_TheBandit - 14.09.2024 01:44

Alhamdulilah for the greatest blessing ever bestowed upon mankind - Imaan Faith (the true recognition/maa'rifah of Our Lord Our Creator Our Sustainer.
We all should make effort in frequently giving thanks & showing gratitude for this blessing.
Verily not everyone is blessed with this
Imagine on the Day of Accountability when the truthful and the guilty are separated Believers and Disbelievers to determine end results*Paradise or Hell
That is the moment when man will realise the true value of Imaan (somenwill be so happy rejoiceful and some in anger total regret

@yomomma1329 - 14.09.2024 20:20

Why did God "deceive" everyone by making it appear that Jesus died when He didn't? I thought God cannot deceive

@cemseven222 - 15.09.2024 20:49

Exactly one year ago I reverted to Islam and I'm beyond grateful. Since then I finally found the inner peace I was always searching for Alhamdullilah. My family did not approve my decision but deep down I know Islam is the truth. May Allah SWT keep us all on the straight path.

@alieghbali - 16.09.2024 00:05

I wish you well on your journey my brother. Love from Iran.

@Carolineintoodeep1288 - 20.09.2024 06:40

I’ve been looking into Islam myself where would you recommend starting as a revert

@zoobedajada128 - 20.09.2024 10:10

Welcome to Islam my son.i see the noor on ur face

@thy_apostle - 20.09.2024 17:16

Mashaallah Brother, may the blessing of Allah find you in God health

@Khryptic - 20.09.2024 21:11

Alhamdulillah brother. Glad your on the right path. May Allah increase your deen

@MOh-wb5ol - 21.09.2024 07:28

May Allah almighty bless you and steadfast you on Islam

@RashID_Music - 22.09.2024 02:30

You’re awesome brother 👊

@sajdamalik8353 - 22.09.2024 17:48

You fool. What is a revert.

@sajdamalik8353 - 22.09.2024 17:49

Islam is one big fail.

@Ryoko007 - 22.09.2024 18:47

Masha'Allah, welcome to the beautiful religion of Islam brother. Even for those of us being born into Muslim families unless we practise Islam and study the beauty of this religion, we ourselves will never see how perfect it is. We must always remember that Islam is perfect, but humans are not.

@Mohammed-S94 - 23.09.2024 19:50

masha'Allah. What a great reflection you've had, may Allah keep you steadfast

@MazLpandch - 24.09.2024 18:28

Hay , salam dari saudara mu di Indonesia 💪✌️

@weaknessstrength - 28.09.2024 18:29

Is music forbidden though? I haven't encountered any verses or Sunnah prohibiting it (not that I have looked, I admit). My very basic 'presumption' is that music with a negative message, negative intent/consumption if that makes sense? I'd listen to Native American bamboo flute music for example and don't feel it's wrong...I may be wrong.

@zstar9795 - 29.09.2024 01:23

Congratulations and thanks a lot for sharing your wonderful experience

@MusMahat - 30.09.2024 02:46

As a born Muslim, I envy you. I pray to Allah to strengthen our faith towards Him.

