The Best and Worst Cups I Tried in 2022

The Best and Worst Cups I Tried in 2022

Period Nirvana

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@industrialover - 21.02.2023 22:34

Just found your channel. I have a tilted cervix. Inserting tampons was always difficult and uncomfortable until a friend told me her Secret. Standing up and bending over until my head is almost between my legs LOL is the most comfortable way to insert. I'd love to start using cups, but I wonder if I should use a specific one because of this?

@c0smictac0 - 22.02.2023 08:12

I'm so glad I found your channel! Wasn't looking for it lol but this is something I have really interested in trying for many reasons

@yeahliam12alt82 - 23.02.2023 05:04

Hey!! New here, and let me start off by saying... WHY COULDN'T THIS CHANNEL BE AROUND WHEN I WAS YOUNGER?!?!? Next, not sure if you have covered this topic or not(very new here), how do you feel about period panties? No matter which way I think about the idea it just scares me... thoughts 🤔

@mortyrutland2065 - 06.03.2023 00:43

Thanks for the video... the first and only cup I've ever used was the Kind cup, and I had the same experiences. It slipped out of me pretty quickly, and that was a very uncomfortable experience. I assumed the same issue would be present in any other cup, so I haven't tried to look into other alternatives, but your video says otherwise. Thank you for all of this good information!!

@harmonika90 - 06.03.2023 08:17

Ok my issue with discs is that they are so comfortable that I have forgotten about it not once but twice! Help. Is there any disc you can actually feel a bit just in hopes of not forgetting about it?

@Alize.W - 06.03.2023 19:31

I was using disc's almost 10 years ago when only disposables were available. I switched to cups about 7 years ago and love it. This new disc wave has me very intrigued. Is it worth trying the disc's when you're a happy cup user? Anyone with similar experience have tried these new disc's? Which is better in your opinion?

@hailtothefire_ - 07.03.2023 07:26

You know how pooping is easier when you remove a cup, is it the same for a disk? I've never tried one and I'm curious if they disks get pushed down like cups do when you're going to the bathroom. So basically, should you remove a disk before a bowl movement too?

@kumarules118 - 17.03.2023 10:15

any reviews from high cervix person? From what I can get you have pretty low cervix so I imagine disc will be easy to remove

@CAJUNTWINSMOM - 19.03.2023 06:09

I love the La cup, but yes the holes are hard to clean.

@Leanimal - 24.03.2023 23:11

The opening of my cervix is so low now that it sits in my cups. I don’t know if a disc would work ☹️

@calliehyde7324 - 31.03.2023 22:21

Not hangry but vangry hahaha

@mandy3404 - 07.04.2023 03:05

Difficulty to clean should definitely be in the ranking! If something is hard to clean you are less likely to use it.

@LittlePurpleBat - 17.04.2023 14:22

Is there a cup which has non matte silicon outside? I know cups have glossy silicon inside, but why not outside; seems to stain less.

@brookefenge406 - 20.04.2023 16:44

Would the removal loop on the hello disc not get in the way during sex?

@R4talie - 09.05.2023 05:08

I have never used a reusable period product but am in the market - does the hello disk rotate and would that be bad compared to something like the flex cup which has no notches?

@fabioderossi1097 - 11.05.2023 16:59

I bought the flex disc several months ago, and I really like it. The only thing I don't like is how messy it is. It would be nice is it had a notch. I tried cups first, but I kept dropping them in the toilet, and I had a lot of other problems with then as well. But after switching to disc's, I haven't had any problems. I used to have leaking from time to time, but after watching your videos, I learned to push it behind the pelvic bone, and it hasn't leaked since.

@alicial.omeara6364 - 20.05.2023 18:50

What would be best for the young ladies just starting the menstrual journey? I know she'll have to do the work, but curious as to your thoughts? Thank you for this info!

@hydrosulfate - 21.05.2023 08:39

I really want to love hello disc but it couldn't work out for me. The loop was sooo painful especially when the disc spinned a little bit inside my body. I trimmed 1 ring which did get better but when it scratched in certain angle it hurt really bad

@cranberrymuffins - 23.05.2023 00:00

for some reason I can’t get the flex disc to sit up high enough past my pubic bone which causes it to leak but I have no issues with the saalt one

@annievvho - 12.06.2023 01:58

This is interesting. I just found you because I’m trying a cup for the first time, and I searched trying to figure out why my La Cup doesn’t seem to open, no matter what I try.

