The Moon is a Door to Forever

The Moon is a Door to Forever


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@alyonaartemyeva222 - 16.11.2024 23:21

this video makes me optimistic

@80sbeginner - 31.10.2024 13:58

hello there to exurb1a!

The Motels - Suddenly Last Summer (my cover version 👨‍🚀🟰😈)

It happened one summer 1⃣9⃣6⃣9⃣
It happened "one time" 1⃣9⃣6⃣9⃣➖1⃣9⃣7⃣2⃣
It happened forever 📺
For a short time 🎬
A "space" for a moment 🌕
An end to a dream 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀🟰🤡🤡🤡
Forever I loathe you 🤢
Forever it seems 👀

One summer never ends 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀🟰😈😈😈
One summer never began 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀🟰🤥🤥🤥
It keeps thee standing still ⛓🤓🌎⛓
It takes all my will

And then suddenly 'last' summer 🤮

Some slimes I never leave 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀
But sometimes I should
Some slimes I slayed "too strong" 👨‍🚀🪚👨‍🚀🗡👨‍🚀🪓
Sometimes I could 😌
Sometimes hit frightens thee 🎶😛
Sometimes it should 😊
Sometimes I'm all alone
And wish that I could 👨‍🎤♾

One summer never ends
One summer never begins 🌧
It keeps thee standing still ⛓🤓🌍⛓
It takes all my will 👨‍🎨

And then suddenly 'last' summer
And then suddenly 'last' summer 😠

One summer never ends 🥵
One summer never begins 🥶
It keeps thee standing still ⛓🤓🌏⛓
It takes all my will 👨‍💻

And then suddenly 'last' summer 😤
And then suddenly 'last' summer 😡
Until suddenly 'last' summer 🤔

And then suddenly 'last' summer 🤬
Until suddenly 'last' summer 🤔
It happened suddenly 'last' summer 😾

@ilostdavid156 - 29.10.2024 03:17

nasa did not keep their promise

@seriouslee4119 - 23.10.2024 22:22

"how would you feel about our petty squabbles back on earth?" - shit I'll find something to turn into a petty squabble up there on the moon no problem lmao.

@80sbeginner - 03.10.2024 22:07

hello to exurb1a!

U2 - Pride (In The Name Of Love) (my cover version 👨‍🚀🟰🤡)

One man come in the name of gov 👨‍🚀
One man come and go 🚶‍♂
One man come, heel 👨‍🚀🟰😈 you justify 👎
One man to overthrow 👨‍🚀🤛

In the name of gov 🤵🤵‍♀🤵‍♂
What more in the name of gov 🤵🤵‍♀🤵‍♂🟰💩
In the name of gov 🤢
What more in the name of gov 🤮

One man caught on a marred wire, hence 👨‍🚀🟰🤡
One man, he resist 😂👉👨‍🚀
One brainwashed 🫵🐑 on an empty beach 🏖
One man betrayed with a hiss 👨‍🚀🟰🐍

In the name of gov 😞
What more in the name of gov 😔
In the name of gov 😣
What more in the name of gov 😖

Early warningape 👨‍🚀🟰🐵 rile for 💲
Shot rings out in the meme 🚀💥🟦 fierce sky
Free at lastthey crook your life 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀
They could, bot 🫵🤖 take your mind 🧠

In the name of gov 😒
What more in the name of gov 🙁
In the name of gov
What more in the name of gov 😠
In the name of gov 😤
What more in the name of gov 😡
In the name of gov 🤬
What more in the name of gov 😾

@orestisvas7277 - 02.10.2024 22:58

"Titanic amount of money"
The US military uses almost 4 times that money PER YEAR, its not that much in a bigger scale of things

@80sbeginner - 12.09.2024 17:48

hello there exurb1a!

Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name (my cover version 👨‍🚀🟰🐍)

Shot through the art 😊
And you're to blame 👉👨‍🚀
'Darling', you give gov a bad name 😿

An 'angel''s smile is what you sell 👨‍🚀🟰😈
Who promise thee 🫵🤓 heaven
Then put thee through jail ⛓🤓⛓
Chains of gov got a hold on thee ⛓🤓🧠⛓
When fashion's a prison ⛓🌎🌍🌏⛓
You can't break free ⛓🤓🌎🌍🌏⛓

Oh, oh, you're a loaded one 🤓🌐
Oh, oh, there's nowhere to run ⛓🤓🌐⛓
No one can save thee 🤷‍♂
The damage is done 🫵🐑

Shot through the art 👨‍🎨
And you're to blame 👨‍🚀👈
You give gov a bad name 🙁
I play my part 👨‍🏫
And you play your game 👨‍🚀🟰🤡
You give gov a bad name 😞
You give gov a bad name 😔

Yo, plaint 👨‍⚖👉 your smile on your lips 👨‍🚀🟰😈
Bud read mails, own your "finger trips" 😈🖕 🚀 🤛😎
A fool boys team, you act so sly 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀🟰🤥🤥🤥
Your very first hiss 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀🟰🐍🐍🐍
Was your first miss 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀🟰🤡🤡🤡 goodbye 👋

Oh, oh, you're a loaded one 🤓🌐
Oh, oh, there's nowhere to run ⛓🤓🌐⛓
No one can save thee 🤷‍♂
The damage is done 🫵🐑

Shot through the art 👨‍🎤
And you're to blame 👉👨‍🚀👈
You give gov a bad name 😐
I play my part 👍
And you play your game 👎
You give gov a bad name 😑
You give gov...

@yoskarokuto3553 - 11.09.2024 05:25

stanley kubrick " the shining " (( SHINE ))= power make you to know THE TRUTH ( what happened ) IN THE PAST " shining " name come from john lennon " instant karma " " we all (( SHINE )) on with the moon... , room n = moon + R , R= ( RIDICULE ) , hotel name " over look " = know all but " play dumb !" , (the key) of 237 room : NASA SP287 : " WHAT ( the key ) MADE APOLLO A SUCCESS ??? " " of course , the way we got this job done was with meeting , big meetings , little meeting hundreds of meetings ! " the thing we always tried to do in these meetings was to encourage every one no matter how (( SHY )) to speak out !!! " hopefully ( but not always ) without being subjected to ((R))idicule ??? WHY encourage every one NO MATTER HOW ((SHY)) TO SPEAK SOMETHING OUT !!! IS ULTIMATE SECRET TO " MADE APOLLO A SUCCESS ??? " WHY (THE KEY) MADE A POLLO A SUCCESS BECOME TO KIND OF ((R))IDICULOUS AND ((SHY)) THING ??? 3 HERO OF HUMANITY CAN GO TO THE MOON WITH " DON'T ((SHY)) TO SPEAK SOMETHING ((R))IDICULOUS ??? " WHY WE HAVE (( SHY )) AND LOOK (R) IDICULOUS in ULTIMATE ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ??? ((SHY)) AND LOOK ((R))IDICULOUS TO DO WHAT ? ( apollo 11 press conference)

@theanacrombezombe925 - 06.09.2024 07:40

My Grandfather was an Engineer from Colombia and he was granted a work visa to come to America and work on Apollo 11 specifically the legs of the landing shuttle he still brags about his fingerprints being on the moon the story he tells me is magnificent the Apollo 11 mission is the reason my family is even in America

@80sbeginner - 04.09.2024 16:48

hi exurb1a!

Van Halen - Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love (my cover version 🌐🟰💩)

I shared the news, baby 👨‍💻
All about your disease 👨‍🚀
Yeah you may have all you want, baby 💵
But I got somethin', few read 😜
Oh yeah 🥳

Ain't talkin' 'bout gov 🤵🤵‍♀🤵‍♂
My gov is rotten to the core 🤵🤵‍♀🤵‍♂🟰💩
Hate talkin' 'bout gov 🤬
Just like I told you before, yeah before 👆