@puzzle.miemie - 30.09.2024 21:03

congratulations bro! ✨✨✨✨✨

@Deshntori - 03.10.2024 00:22

May Allah (SWT) keep you firm in deen dear brother

@andrebissonlachine - 03.10.2024 00:49


(1) There has been no more polytheism in Arabia since the end of the 4th century (384), and the entire Near East is Christian, with the exception of a large Jewish minority in Najran and a Zoroastrian aristocracy in Sassanid Persia; the Himyarite kingdom, southern highlands of Yemen, which maintained nominal control in Arabia until 525, adopted in 380 a Judaizing monotheism so as not to be subject to the Byzantine Empire from which emanate the Christian religious guidelines; but, following its evolution into "total Judaism" and the massacre of the Aksumite Christian populations living in the kingdom and the massacre of Christians in Najran, in 525, with the support of the Byzantines, the armies of the Kingdom of Axum invaded the Himyarite Empire and convert its inhabitants to Christianity. The Byzantines were Orthodox Christians, and the Emperor was Christ's messenger and protector of the faith. The Syrians, Persians and Arabs of the Lakhmid Kingdom, subject to the Persian Empire, and those of Arabia are Nestorian Christians, who believe that Jesus is a prophet, not the son of God. The Egyptians and Arabs of the Ghassanid kingdom, subject to the Byzantine Empire, are Monophysite Christians, born in reaction to Nestorianism.
(2) The armies of Heraclius, Byzantine Emperor, annihilate the Persian Sassanid armies in Armenia in 622, in Nineveh in 627 and in 628 in Constantinople; the leader of the Persian armies, Persian king Khosro II, fled to Cteciphon where he was assassinated by the Zoroastrian clergy. It was from this period that Arab communities began to administer themselves. The Arab armies, in the service of the Byzantine and Persian empires, remained intact, gradually occupy the territories evacuated by Byzantium and those of the Persian Empire.
(3) Muawiya, the first caliph of the Umayyad dynasty, as a Christian, makes Damascus his capital, and respects a Monophysite Arab tradition according to which he becomes the protector of the holy places, namely the sanctuary of Damascus, the tomb of John the Baptist and his cathedral.
(4) As Muawiya's popularity waned, following his defeats at Constantinople and the resumption of tribute to the Byzantine Empire, a movement was born to bring together Christians from across the Arab Empire. This movement, led by Emir ‘Abd al-Malik, wants to give the whole region a Christian theology that could be accepted by both Arabs and Persians, and thus counterbalance the orthodox Christianity of the Byzantine Empire. He proposes a redefinition of the mission of Jesus, to be defined as the "Servant of God" or "Abd Allâh" in Arabic, and understood as Mohammed or "the chosen one". The idea of Jesus as Servant of God had already been proposed by Arius at the beginning of the fourth century.
(5) 'Abd al-Malik overthrows Muawiya in the year 60 of the Arab era (679/680) and considers that the military effort must be accompanied by an internal consolidation by the establishment of an Arab Church like the Persian Imperial Church and following the example of the Persian Nestorian Church and the role it played in the last years of the Sassanid dynasty. To devote himself entirely to his task, he renews the peace treaty with Constantinople, agrees to pay him a considerably increased tribute and to share the income from Cyprus, Armenia and the Iberian Caucasus (Georgia). Its aim is to unify the Empire under the banner of the motto "Mohammed", that is to say the praised / chosen one speaking of Jesus Christ. Not wanting to be outdone, he informs the Byzantine emperor, Constantine IV, through the patriarch of Antioch, Macarius, that he intends to participate in the definition of the nature of Christ. Like Heraclius who produced an Ecthesis - a letter formulating the creed of the Church - in 638 advocating monothelism, he entered the scene by producing his own Ecthesis, and in 72 AD (691/692) he did so, inscribe it in the shrine he had built in Jerusalem, called the "Dome of the Rock" or Qubbat al-Sakhra in Arabic. The inscription is dedicated to the People of the Book, that is to say to all Jewish and Christian denominations.
