It is about time that we do research about how we can use palm oil to fuel our vehicles.
ОтветитьMalayisia with its brilliant student population should find new ways to use palm oil and to make new products .
ОтветитьMalaysia should do research to make biofuel fully usable by vehicles instead of mixing with diesel.
Ответить😂😂😂😂😂Europe!! am i even surprised 😂😂
ОтветитьEropa munafuck. Emangya kalian mau kasih makan kita ?
ОтветитьMalaysia and Indonesia should reciprocate EU and BAN all exports and imports from EU. Give then a taste of their own medicine.
ОтветитьThey are tasting their own Medicine, these both countries used Trade as Weapon against India few years ago. Now they are complaining against policy they Deviced once.
ОтветитьLot of different kind of oils are bad for the body Palm oil has high in Saturated Fats. I do get the bad. But do it in steps so countries who depend on making it can change in time aswell.
ОтветитьWhy Malaysia government is supporting agriculture products from europe? Yara Fertilizer, Bayer, Sygenta etc
ОтветитьThey're so care about our forest but forget they don't have it anymore. Yet they teach us about preserving forests?
Lmao fking EU
Ya namanya mental penjajah ya mereka merasa lebih hebat merasa lebih maju seenak nya wudel untuk me maksa expor bahan baku mentah dari sda kita
Benar benar mental perampok seperti belum merdeka
Its just an excuse to protect their own oil, its better and cheaper. They just wanted to pocket more money from their own people. Stupid is as stupid does.
ОтветитьYou should also address the boycotts that is affecting so many ppl in the low income.
ОтветитьEnvironmental rules like hell they bombarded a country to oblivion that their real policy
ОтветитьThere are always way out or solution. It's biodiesel but you know slave is always slave. They must follow order
from their master
This is funny, netherland forest area is about 10% and france 30% meanwhile indonesia has 52% forest area🤣, eu better tell their countries to plant trees rather than stop exporting palm oil
ОтветитьEropa bangga dng keputusannya tapi hatinya was was,,dan Indonesia tidak takut akan ancaman eropa
ОтветитьWe are witnessing the downfall of the western world because of themselves for once again, les go 🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьThis time we agaist neo colonialism, imperialism.
ОтветитьEropa terus berusaha mempertahankan kehidupan mewahnya dengan berbagai macam cara😂😂
ОтветитьThese are the same Coloniser bombing palestine and middle east, showing care about orangutan. What a joke!
Shame on these shameless people!
Menjadi eksportir kelapa sawit nomor satu di dunia adalah tidak seberapa dibandingkan kehilangan kekayaan keanekaragaman hayati dan hewani kita lebih besar untuk membuka perkebunan kelapa sawit.
ОтветитьPresiden Jokowi melarang eksport Nikel , Bauksit dsb nya ke Eropa. Good, very good. Eropa adalah kolonialisme dan imperialisme.
Ответитьbuat produk siap je.. sabun , cosmetic , cooking oil, biodiesel , food and others.. lepas tu kita export.. simple
ОтветитьWTO sama dengan VOC. Jangan ulangi sejarah masa lalu dan jangan sampai ada pemain dari dalam yang menjadi antek antek. Buktikan juga kalau biodisel bisa lebih murah karena buatan dalam negeri.
ОтветитьBoycot eu product
ОтветитьUntuk melindungi diri (Indonesia), harusnya berusaha mencukupi kebutuhan pokok hidup, sampai di titik aman.
Untuk mengurangi ketergantungan pasokan dari negara2 luar.
Perbanyak dan produksi listrik tenaga surya ( segala peralatannya).
Jual ke negara luar hanyalah wisata.
Andai benar2 pelaksana pemerintah, berkomitmen mengabdi, Indonesia tidak akan sakit.
So you can boycot us but we cannot do the same to you???
ОтветитьEurope ban Indonesian CPO but is begging to buy Indonesian nickel. What kind of joke is this?
ОтветитьReally win win solution..?? Or it was win lose solution, for me better lose lose solution, beside that E.U economy will fall down coz of UKRAINE WAR and the GAS crisis.
If im the Indonesian President i'll make my country leaving U.N. and start build my country like China did at 1950's
If any country wants to make trade with my country must use gold for payment.
Lucunya sebagai negara eksportir cpo terbesar, negara kita pernah mengalami kelangkaan minyak goreng 😂😂😂
ОтветитьAnd what funny is ? They sue Indonesia for ban Nikel. These hypocrite people make me sick😂
Ответитьit will just fine coz most of the customer is we have should wc sir Brick..😊
ОтветитьAnd Then, Indonesia began to stop selling raw nickel to Europe
Ответитьthe deforestation was aready done
palm tree field can't be planted with other tree because actually palm tree is making the soil bad
it took years to bring back the soil
and now EU ban policy makes it worst..... there will be so many unused palm tree field out there
and now who's the bad guy?
The video is not correctly reporting about the EU palm oil ban. The EU wants to further import palm oil, but not palm oil that is produced on areas newly created by removing forests. Palm oil that comes from already existing palm oil fields can still be imported into EU. Stay fair, ok? This regulation is part of EUs green deal policy that supports sustainability and tries to protect forests, which are of extreme importance to help climate change to slow down. So this of global interest. EU could make it simple for themselves by saying, oh, we are sustainable in our european countries to keep the environment in a good shape here, but we just continue buying palm oil and other products from other countries out of EU territory and don`t care about environmental impact there. Itu akan menjadi kemunafikan yang sesungguhnya.
Ответитьa typhical invader country
wanted full control of the producer country because they had so many resources.
it always happens until the invader country's resources run dry they will beg.
Luar biasa masalalunya
ОтветитьPalm oil is unhealthy for human consumption, but for making soap or detergent, it's fine.
ОтветитьAnd when indonesis baned nickel exports, EU cried for help of WTO immediately
ОтветитьIndonesia: Disintegration of the Last Great Colonial Power?
A Special Overview Report
By Kerry B. Collison
I think EU arrogance,.. I do believe tide will change, sooner or later,, EU will confuse when indonesia ban nickel in raw material form, cause it will stop fueling their factory of EV especially... Just wait n see..
ОтветитьHahahaha. B.s.
ОтветитьOnly Arroganz keeps the US and Europe going....but surely not forever😅
Ответитьnow when europe offered talk about palm oil, indonesia said no, we dont need to sell any palm oil to europe anymore. because indonesia has found other ways to market and use its own palm oil. europe's decision has backfired to its economy and people.
ОтветитьThe world got along just fine for thousands of years without this crap. Its not needed. In fact its become an economic crutch.
Now you are telling us we will collapse if we stop using it?
Got it.
Guess we will all have to take that chance.
Kita jual ke cina dan afrika 👏🏻😏
ОтветитьIf palm oil is such an important product, does it lose its value if the Europeans do not buy it? Some 95% of the palm oil produced annually comes from Asia. I suggest for the producers of palm oil to create an OPEC or an exchange like chicago commodity exchange for palm oil. Second, refine palm oil to more value added products before export, and make it virtually the end products. Third, add a environmental tax/special use tax to palm oil for European and and North American markets, since they represent only some 10 % of world population, yet contribute some 40% to greenhouse gases, thus global warming.
Shift more of your trade from European countries to Asia. Asia is no longer beholden to Europe in terms of their needs to technology, and related technological needs. Today, Asia has in its hand the power to make Europe a wasteland. Just a reminder, what has happened to Europe since February 2022.
What do you think about this ban from the EU? Do you think it’s a good decission or not?