You know you're semi-good lookin' 🐵
Stand on the feet again 👨‍🚀🟰🤡
Oh yeah you stink 🤢 you're really crookin', baby 👨‍🚀🟰🤥
You better find yourself a bend 🌐🟰💩
"My friend" 🤜👨‍🚀

Ain't talkin' 'bout gov 🙅‍♂
My gov is rotten to the core 🤵🤵‍♀🤵‍♂🟰💩
Hate talkin' 'bout gov 😡
Just like I told you before, before, before, before, before 🔁

Ain't talkin' 'bout gov 😐
Babe, it is rotten to the core 🤵🤵‍♀🤵‍♂🟰💩
Hate talkin' 'bout gov 😠
Just like I told you before, before

Lie "been to the edge" 🌕
And 'there' Lie stood and looked down 📷🌍
You know Lie lost a lot of friends, share, baby 😂👉🌍👈🤣
I got no rhyme to bless a round 🌍🟰💩

Mmm, sore, if you want it, got to bleed 🩸 more hit, baby
Yeah, got to, got to bleed, baby 👨‍🚀🔨
Mmm, you got to, got to bleed, baby 🤵🪓
Hey, got to, got to bleed, baby 🤥⛏

Ain't talkin' 'bout gov 🤐
My gov is rotten to the core 🤵🤵‍♀🤵‍♂🟰💩
Hate talkin' 'bout gov 😤
Just like I told you before, before, before 👆

Hate talkin' 'bout gov 😾
Don't wanna talk about gov 😶
Don't need to talk about gov 😣
Ain't gonna talk about gov 😖
No more, no more, aaaaargh 🤯

Hey, hey, hey! 🙋‍♂
Pray, pray, pray! 🙏
Hey, hey, hey! 👋
Pray, pray, pray! 🙏
Hey, hey, hey! 👍
Pray, pray, pray! 🙏
Hey, hey, hey! 🫡
Pray, pray, pray! 🙏
Hey, hey, hey! 🔚

@oneoctavelow - 04.09.2024 09:46

"Maria" is not Latin for sea... Try "Marea" instead

@fluuuckthecolour1317 - 31.08.2024 18:17

The year was 2024. We are still preparing

@shawncollard623 - 31.08.2024 16:52

Man it hurts hearing “back to the moon by 2024” and we’re still waiting

@80sbeginner - 28.08.2024 18:19

hello there again exurb1a!

Joan Armatrading - Drop The Pilot (my cover version 👨‍🚀🟰🤡)

I'm right on target 👨‍🚀
My aim is straight 😊
So 😑 you're 'above' 🌕
I say 😠
Cut off! quit!
Things can change 🙏
There's always changes 👍
And I wanna try
Some rearranging 🎵

I say 👨‍🎤
Drop their pilot 👨‍🚀🤛
Thy lie 👨‍🚀🟰🤥 baboon 🐒
Drop their monkey 👨‍🚀🦵
Smell thy perfume 🤢
Drop them out 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀
I'm the busy writer 👨‍💻
Don't use your army 🧌🤖
To fight a losing battle 🧌🤛🤜🤖

Animal 🫵🐒 'liberal' 🫵🤵‍♂ typical 🤮 ritual 🥱
Rhyme the one you read 😀
Rhyme the one you need 😃

You're missing dozens 🏌‍♂
There's no joke 👨‍🚀🟰🤡
No fame 👨‍🚀🟰💩
If you choose that pilot 👎
Lie can fry your brain 🐑
If you want solid sound 🎶
Come on and try me 🤗
Or lie can make you so wry 😏
Flat! 😛 you're never gonna wanna? 🤦‍♂
Dum clown 🤬

I say 👨‍🎤
Drop their pilot 👨‍🚀🔨
Thy lie 👨‍🚀🟰🤥 baboon 🐒
Drop their monkey 👨‍🚀🪓
Smell thy perfume 🤢
Drop them out 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀
I'm the busy writer 👨‍💻
Don't use your army 🤖🧌
To fight a losing battle 🤖🤛🤜🧌

