OnePlus 13 - First Things To Do! ( Oxygen OS 15 Tips and Tricks )

OnePlus 13 - First Things To Do! ( Oxygen OS 15 Tips and Tricks )


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@andrez3729 - 23.01.2025 18:42

Great Video Bro!

@goldenartnouveau6104 - 23.01.2025 19:49

I am waiting for 13 plus pro

@goldenartnouveau6104 - 23.01.2025 19:49

I sill have one plu 6 and one plus 9 pro

@Blackhonda - 24.01.2025 02:59

What an awesome useful video. You have saved me so much time and have taught me all kinds of new things.

@cliffcrabtree4359 - 24.01.2025 19:08

Fantastic, and information clip. My 13 has just arrived. Yet to unbox , I'll never remember all the good stuff you covered. Thank you.❤

@woodyeung2344 - 25.01.2025 09:00

Appreciate your time to explain the details about Oxygen 15 settings. It helps me a lot to play around and get the bet out of it.👍🙏

@BeleducMartello - 26.01.2025 23:05

Thank you!

@GLang_E - 27.01.2025 00:20

One hand mode is trash comparing to Samsung's. Apart from that I am loving 1+13

@jimmylim5015 - 27.01.2025 15:21

I just upgraded from the OnePlus 12, was able to snag a free OnePlus Watch 2 with it

@jimmylim5015 - 27.01.2025 15:22

One of my biggest complaints, is that we can't use third-party live wallpapers still

@A_movies404 - 28.01.2025 08:27

When i press side button to lock screen, mic is getting off and not working for snapchat calls. How to fix this if anyone knows?

@sanolex8739 - 28.01.2025 15:14

Hi may i ask why i do not have many of the screen recognition features such as AI summary, AI writer I only have extract content from taking a screen shot

@bruhhh-__- - 28.01.2025 22:48

So basically, feature that my nord 2 already has + A.I... and air gestures, the only feature thats an addition and not an AI

@pareshd1310 - 29.01.2025 21:50

You shud tell that the AI writer comes up when u open gmail compose, until then u can't see it at all !! I spent some time searching for it !! Well made video 😊😊

@hallolezteWKEJVGBsd - 30.01.2025 15:59

Würdest du das Handy empfehlen als Import? Wen man jetzt nicht 2-300 Euro mehr zahlen will?

@slickpete8711 - 30.01.2025 23:33

Name some AI features what one plus 12 doesn't have For y'all if you have op12 pls don't upgrade unless you have amazing's not worth it

@rahulmedia1206 - 03.02.2025 12:32

Just got my Oneplus 13, yours is the first video i watched to setup my oneplus 🤝

@aungaung_11 - 04.02.2025 13:06

Thank you so much for the details.

@higgs508 - 06.02.2025 02:17

Great video! And I'm so glad someone pointed out that FAST looks like FART in most instances 😂

@dinomarquez-nb4rd - 06.02.2025 07:41

watching using my op13 🥰

@jishnughosh5877 - 07.02.2025 21:40


@inshallahbutcher1464 - 08.02.2025 22:23

hey is there a difference between the china and global version apart from the esim

@ryandeery6930 - 10.02.2025 23:30

Is the animation speed ok or is the usual 3 settings down to 0.5 needed on this phone

@dodoshoumanshy - 11.02.2025 01:50

Which keyboard you used in this video?

@parkerazz4385 - 11.02.2025 21:00

I just upgraded from the Samsung S10 to the OnePlus 13. Huge world of difference. It's gonna take me a full year to learn how to use all thies features.

@tamziddewan2983 - 13.02.2025 16:04

Great video

@saidaithocine4971 - 15.02.2025 13:51

Watching from my op 13 amazing tricks thank you

@HashShortClips - 15.02.2025 20:44

Best shot 🫥🤐

@MrLittleW - 15.02.2025 23:18

Do not choose "High" refresh rate. Use "Automatic". There is no difference between the two, aside from "Automatic" saving lots of battery life, as it will slow down the refresh rate to 1Hz when not needed.

Android manufacturers need to remove "High" to prevent this.

