Make Your Own Azuracast Station Intro File

Make Your Own Azuracast Station Intro File

Io Cresci

3 года назад

684 Просмотров

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@mrfranksinatra3545 - 12.01.2022 21:33

Much needed, been waiting or this feature or a while, thanks for the quick run down, much appreciated

@giusyodriscoll4812 - 13.01.2022 02:05

good job, ver easy to comprehend and follow, thanks.

@kuzaradio - 14.01.2022 04:35

Thank you for a detailed tutorial. Question - is there a way of disabling the download option for podcasts in Azuracast?

@Tujuhcahaya - 14.03.2022 21:48

so this is only working for liquidshop

@emrelabarjr6803 - 19.01.2024 21:13

how do i get a domain to work with this? I see your public page shows a web url, but mine shows the local IP address. i have a subdomain. How would i change that?