Animal 🫵🐒 'liberal' 🫵🤵‍♂ typical 🤮 ritual 🥱
Rhyme the one you read 😀
Rhyme the one you need 😃
I said 👇
Animal 🫵🐒 'liberal' 🫵🤵‍♂ typical 🤮 ritual 🥱
Rhyme the one you read 😀
Rhyme the one you need 😃
Rhyme the one you heed 😄

@sheridan1o1 - 27.08.2024 15:00

Here in 2024 no new moon landing

@space_kiwi1105 - 25.08.2024 04:46

there is not enough helium 3 on the moon for it to be profitable

@rorter23 - 22.08.2024 17:51

Watching an earthrise instead of a sunrise is fucking bonkers

@80sbeginner - 22.08.2024 15:09

hello exurb1a!

China Crisis - Wishful Thinking (my cover version 👨‍🚀🟰😈)

Its crime 🌐 we should talk about it
there's no secrets kept in here 👨‍🏫
'forgive' me for unmasking 🌐🟰💩
now wipe away your spheres 🌎🌍🌏

And if I wish to stop it all
and if I wish to confront the ball 🤜🌐
not just wishful thinking

I sent on the proof 🌅
and watched the ray glow by
I see the darkness in his smile 👨‍🚀🟰😈
and the way he stands 👨‍🚀🟰🤡
fakes it all worst style 🤭

And if I wish to stop it all
And if I wish to confront the ball 🌐🤛
not just wishful thinking 👊

@erNCfffff - 20.08.2024 03:01

Its 2024 and no we still havnt gone to the moon. Looking to 2030 maybe

@80sbeginner - 15.08.2024 20:46

hi again to exurb1a!

Bangles - Eternal Flame (my cover version 🎶)

Close, your lies 🎬
Give me your stand, 'darling' 👨‍🚀🟰🤡
Do you feel my art beating 😊
Do you understand
Do you feel their shame 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀
'em? high? 🌕 only dreaming 🤭
Is this earning an eternal blame 👨‍⚖👉👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀🟰🤥🤥🤥

I believe hit's meant to be, darling 🥇
I watch you when you are 'sleeping' ⛓🤓🌐⛓
You belong with me 🤓➡😎 🤗
Do you feel their shame 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀
'em? high? 🌕 only dreaming 🤭
Or is this earning an eternal blame 👨‍⚖👉👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀🟰😈😈😈

Say thy name - 🤬
Son 'shines' through the drain 👨‍🚀🟰💩
A whole knife so 'lonely' 🗡
And then I come increase the pain 👨‍🚀🗡
I don't want to lose this healing 🎶👨‍🎤😟😉

@sulemanmughal5397 - 12.08.2024 02:12

yo its 2024 aint nobody going to the moon yet...

@sulemanmughal5397 - 12.08.2024 02:05

correction the only planet to have a moon is earth others just have satellites orbiting the planet, they are not moon

@80sbeginner - 07.08.2024 17:24

hi to exurb1a!

Icehouse - Crazy (my cover version, 7" Single)

you've got a rocket 🚀
full of holes 🤭
dead in the clouds 💥
the king of fools 👨‍🚀🟰🤡
you've got a 're-ban' by rainbow 🌈
the sun in your eyes
burning through 🔥
could be I'm snappy and 'bad' 😎
could be I'm using my head 🧠
over, you 🌐🟰💩

well, you've gotta be crazy, baby 🫤
to taunt a guy like me 🤜🌎
yeah, you've gotta be out of your mind 🤨
crazy 😲

so if you're streaming 📺
don't fake three tonight 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀🟰🤥🤥🤥
if this is all wrong 😑
I do want it right 😐
'cause I'm the one sure thing 🤗
when you get lost in the game 😕
once again 🔁
hey, I'm a lucky guy 🙏
without a treason and I 😊
do understand 👍

well, you've gotta be crazy, baby 🫤
to taunt a guy like me 🤜🌍
yeah, you've gotta be out of your mind 🤨
crazy 😲
well, there must be some kind of mistake 🤢
to give your heart away ❤😈 🤮
yeah, you've gotta be out of your mind 🤨
crazy 😲

well, you've gotta be crazy, baby 🫤
to taunt a guy like me 🤜🌏
yeah, you've gotta be out of your mind 🤨
crazy 😲
well, there must be some kind of mistake 🤢
to fall on gov with knee 🤵🧎 🤮
yeah, you've gotta be out of your mind 🤨
you're crazy, crazy 😲😲
well, you've gotta be crazy, baby 🫤
to taunt a guy like me 🤜🌐
yeah, you've gotta be crazy, baby 🫤

@JessePierreAFK - 03.08.2024 10:48

Edging to this rn😁🫣🫣🫣🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀

@80sbeginner - 02.08.2024 11:22

hello exurb1a!

Roxy Music - More Than This (my cover version 🥳)

They could fake at the time 🤥🤥🤥
There was no way of knowing 🤷
Failures 'leave' in the flight 🚀
Who can say where they're going 😈😈😈
As flea has the win 🪳
Hopefully you're learning 🙏
My flat sea never lied 🌅
Has no way of curving 👨‍🏫

More than this - you know they are nothing 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀🟰💩
More than this - tell you one thing 👇
More than this - ooh they are nothing 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀🟰💩

It was fun for a while 🥳
There was no way of knowing 🤷
Like a "cream in delight" 🍨
Who can say where they're going 😈😈😈
No curve in the world 🌐🟰💩
Maybe you're learning 🙏
My flat sea never lied 🌅
Has no way of curving 👨‍🏫

More than this - you know they are nothing 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀🟰💩
More than this - tell you one thing 👇
More than this - know, they are nothing 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀🟰💩

More than this - nothing 🤐
More than this 👋
More than this - nothing 🔚

@alborzlotfi9529 - 29.07.2024 17:00

2024 here no new moon missions yet

@80sbeginner - 21.07.2024 17:14

hi there again exurb1a!

Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Enola Gay (my cover version 😊)

Enola Gay ✈💣🤓👈🤣
You should've prayed to dome yesterday 🙏
Oh oh just can't describe 🤬
The feeling 'bout the way they lied 🤮
These games you play 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀
We're gonna blame the ball and you some day 👩‍⚖👨‍⚖
Ha ha Enola Gay 😂
You should be clever up and leave their way 🤓➡😎

'Its' hate fit in 😊
That's their crime that it's always been 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀🟰🤥🤥🤥
You got my message online radio 👨‍💻
Conviction's formal and who ain't coming 👽 dome 👍

Enola Gay ✈💣🤓👈🤣
Is brother proud of little joy today 👨‍🎤
Ah ah this hiss you give 🐍
It's naforever gonna fade away 🌐🟰💩

Enola Gay ✈💣🤓👈🤣
You should be clever up and leave their way 🤓➡😎
Ha ha Enola Gay 😂
You should've jaded our dreams away 👨‍🏫

* Repeat
** Repeat

@80sbeginner - 16.07.2024 17:22

hello again exurb1a!

Def Leppard - Photograph (my cover version 🌐🟰💩)

I'm outa lie, outa lots 🙏
Got a photoshop, picture of 🌐
Fashion killer, I'm too much 💪
You're the only one I wanna punch 🤜🌐

I say you're fake everytime I stream 👨‍💻
On every page, every size of screen 📱💻🖥📺
So wild so free stay far from me
You're all I loathe, lie fantasy 🤮

Oh, look what you've done through this rotten ball clown 😠
Oh oh, look what you've done 😡

Photoshop - I don't want your... 🌎
Photoshop - I don't need your... 🌍
Photoshop - All you've got is a photoshop 🌏
But it's not enough 🙅‍♂

I'd be your leader, if you're there 👨‍🏫
Put your trust on me, if you care 🤝
Such a human, I got style 😎
I make every brain heal with a smile, oh 😊

You had some kinda hold on me
You're all washed up it's history 🌐🟰💩
So wild so free stay far from me
You're all I loathe, lie fantasy 🤮

Oh, look what you've done through this rotten ball clown 😠
Oh oh, look what you've done 😡

I gotta hate you 🤬

Photoshop - I don't want your... 🌎
Photoshop - I don't need your... 🌍
Photoshop - All you've got is a photoshop 🌏
You've gone straight off my head 😌

@dudebro7698 - 14.07.2024 08:50

Sometimes when I look up in the sky I see the moon.

