AutosOnVideo is the Fastest and Easiest way to create segmented vehicle videos for your dealership.

AutosOnVideo is the Fastest and Easiest way to create segmented vehicle videos for your dealership.


55 лет назад

44 Просмотров

Hey it’s Tom Gallaher “The Videopreneur”

AutosOnVideo is the Fastest and Easiest way to create segmented vehicle videos for your dealership.

Enjoy watching this video shot by one of our Newest Customers while I give you some hard facts on why you need to Sign Up Today.

• By 2017 over 69% of Web Traffic will be video.
• YouTube reaches more adults, 18-34 than any cable channel.
• Video on Facebook is shared twice as often as articles or photos.

Video is the primary way people want to learn. As a matter of fact Search engines favor it in “search results” even over higher ranked content.

So if you are not marketing with video, you’re already behind the times.

The problem up until now has been how do I get my inventory or respond to leads quickly and easily without a lot of editing and expensive equipment.

Well that’s why we created AutosOnVideo. The first smartphone based video app that allows you to create segmented videos and take photos in minutes. We put a human voiceover to it and manage all of the syndication to AutoTrader, and any other 3rd Party Site.

All this is done without plugging into a computer, editing or without having to pay a videographer thousands of dollars to do it for you.

Simply click on the link below and get started today.


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