@bushraislam9798 - 07.07.2023 12:01

Where can i buy hello disc???
Do they ship internationally??

@kanderson1425 - 22.08.2023 02:43

What is auto dumping?

@Ms.Divine2024 - 07.09.2023 19:28

781st like. Thank you so much.

@KateKosmo - 07.10.2023 10:06

Why are you not fond of the brand Flex?

@KittyM-g1v - 13.10.2023 03:30

Sorry i have questions regarding the use of a menstrual disc and idk who to ask so if you, or any other watcher of this channel, can answer me, it would help me so much.
I watched all your videos as I was looking for a cheaper and environmentally friendly alternative to tampons, so i decided to buy a menstrual disc.
I took your website’s test when choosing the disc and used your tutorials when inserting it, but i have only one issue, and i don’t see anybody talking ab it so idk what to do

So I bought the lumma disc size S, & i inserted it correctly, because i checked and i tucked it properly behind the pubic bone, my cervix is inside it (i checked), i touched all the borders and its in place, the problem is the round part/“cup” part thats underneath the rim/border, it doesn’t open properly in the round shape, its like folded in itself a bit. This is my third change during this period, each time i tried with my finger to get it to open more, but it’s like when i create the eight shape during insertion, the cup part folds itself towards the inside following the eight shape i fold it in, and when i have put it in, it doesn’t expand/unfolds itself properly because the walls of the vagina from underneath kinda keep that space not “deep” enough and push it in itself. The only part that unfolds & permits the blood to be contained, is the part that has the vaginal canal below so there is no vaginal wall stopping it.
I thought, as the blood would pour in, the weight of the blood would help the disc take the same shape it has when its outside the vagina, and therefore permit the full capacity of it, but it didn’t and instead the blood started getting out when the capacity of the “punched-in” (sorry idk in what way to describe it) shape was finished. I think it didnt even reach 1/3 of the capacity it’s supposed to have.
Even from watching the video tutorials, it seems as if the vagina walls would shape themselves around the form of the disc, instead in my case it seems as if the walls and the insertion process are shaping the disc.
So… anybody has any tips? Did i make a mistake in inserting it? Do i have the wrong size/disc and maybe another size, brand or type of disc would have fit me better?

Also to give further context. I am a virgin, 21 years old, first time menstrual disc user and never used a menstrual cup, usually i use tampons, medium height cervix and i don’t have a tilted cervix. My flow is considered medium or light.
The diameter/circumference of the lumma disc S seems to fit me as I comfortably tucked it behind the pubic bone and behind the cervix, the rim itself adhered well to the vagina walls, after each use i had to untuck the disc from behind the pubic bone so i dont think the issue was it slipped in my vaginal canal.
Also i have been working in a standing position during the use, so it cannot be possible that the spill was caused by auto-dumping happening.
It is also not a small spill, i had the disc in for 10 hours (the capacity is supposed to be 12 hours) & i had put a pad for safety reasons and the pad ended up full, so that’s a lot of blood that wasn’t contained. The disc wasnt even 1/5 full due to the folds.
And my flow is not heavy, I usually change a tampon/pad every 8-10 hours during my heaviest day.

I’m so confused if this is normal, and for discs, capacity-wise, i have to take into consideration the anatomy and depth of the upper part of the vagina where the disc sits…. or if instead the disc is supposed to unfold into its proper form…. somebody help plsss idk anybody irl who uses a disc so i cannot ask anybody around me! & sorry for the massive TMIs and detailed descriptions

@EmilyAnderson-k8q - 20.10.2023 01:48

I tried FLEX disposable disks years ago when they cane out, and did NOT like. Idk if there's some crazy curve or trick to how to insert thkse right, but I didn't even use the rest of them and removal was definitely not so easy

@EmilyAnderson-k8q - 20.10.2023 01:50

I've only used the LENA cup and been great, definitely leaks sometimes, n I lost the large one when I moved so I'm exploring things before buying the same thing.

@TomboyGirlfriend - 20.10.2023 23:14

I'm trying to switch away from tampons and came across your video. Thank you so much!