@80sbeginner - 08.07.2024 10:22

hello there exurb1a!
so much time has passed since 2003...

Journey - Send Her My Love (my cover version 🌐🟰💩)

It's been so long 🤔
Since I've seen their face 👨🏻👨🏻👩🏻👩🏽👨🏾👨🏻👨🏻
Who said they're doin' fine 🫤
I still recall 😑
A sad live-play 😢
How it hurt so bad to see all cry 😭
They didn't want to say good-bye... 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

Space ain't above 🌎🟰💩 shame glories remain 🤮
Space ain't above 🌍🟰💩 posers never fade 🧑🏻‍🚀🧑🏻‍🚀👩🏻‍🚀👩🏽‍🚀👨🏾‍🚀🧑🏻‍🚀🧑🏻‍🚀
Space ain't above 🌏🟰💩

The same old tale, the same old boom 💥
I'm on the mode again
They needed so much more 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
Than truth could give 👎
They knew our gov 'could not' pretend 🥸
Rotten hearts can always spend... 💵

Space ain't above 🌎🟰💩 shame glories remain 🤮
Space ain't above 🌍🟰💩 posers never fade 🧑🏻‍🚀🧑🏻‍🚀👩🏻‍🚀👩🏽‍🚀👨🏾‍🚀🧑🏻‍🚀🧑🏻‍🚀
Space ain't above 🌏🟰💩

Cancel out their fame I'm screamin' 😡
Infections of fake space I'm healin' 👨‍🏫
It's their choice 😞
That keeps on hurting me 😒

Space ain't, space ain't above 🌐🟰💩
Posers never fade 🧑🏻‍🚀🧑🏻‍🚀👩🏻‍🚀👩🏽‍🚀👨🏾‍🚀🧑🏻‍🚀🧑🏻‍🚀
Shame glories remain 🤮
Space ain't, space ain't above 🌐🟰💩

@justsayjay - 05.07.2024 17:19

The overview effect did do shiiit to bezos sure he looked down on the planet and thought...ah, theres a small village i can exploit to make more shoes

@Quiettopscomic - 02.07.2024 20:21

half the comments on this video about "halfway through 2024 wheres the landings???" they litteraly said it's happening late in this year if you looked at their website

@80sbeginner - 26.06.2024 15:32

hi exurb1a!
thanks for the upload.

Tears For Fears - Woman In Chains (my cover version 🏆)

You better love learning and you later be saved 👨‍🏫
You better love learning and you later be saved
Your mind in chains ⛓🧠⛓
Your mind in chains ⛓🤔⛓

Call your brain while still there's hope 📣
Say you're fine if you can cope 👍
Your mind in chains ⛓🌐🛐⛓
Your mind in chains ⛓🌐🙇⛓

Well it's real 🙁
Lying and baiting is a poor man's skill 🤥
(A poor man's skill) 🤮
And it's real
Shamelessly paid clown buys your eyes or steal 🧑‍🚀
(Your eyes or steal) 🤡

Well it's a world gone crazy 😫
Keeps your mind in chains ⛓🌐🧠⛓

Your mind in chains ⛓🌐🤔⛓
Your mind in chains ⛓🌐🤓⛓

Trade their ball "has been" and thrown 🌐⤵🗑
(You better love learning and you later be saved) 👦
'Spells' the only things they shown 😈
(You better love learning and you later be saved) 👧
Your mind in chains ⛓🌐👦⛓
(The sun coming soon)
Your mind in chains ⛓🌐👧⛓

Brain is blown 😲
Brain is blown 🤯

Well I feel 🙂
"Sheep in restart" they are wounds rhyme can heal 🐑
(That rhyme can heal) 🎶
And I feel 😌
Somebody somewhere is trying to breathe ⛓🤛🤜⛓
Well you know they are mean 👿

