PS4 Won't Turn On At All - Top 5 Possible Causes

PS4 Won't Turn On At All - Top 5 Possible Causes


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@Tronicsfix - 29.12.2018 01:35

What do you think of this video? Was it helpful?

@Alex-zb4jf - 03.03.2025 21:54

I've got a PS4 Pro that was overheating and shutting itself down unless I pointed a box fan at it so I took it all apart and cleaned it out. When I put it back together, it no longer turned on. I've disassembled it and reassembled it multiple times ensuring I'm not leaving anything unplugged. Still nothing. Decided to take a chance and replace the Power Supply with a new one on Amazon. When I replaced it, it still doesn't turn on. However, there is a white light that turns on INSIDE the PS4 Pro case, sort of near the hard drive bay, when I plug in the power cable. I tested to make sure my old power supply didn't do this, and put it back in and plugged in the cable, and it did not illuminate that inside light. So I put the new one back in and sure enough, as soon as I insert the power cable (which is plugged into an outlet), the white light turns on inside. When I unplug it, the light slowly fades out after about 5 seconds.

I hope it's nothing like the issue you're showing in this video because that is way outside my realm of expertise. I have this funny feeling the power button isn't working but.. maybe I'm just being optimistic.

Any ideas that you can suggest I look into?

@brandur1329 - 10.12.2024 04:08


@VoltedFrameZA - 28.10.2024 16:55

Bro. Mine had dust bunnies in the power supply, i cleaned it and it worked.😂

@dyreckta23 - 28.10.2024 14:05

I dont even have roaches my house is clean most i have is moths i doubt they got where I stored my ps4

@Dylandavies2010 - 14.10.2024 17:39

That’s a Xbox series s motherboard 😂

@Osama_Zyn_Laden - 16.09.2024 04:47

Mine turned on and then I heard a loud pop and now it won't turn on. I think it's the roaches😭

@GavinCarlstrom - 01.09.2024 05:17

No help

@keeanutrout2955 - 12.08.2024 22:25

If my ps4 power supply blew, will replacing the power supply fix it?

@Targetsdown007 - 24.06.2024 04:06

How do I send you my PS4 to repair

@collinsongwacho7500 - 13.06.2024 11:51

Mine turns blue and beeps then goes off

@earlebird4262 - 07.06.2024 09:54

Do you sell new power supplies, or do you know where I can get a good one?

@MopWaterPerson7676 - 30.05.2024 10:35

My wifes PS4 (original) console was working just fine up until a brief power outage. Afterwards, when powered on, it beeps once, then powers off.

I have tried the following :

-Cleaning the interiors with air duster, swabs, alcohol (91% wipes gently on certain areas with high dust).

-Replacing thermal paste & pads for the APU & little ram guys.

-Cleaning the power supply its self with air duster.

None of which fixed it.
Should I try replacing the power supply or the Mother Board ?

@Pxrple_Kxsh420 - 30.05.2024 03:06


@denandvlad9995 - 28.04.2024 10:42

What if it turns on but i have to turn it back on and off about 5 time’s for it to start displaying

@fawadghaffar1712 - 13.04.2024 18:47

Mine PS4 turns on blue light pulse for second then turns off

@nanababigcha - 05.04.2024 17:15

Please when I turn on the PS4 it will not turn on but when u press on the eject button I can hear sound

@markgaitan5768 - 22.03.2024 06:29

Mine. There was a big storm. Water went in the window wall socket and ps4 went out. Bummer.

@MrKutKuGaruga96 - 16.03.2024 09:10

I was trying to update my PS4 Slim and it just turned off and never rebooted... then I tried to turn it on and nothing happens, no light, no beeps.

Looks like Sony killed my PS4

@StuffJason437 - 17.02.2024 07:04

Or there's issue on the mainboard and not with the psu ...

@justabot_yt146 - 17.01.2024 13:33

my ps4 turns on then right back off and only will turn blue light on when unplugged and plugged in and out

@Last.Childx - 28.12.2023 19:56

I had a problem. When i turn on my ps it have “beep” sound . But the ps4 not working.

@WizardKing-Official - 06.12.2023 23:18

Good video! 👍
Very straight forward.

@monikakirisame9759 - 16.11.2023 07:13

Guess imma go back to ps2

@WalknBullseye - 11.11.2023 17:21

My ps4 pro failed to turn on after an extended period of non use. I have tried every trick I could find.
Checked the power supply for damage.
Cleaned dust from inside ( VERY little dust)
Tried to load a disc after verifying a disc wasn’t already in place.
Removed hdd. Tried new hdd. Ran a hdd scan to verify hdd was good.
Tried powering on in safe mode ( with controller thru usb)
Verified power cord was good ( multimeter)
Tried different wall outlets

I am completely at a loss. I figure it might be a voltage spike incident.
Where do I go next?