(6) Under the Abbasid dynasty, the capital of the Arab Empire moved to Baghdad. Fearing for his safety and that of his family, Abu Jafar al-Mansur, the second Abbasid Caliph, built the Round City, also known as the City of Peace, south of Baghdad - between 767 and 772. The city of Baghdad quickly became the hub of large-scale commerce and is the first city to reach one million inhabitants. At the beginning of the 9th century, Houses of Wisdom appeared in the enclosure, housing libraries, translation centers and meeting places. The oldest of these houses, which is particularly active, is the personal library of Caliph Hâroun ar-Rachîd, opened to scholars in 831/832 during the reign of his son, al-Ma'mun. Like Babylon under the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II in the 6th century BC and Alexandria under the reign of the Ptolemies from the 4th to the 1st century BC, Baghdad attracts all the intellectuals of the civilized world and followers of the great religions of the time.
(7) As the religious leader of Arab believers (Imam) and spokesperson for God (Khalîfat Allâh), al-Ma'mun must create a tradition affirming his authority, both civil and religious, independent of other beliefs, that we will not be able to discern coming from the Christian tradition. His father, Hâroun al-Râchîd, was already working on the Arab foundation, assuming the function of lord of the "haram", sacred places forbidden to infidels. His father's wife, Zubayda, had the road from Baghdad to Medina improved to promote pilgrimage to this new sacred place. Medina replaces the previously visited sacred places of Damascus and Jerusalem.
(8) Like Alexander the Great but in the opposite direction, al-Ma'mun leaves for the west, surrounded by his scholars and philosophers. His journey took him from Mesopotamia to Harran, a city where, according to the Bible, on leaving the city of Ur towards Canaan, the patriarch Abraham and his family settled. According to the Koran, three communities, belonging to the people of the Book, lived there: "the Jews, the Sabeans, the Nazarenes". The Sabeans used to go to caves to meditate. This practice is taken up by Islamic tradition, according to which the Prophet Muhammad receives his revelations in a cave. During his visit to Damascus, he visits the ruins of the Marwanid complex, place of prayer, and reads the inscription "And our prophet is Mohammed". He sees in it the confirmation of his own vision, that Muhammad is the prophet of the Arabs. In 86 of the Arab era (705/706), in the time of Abd al-Malik, she meant that "Our prophet is the praised / chosen one" when speaking of Jesus Christ. He stops in Egypt where he can see with his own eyes the greatness that was this country of which the Bible speaks, and in particular the Nile where the child Moses was deposited and retrieved by Pharaoh's daughter. Like Abraham, at the end of his journey, al-Ma’mun visits the Dome of the Rock. He had work done on the Dome, and he replaced the name of Abd al-Malîk by his own, but without changing the date of construction, carried out nearly a century and a half earlier. He sees in the inscription on the Dome of the Rock, "Mohammed son of Abd Allâh", another confirmation of his vision. His journey on the road to Abraham confirms his belief that Muhammad is the name of the prophet of the Arabs. Back in Baghdad, he takes up the tradition of the Syrian Arabs: their language and their theological history are integrated into the synthesis of ideas on "the Arab" and the "Prophet of the Arabs".
(9) It was in 217/218 of the Arab era (832/833) that the Arabization of the Judeo-Christian religion of the Arab Empire began. Al-Ma’mun opened the doors of his Baghdad Academy to all the great minds of the time: astronomers, mathematicians, physicists, thinkers, scholars, philosophers, translators, of all nationalities and all religious allegiances (Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists). As in Alexandria thirteen centuries earlier, where everything that had been written before was translated into Greek, the Academy of al-Ma'mun in turn translates into Arabic all the works of the past and of the time, in particular the Greek works.
(10) The word Koran, in its Muslim version, means "recitation"; it meant, in its Christian version, before 832/833, the "lectionary". For Muslims, the word Mohammed means the prophet of the Arabs, the last prophet sent by God (Allah); it meant for Christian Arabs "the praised / chosen one" when speaking of Jesus Christ. The word Islam today means "submission to God (Allah)"; in the Christian era it meant "in accordance with" the Holy Scriptures.

@mkp2373 - 04.10.2024 18:27

Since you have converted to Islam, please answer these simple questions :
1. Why does Islamic God Allah curse non-muslims to burn in hell ?
2. Why does Allah ask muslims to kill idol worshippers ?

Aren't non-muslims and idol worshippers his own creation ? He sounds more like a war monger than a true god.

@omarrm7371 - 08.10.2024 21:03

I'm a Palestinian born Muslim and I so joyful and grateful to all of you my brothers and sisters who reverted to Islam , May Allah guide us all to straight path and gathered together in the paradise
please make duaa for the oppressed Muslims in Gaza and all around the world