@kerunbindra4053 - 16.02.2025 21:47

Is the sound on this phone better than the OnePlus6T (which has been my daily for 8 years...)?

@jkn2k - 17.02.2025 01:45

My OnePlus 10 pro doing the same

@r12500r - 17.02.2025 15:27


@lightsonb7 - 20.02.2025 11:50

Is there anyone who knows the difference between the OnePlus 13 global version and the Indian version?

@Elikkin1 - 21.02.2025 09:36

I have never dealt with a more incompetent company. I received my phone in January 9,2025. I realized that it was not compatible with my Dexcom G7 device. I called Oneplus and got a returned label and case number for my returned. I sent it out on 1-15-25 and it was received and signed by their representative on 1-17-25. I did take pictures of everything. On 1-23-25 I noticed they have not updated or email saying they have the phone and after inspection would send back the refund to me. They requested 3 business day. 3 business still no scan on the ordered page that they have the phone. Called customer service again. They said they moved the case to the escalation team. Another email requesting 5 more business days for results. Long story short they been asking for more time. Then I get email 2-08-25 saying it was refund to PayPal and the bank. The transaction number they gave me was bogus. Now you all know how strict PayPal it. They can't seem to find the payment or the transaction ID. Called customer service again. They said they would reach out to the escalation team. I get a email 2-12-25 saying there was a scratch on the phone so they did not issue me a refund. No pictures of the scratches and they are going to keep the phone and not returned it to me . Oneplus ordered page still has no scan of them processing the phone at all. Numerous attempts to get picture or returned my package has been ignored by Carl Roy, Evelyn, Ethan Mathus, and many other escalation teams. I only had the phone for 3 days. They are nothing but thieves. Don't trust a Chinese company. They would sell their own mother for a Pay Day. Look below the received that they got the phone on 1-17-25 . I am out of a 1000.00 dollar and a phone.

@Skeeders - 21.02.2025 16:36

How do I change the setting to stop speech to text from censoring curse words. It pisses me off that it is the default, can understand a minor getting a phone and changing it to that, but for it to be default is fucked up. Every video I have seen is for an older system and doesn't work with the new one.

@noobmaster0097 - 21.02.2025 21:42

Genuine question how do we activate the side bar? I think it's off my handset.

@PAOLOZANNATO - 22.02.2025 11:17

Italia. In OxygenOs è possibile disinstallare/disattivare le app proprietarie Oneplus inutili perché doppie con le app Google?

@Jarmal-d8j - 22.02.2025 17:16

What about security features which is very important?

@instrumentalbeats805 - 23.02.2025 01:45

Can you highlight text anywhere on apps? My pixel allows it to be done easily and simple. Samsung is a little bulky. In terms of that, I'm wondering if the OnePlus is similar to the pixel or bulky like the Samsung in terms of that feature

@Trainz2950 - 25.02.2025 22:02

I think most of these aren't OnePlus 13 specific, just modern Android specific? If so, the title is maybe a bit misleading

@lucutes2936 - 26.02.2025 03:18


@madhusaladi7521 - 28.02.2025 08:13


@SaltMinerOU812 - 02.03.2025 02:00

Has anyone else's alert slider locked up jammed?? My phone is 3 days old and the alert slider is already locked jammed in the on position. Won't budge. After umteen million emails with OnePlus they finally are going to send me a return tag for replacement. OnePlus is going downhill for me

@ayushkumarjha9921 - 02.03.2025 15:28

Watching this from my Oneplus 13. So far love it ❤

@jayakrishnanjoy25 - 03.03.2025 16:32

Nice video. 🎉
I was wondering if OxygenOS 15 has the ios style recent apps list or not. Can't find it in my OnePlus 13 :/

@dragon106101 - 05.03.2025 01:48

Ugh, I bought an iphone for the first time in 7 years and it hurts to see how superior OnePlus is. 😭

@airforceups1 - 05.03.2025 14:18

Great Video 👍🏽

@ThaDraGun - 06.03.2025 03:26

I don't see the AI SPEAK, or AI SUMMARIZE. Do they need to be enabled first?