@themindseye326 - 14.10.2023 03:51

Where’s the PWMIC on the original ps4?

@Spike-pl4pv - 20.09.2023 05:08

So what if there is power to everything and it still won't come on

@jaysonphotography19 - 29.07.2023 06:25

Do you have an email? I want to explain mine, it already died long time ago.

@sofianehadjmihoub2442 - 24.07.2023 00:18

رyou forget the faulty south brige

@wirlogx - 23.07.2023 20:06

Reasons why your PS4 doesn't turn on by Captain Obvious

@titantitan9735 - 20.07.2023 10:13

My problem with my ps4 is that I tried uploading my ps4 on a family TV, but it never worked, so I went home and tried it on my own TV, and the same thing happened again. I believed it may have been the hdmi. So, I tried my ps3 on the same tv, and the same thing happened again after two minutes. Then the TV I tried it on blew. Each of the devices has power coming to them but won't start up.

@maddhatter3564 - 12.07.2023 08:57

my ps4 has served well for a few years. tonight while playing fallout4 with mods (ive played this config alot) i heard a pop then no power. no lightning and no power surges (im offgrid and using a good ups). it sounded like a fuse popping-no burnt smell. i havent tried to open til i get some solid info. ty

@galaxyboling2689 - 11.07.2023 13:14

Mine fell down and it wont turn on i tried to check anything and idk what to do lol

@dalebenton3354 - 28.06.2023 20:25

Im glad my Playstation 4 is still under warranty after its brought second hand from the second hand shop,I picked it up today after took it in yesterday after shut down after playing a game,Just knew what was wrong with it,The power board had blown,He had some spares,Put a whole spare power board in,Brought it home,Powered it up,Works perfectly well,Also put 12 month warranty back on it,Ive had since last October,So also very Happy Customer as well 😎

@DacarrotplayzYT - 07.06.2023 17:52

I just want to play help wanted but obviously my ps4 just stops working and I’m not a tech guru so I can’t do anything other than get a new ps4 which come in at around £270 😞

@HandyManny432 - 07.06.2023 04:29

well my playstation turns on and works but the light doesn’t turn on

@austinezebby1808 - 16.05.2023 18:07

Do you have a website, where I can contact you?

@jordangagat - 09.05.2023 15:05

My 2216 won,t turn on reason friction

@christopherpommer44 - 13.04.2023 19:16

I’m just getting a ps5 I give up😭🤣

@arielh2695 - 07.04.2023 06:29

I think I peed on mine 😢 it was wet when I woke up from a blacked out night… 😂. There was yellow liquid so I assume it’s from that

Disc stopped working power bottom too but the rest works fine

It’s my digital console but my pro still love cause of wanna be graphics 😅

@Grimey489 - 07.04.2023 01:40

I think I fried the hdmi thing Cuzz I plugged my charger that was tripped wired n messed up in ps4 n was trying charge sun like that and my PS4 just shut off can u tell my what part I need to buy help please ?

@mikevannier1279 - 06.04.2023 05:34

Mine will beep 3x but never comes on than a few a days later it will come on what's going on with mine

@alexforsyth5515 - 04.04.2023 00:50

I'm watching just in case my ps4 has any of these problems any time

@pike-pt4277 - 01.04.2023 02:15

My ps4 slim just lights one time the power button after i plug in. Its the 1st led from the board horizontaly, just one time one second, and then nothing. Its all clean up 🤷‍♂️

@RandallHancock-ow7vp - 27.03.2023 07:55

Can I order another power supply

@b1akn3ss93 - 22.03.2023 08:48

It was a power surge during a lightning storm

@laflakacatrachaoreyana9892 - 20.03.2023 21:30

Pls I want my son ps4 pro fixed it isn’t turning on I think my son ps4 isn’t working?

@trevorbaker3412 - 14.03.2023 16:08

Mine stopped turning on about a mo th ago, I tried a few alternatives like switching plugs, plugging the power cord into another outlet, unplugging the cord letting it sit for a few even tired blowing the back and sides with canned air and still not turning on. So I'm in the decision making process to try to get it fixed (if possible), getting another one or upgrading to a 5. Seemed like before this happened that the back of it had a grinding sound too

@JesuszillaCorp - 12.03.2023 04:26

hate this og ps4 power button so much cant tell if its touching or pressing the spot at all but it beeps when i hit eject. powered on once then off no lights or nothing since