@anayarey - 08.12.2023 23:14

Luneale/La cup is amazing! No other cup or disc has worked for me. The luenale cup is super soft, has no annoying stem and no leaks. All other period products have caused cramps for me or leaked. Totally recommend trying it!

@calecampbell5860 - 02.02.2024 19:44

How is the hello disc for exercise I do jujitsu just started and not sure which one is best and I have heavy flow first 24-48 then go to about 15 ml every 4 -6 hours so could probably go longer. But my cup block my urine off . Any suggestions ?

@sstarjoyy - 04.02.2024 18:20

I should have watched this before wasting money. I thought the diva mini disc was going to change my life. Only added crisis points. Major leaks out of no where. So! Don't buy that one ladies - this review is true, the exact things you think will work are the things that make it fail you. I don't actually think this one would work for anyone. I will definitely never consider the ones voted even worse than this one.

@natalierosa24 - 09.02.2024 10:23

I had the hardest time with my flex cup and after watching this video I bought the hello disc (now available in black!) and I am so overjoyed at how easy it was to insert, remove, and it is so comfortable and did not leak! Thank you so much! I am so excited to have a reusable period product solution that is easy and works! ❤❤️❤️

@ImJustAliciannette - 16.02.2024 23:00

I’m super late to this video because I was pregnant and I breastfeed so I haven’t had a period in nearly 2 years but soon I’ll be done breastfeeding and should be expecting my period soon and I’m interested in trying discs and or cups . My only thing is I’ve always had a very heavy flow … Do you think the Hello Disc would still work well if my flow is heavy?

@pEAcEgrL8 - 24.02.2024 08:31

Off topic but I love your jacket!

@snowwhite-jt9cj - 01.03.2024 09:00

Always hate the idea of the tampon such waste & messy./Not a good idea for All ♻︎⇣
◎Reusable comfortable designed cup/disc cool 4 ♀︎• I have used it since they started “)

🫧Wish for more new design.

@lailah-537 - 09.03.2024 00:50

"no footage" killed me 😂

@Unique71046 - 10.03.2024 19:58

Wwwwwwwooww 😮😊 thank you for the raw and uncut footage of the disc filled removed etc. I never tried these first month trying period panties so I’m searching 👀 around for good reviews

@TheBeautyOfNature81 - 14.03.2024 09:02

Thank you so much for your review on all the cups, disks etc.. it was straight to the point and informative. I think I will try the hello disc.. I'll send a review when I try it out.

@hopezhang8278 - 24.03.2024 04:49

Requesting 2023 version 🥲

@astridmortizramirez - 17.04.2024 05:54

2024 🙋🏻‍♀️

@jamietyson1182 - 21.05.2024 00:14

Can you get the silicone ziptie separately and attach to another cup that has loops?

@princessandrea1979 - 23.05.2024 00:57

What is auto dump?

@ThatBetchEllie - 16.06.2024 04:56

How do you auto dump?

@denickite - 08.07.2024 03:32

Back around 1966?? They came out with Tassaway. A cup that never gained in popularity. I remember a friend tried it. But I think the Museum of Menstration shows it.

@chande1ure - 11.07.2024 00:03

Girl you are dominating period social media, every search I've made, you pop up with multiple vids of perfectly relevant, educational content thank u 🙏🏻🙏🏻

@genevievedalmas721 - 02.01.2025 18:18

I definitely want to try hello and diva discs, also try other cups and discs like eco blossom and other discs and cups that anyone else knows that is soft or medium firm/soft and can fit nicely with a virgin girl or even can fit a woman that is a size medium. 😊

@MellowMeMeditation - 03.01.2025 07:53

Please review Shordy discs and cups.

@loretta_3843 - 04.01.2025 11:59

I believe it's "vangry" but don't quote me!

@sokanonost - 24.02.2025 12:25

I have diva, It's a mess. Keeps coing out. Just hiw huge am I down there? I was usung the biggest size OBs and they kept falling out so I tried a disc. It seems I need a bugger one? I had 2 vaginal births, I guess I have turned into a cave

@Pacific-Wonderland - 06.03.2025 11:26

Worst disc on the market is Hello. No suction, hard rim, pointless hardware. Literal trash.
