I've now uploaded a bunch of matches as a lot of people have been asking... nay, DEMANDING that I upload some gameplay videos because they want to see how a 4000h Mercy OTP plays. To which I always reply that it would mostly not be anything interesting to watch as I mostly just pocket someone, or goof around. I'm not a tryhard - hence no comp because it wouldn't be fair to the rest of the team, and also I don't do the OP Pharmercy (and man do all these entitled Pharah players get angry when I don't pocket them) or even use my blaster (well, I don't use it often tho, I mean, 4 million total damage is nothing after 4000h).
So here ya go, a bunch of matches... nothing special, but it's something. BTW, these videos are mostly raw/unedited matches as I was too lazy, so no fancy editing or even removing "dead time" between matches. Just skip forward when needed :)
Poop frame rate cuz of bad recording settings at the time.
Also, if any questions, check this Q&A/FAQ: