ОтветитьIntriguing as per usual 💙💙💙
ОтветитьThank you Andrew!💜💜💜
Ha! Everything here is frequency. a wine glass shatter at the right frequency!
And of course there is the reflective aspect of IT all to consider....
Fantastic---Thank You.
ОтветитьMark 3 : 24, If a kingdom is divided against itself,it can not stand.
ОтветитьMr. Christie, I implore you to look into a reoccurring theme in the character known as IT. The most hidden yet plain of them is in the face alone, just take a look throughout artistic depictions from Zeus to Joseph of Glastonbury and you can see it as clear as the ocean in the Caribbean. IT walks among us, IT always has. The Watcher isn't merely a disembodied spirit without a fleshly form.
ОтветитьMark 16:17; And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will caste out demons ; they will speak in new tongues;
ОтветитьWhy would saL do the to Rome. Imma say less internet exposure.
ОтветитьFor me it’s becoming blatantly oblivious that aliens are here and have been here.
Ответитьanother great video with a ton of info!!! keep em coming friend
ОтветитьThis must be some sort of matrix .how else one day before you start this exorcist series I've come into possession sterling silver candelabra used by Jewish rabbis to perform exorcism .the demon or demons or TRAPPED in the base of the candlelabr .
How could someone know if there's something in there ? In other words the house that this was in burnt down , and it looks very used.
This is so fucked up. ! A Stephen King could not possibly write this shit
Once more your analysis becomes food for Thoth/thought, my friend.
It occurs to me that the prayers for It performed by the rabbis are taking the exorcism to the most logical conclusion.. If the goal is to Return It to the Presence of The LORD for removal from the earthly plains.. where It does Not belong.
When Jesus was walking by the graveyard and the possessed man's demons cried out, " Jesus! Have you come to torment us before The Time?", it would seem fairly clear that those entities certainly understood the Score and that there is definitely a time beyond which they would no longer be able to possess anyone in the Future. The entities then asked permission to be cast into a herd of swine.. and Jesus simply said, " Go.", and so they went.. and threw the pigs into the Ravine anyway.
I've actually heard some Christian exorcists.. not Catholic ones though.. equivocate on what precisely we as followers of Christ, are permitted to do in terms of sending the evil spirits away, and it seemed more like a "catch and release" concept. That seems like a half-measure to me, that after 2000 years, is a bit lenient. So the way I've been led has been much more like the rabbis method. It seems probable that no sentient souls were created for the purposes of evil, and thus should be accorded a measure of compassion even within their very fallen state. It's the Compassion that defines the Holy Spirit of Christ, for no one lives a perfect mortal life and should those souls be shut out from their only opportunity for Return to the Creator, we have chosen to Be the God, rather than Represent our Lord.
But I'm just spitballing on this, since I'm not a ritualist or traditionalist aside from my faith in Yeshua Ha'Moshiach as Christ Jesus.
Excellent video as always, my friend. Gonna finish watching it now, because there's so much content, I have to stop and comment when I'm inspired!
Much Love!
And again.. the Lion and Serpent symbolism is something I saw in a waking vision in the wee predawn hours of a Sunday morning in mid July of 2015. I saw it as a Symbol for my House ( apparently I am your It, beloved brother 🤷♀️ ).. Tag(?)!
It was a Deep Crimson Lion in profile that had an elongated body with leathery scales, between which tiny flames licked out. Immediately after I began to describe it to my younger son over the phone, things started happening up in Alabama where he and a friend were hanging out on my mom's deck. The rest of the encounter was very interesting, because what they were seeing with their eyes in the skies and what I was seeing in my spirit shortly afterward may have been two realms of a shared reality.. but I saw a Massive Geometrical Star that I later found online to be a Merkabah star. It appeared to be made of Solid White Light and the shared edges opened up with Pure White & Golden Light pouring out of It when It opened, then It sort of twisted on an unseen axis and Doubled Itself! Right about that time my son and his buddy started hollering about Light ships that were literally in the skies over their heads that seemed to be shooting lasers at each other!! Wow 😳!
My son went inside to get the shotgun even, while I was telling him that he should Stand Down, should another.. or thing approach them.. because Clearly a shotgun would be no help with that kind of technology and firepower.. and it was better to be courteous and talk if possible.
It was really weird.. but I hadn't thought of it until a few days ago, because I was going to look for 'my' Serpent Lion online and for similar imagery in the Bible..
But you have been 'my' messenger yet again, in that your videos are so perfectly timed! Not entirely sure how I should 'take' this, honestly, but I do know that when it comes to Jesus.. He's got this.. even if I am It!
I'd laugh, but I am quite sure that there are many, many "more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in [my] philosophy."- my favorite quote from Hamlet 🤗
So if I am the AntiChrist.. I certainly hope it's not like 'they' say towards me.. but that I may bow humbly before my Lord Yeshua and receive His Forgiveness for my own sins and the opportunity to make up for the errors of my ways, both in this life and the Next.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and perspectives, my friend!
Much Love from our Mutual Creator and Redeemer, especially from 'my' House to your own.
Even so..
Boom! 💥 Angle-ish!? Adamic!? Great episode once again!
ОтветитьI in front or A or the letter N means not...
Roman numeral I = A the 1st alphabet which is why Abraham is Ibrahim for example....the killer cross (T or X) plays dirty as well in writing...we must be careful and discerning...great video AM always teaching
Sorry, to keep commenting, but I have to remind everyone that we humans were given the Directive of Dominion on the earth in the 1st Commandment of YHWH Elohim, so the Angels are here to help us remain in our own authority.. but not to Force our compliance to them. So if we don't do our part, whatever that is perceived or understood to be... and let's face it.. the religious orders are generally mortal agencies for their own perspectives as far as they are understood, which usually means " Be Religious!", far more than being Righteous. Jesus points this out to the Pharisees and Scribes pretty regularly.. usually while He is in the Act of Compassionately Healing and Delivering some poor captive under the Weight of Judaic Law.. as It was understood by those who should have recognized their own Propitiation.. but couldn't see him because he didn't Look Like what THEY had envisioned.
So angelic influences are limited by those who are the heirs of Adam. That's precisely Why we Need an Eternal High Priest to do what no mere mortal can do. ( oops.. my Protestant roots are showing.. but I'm not opposed to any form of sincere worship that doesn't further enslave its own to Egoism and hatred towards others.. especially our Mutual Creator and/or Redeemer. )
So it's not that angels lack power, it's a matter of Authority. We are the procreated children of Adam & Eve, 1st Man/1st Woman.. They are here to obey their own Creator's Will, by giving us the opportunity to "Rule and have dominion" for Better.. or worse... until the Great Mystery of G0D is Revealed and the Next Incarceration of the Family of God is made evident.
Luv ya!
ОтветитьAmazing! Your presentation is so artistic!
Could all these beings be simply frequencies?
Using one frequency against another ... to destroy or annul ...
Fields of different frequency ...
Incantations are frequencies, too ... try one over water ...
The mention of John Dee was quite unexpected in this context; he knew how energy moved.
Yes but the king of demons comes in many forms that are phases to his entire being. Ahriman is but the human form of this being, vessels , for one must remember, when God made Lucifer,he too was made in the likeness of God. So much like Him, the king of demons has many forms or vessels through which he works.
ОтветитьSolomon was given a Ring by the Almighty, that gave him dominion over various demons. Very interesting & scary how Asmodeus transformed himself into Solomon, stole his position, then was confounded in the end. I believe it was the Ode's of Solomon.
ОтветитьBless you my friend. Always good to see your content. Honestly very excited for this one. 🖖
ОтветитьNonsense... !
ОтветитьThat was cool, anything on meldiesiak
ОтветитьIn the book of Enoch THE WATCHERS or GRIGORI, were responsible for watching over mankind. There leader was named Azazel, and he and the watchers created the ginats or sub-nephilim (a true nephilim is half angel half demon or devil) Azazel is supposed to be bound within the earth itself, imprisoned until armageddon. Just like how Fenrir is locked up under asgard in North Mythology awaiting Ragnarok 😈😎😇
ОтветитьThe bible says that people who do evil, just do evil. Many times, people do evil and blame devil. Even God says in bible that devil has nothing to do with the evil people do. To be safe from evil thoughts or enemies, you must enhance your LOVE. Start by loving yourself, stop hating yourself.
ОтветитьThis blew me away - Andrew - Druids etc - love the info keep it coming!
ОтветитьI love how you explain this...I have a very different outlook on life now...though I was religious once I felt so wrong...I want to know who is the real God of all...everything about the soul...and how did the first life got to earth ...there is always a first
ОтветитьDude that was a sweet pen.
ОтветитьParasites...and time long as the time loop can be maintained they stay in power
ОтветитьReally good one
ОтветитьMalak is angel and it is good and peace, says Quran. Jinn desobeyed Allah but Malak obeyed . Alllllll Malaik ( plural) obeyed. No single angel is ever evil, they are in submission to Allah the Creator of every creation.
Ответитьזה לא תורה
ОтветитьI thought the ark contained crystals containing planetary consciousness
ОтветитьTracduction in spanish?
ОтветитьAnother great video bro,that Psalms thing was crazy! 😳 I been thinking of church songs and a lot of stuff I saw growling up half Christian/Catholic...and damn I was shocked to see how much crazy dark stuff happens and it's supposed to be God 🤣 by the time I was a teenager I had no respect and hated getting dragged to church,I was right about man made religions too,but I'm the satanist everytime I said anything to anyone, specially church ppl
ОтветитьBoże chroń nas od nienawiści złorzeczenia czarów guseł magi
Od wszystkiego co generuje.....
Blogoslaw nasze modlitwy w łasce miłości i wdzięczności
Jednocząc nieskończona Miłością zranione serca
🙏🌹♥️ Amen
Doug Christie on the Sacramento Kings.
ОтветитьI was very young when my grandmother gave me the st Christopher and chain.
ОтветитьIs that a statue of ashmedai in beginning? Hes studying.
ОтветитьJudaism will always remain in the running for the title of "Most Likely to Adopt Pagan Concepts" although Flat Earthers, New Agers and Islamists contend for that prize until the End when such notions will perish. The constant Roman Catholic background choir really drills this fact home. Anything gentiles can do, Babylonian Jews can do better.
ОтветитьCan someone please give me what this presentation is explaining in a nutshell ?
ОтветитьLove this one