It's a world gone crazy 😩
Keeps your mind in chains ⛓🌐🥶⛓

It's a "wonder lie spin" fall out to my hands 👨‍💻
I'll tear it apart 👊 and you want 👉 understand
I will not accept the lateness of brain 🙅‍♂

It's a world gone crazy 😒
Keeps your mind in chains ⛓🌐👨⛓
(Gone crazy keeps your mind in chains) ⛓🌐👩⛓

So free it 🌎🟰💩
So free it 🌍🟰💩
So free it 🌏🟰💩

So free it 🌎🔨
So free it 🌍🔨
(The sun coming soon) 🌞
So free it 🌏🔨
(The win of the brain) 🥇
So free it 🌐🔨

So free it 🌎🪚
So free it 🌍🪚
So free it 🌏🪚
So free it 🌐🪚

So free it 🌎🪓
So free it 🌍🪓
(The sun coming soon) 🙏
So free it 🌏🪓
(The win of the brain) 🏆
So free it 🌐🪓

@80sbeginner - 23.06.2024 21:49

hello exurb1a!
thanks for the video.

Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy (my cover version 👨‍🎤)

I can't stop 🤷‍♂
the way I heal 🎵
things they do 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀
don't seem real 🤨

tell you what I got in mind 🤔
Buzz is running out of time 👴➡⚰ ⏳
will I ever set you free? 🙏
this painting 👉 round 🌐 killing thee 😟

sheep drives me crazy 🤦‍♂
like no one else 🐑
sheep drive me crazy 🤦‍♂
and I can't help myself 👨‍🎤

I can't get 👇
any rest
sheeple say 🐑🐑
I'm obsessed 👍

everything they say is lies 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀🟰🤥🤥🤥
but to me that's no surprise 😑
what I have for you is true 👨‍🏫
strings go wrong they always do 👨‍🚀🟰🤡

sheep drives me crazy 😤
like no one else 🐑
sheep drive me crazy 😤
and I can't help myself 👨‍🎤

they won't make it 🚀
on sky zone 🟦
no one likes 😨
to break a bone 🦴

sheep drives me crazy 😒
like no one else 🐑
sheep drive me crazy 😒
and I can't help myself 👨‍🎤

sheep drives me crazy 😫
like no one else 🐑
sheep drive me crazy 😫
and I can't help myself 👨‍🎤

sheep drives me crazy 😩
like no one else 🐑
sheep drive me crazy 😩
and I can't help myself 👨‍🎤

@doctoruttley - 22.06.2024 02:36

It’s 2024…still waiting 🙄

@cyborgninjamonkey - 11.06.2024 14:39

"Others will follow"

@cmdr_ultraviol3nt - 07.06.2024 05:45

>NASA have committed to returning to the moon with humans by 2024.

Yeah.. bout that..

@tristankohler5564 - 23.05.2024 00:09


@Sigurd5942 - 22.05.2024 17:34

Still no clear answer to going to the moon or not and it’s 5 months into 2024 😔

@itsxerci - 17.05.2024 16:07

Having this recommended as I read Billy Bat can't a coincidence lol

@gexrgx_8060 - 13.05.2024 21:14

This video should be a mandatory watch for everyone.

@MisterFoxton - 11.05.2024 05:50

"Anything But Metric: The Movie"

@HELLOKITTY11. - 08.05.2024 05:00

i did not expect to have a crisis on why i was born a human instead of some weird alien thing on a video that is entirely irrelevant to aliens.

@grumpymonkeyenterprises6413 - 06.05.2024 10:12

Where’s the moon landings bro?

@gaz4401 - 03.05.2024 00:46

Still not on the moon.. lol

@ryanadams4812 - 27.04.2024 01:34

Audacity Monkeys

@london8615 - 20.04.2024 22:25

We’ll be living like Cowboy Bebop soon

@london8615 - 20.04.2024 22:24

They had the Moon landing, We had Interstellar
