[ALTA MEDIA] Robot Deli - "House Of Tech - Where ENLIGHT begins" #assistant #robot

[ALTA MEDIA] Robot Deli - "House Of Tech - Where ENLIGHT begins" #assistant #robot


55 лет назад

88 Просмотров

☀️ Delie - The Diligent Delivery Boy ☀️
🔥 Robot Delivery is not only fast and flexible but also extremely intelligent, creating a limitless delivery experience.
🔥 With its unique combination of speed, agility, and intelligence, Delie has completely redefined the concept of performance in the delivery sector.
🔥 Easy and smart communication with the Binch touch screen helps users and robots connect effectively, providing a detailed view of the delivery process.
🔥 Delie robot is the ideal choice for complex and crowded environments with the ability to move flexibly in narrow paths from only 55cm.
🔥 Let's experience convenience and professionalism with Robot Delivery

#altamedia #technology #houseoftech #robotics
🔸🔸 For more details, please contact:
Hotline: 0933802408 (Mr.Tài) & 0903045711 (Mr.Tú)
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
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