Friend List - Wii U Menu Music

Friend List - Wii U Menu Music


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@樫井徹-h2p - 16.09.2023 15:36


@Odyssey_Cappy - 26.09.2023 03:58

I don't know why, but I always go back to listen to this song. It just makes me happy

@minakovenusaino - 06.10.2023 03:59

I remember playing Minecraft with all my friends way back when. Nostalgia really stings and I wish I could reconcile with them. (My ID is Wolfapillar for anyone interested.)

@littlebitslade - 08.10.2023 05:44

Sadly this music will be lost in 2024. RIP Wii U. Love you forever.

@AntonellaDeciantis - 19.10.2023 19:42

please god bring us back in time
when nintendo was in his prime
playing our favourite games
and playing with the guy named james
yeahing pleople
solving a riddle
everyone was sharing
now nobody is caring
memeries I'm remembering
lost times they are resembling

@julianvillarreal1450 - 29.10.2023 16:06

Sad that about 3 weeks or 1 month ago Nintendo announced that the Wii U and 3DS will lose their online servers in early April 2024. I’m gonna miss this so much. 😭💔

@julianvillarreal1450 - 18.11.2023 21:11

Happy 11th anniversary to the Wii U! Released November 18th, 2012 in The United States. November 30th of the same year in Europe and December 8th, of the same year again in Japan. 🥳 🎂 🎁 🎉 🎈 🎊 🍰 🧁

@bee-l4n - 22.12.2023 20:44

i love the wii u :(

@silverCandyshops - 11.01.2024 01:16

i remember when i was a little kid i met this older girl named gabby, i was an only child unsupervised on the internet a lot but i was also a big fan of sonic at the time and she would talk with me about it along with other stuff on wii u chat for hours and i kind of started to see her like the big sister i never had, i miss her a lot and this music brings me back to opening the friends list to see her online and know i can go call :)
i doubt anyone will see this but i had to get this memory out somewhere ❤‍🩹

@texicangaming2023 - 26.02.2024 04:18

almost 8 years later and I am still friends with most of my wii u friends (I've even been able to meet some of them irl) it's sad that I have left some of them behind along the way

@KiaraMcNeill - 14.03.2024 21:28

this reminds me of something familiar....

@khharkivsky - 26.03.2024 03:49

how does one make music like this i love it

@Darkly8 - 04.04.2024 00:31

throwback to all my dead wii u friends

@-hydragames-7387 - 07.04.2024 15:30

Back when we didnt have social medias to exchange, goddamn i wish i had some connection to them again

@mildlydispleased3221 - 08.04.2024 04:02

Rest in peace.

@julianvillarreal1450 - 09.04.2024 02:49

Goodbye to the online services for the 3DS (2011) and Wii U (2012). They will always be remembered and were fun while they lasted. 😔

@Polytrough - 09.04.2024 06:40

Goodbye wii u i will miss this place😢

@AntFaiellaArt - 09.04.2024 07:27

Now that the 3DS and Wii U online services have shut down, This and the 3DS Friend Menu Music hits so much different now in the saddest, nostalgic way possible. 

Already going back to the Friend List of both Menus, and I see nothing but a graveyard of the wonderful life I had during the first half of the 2010s. When the 3DS came out, I was finishing High School, and was about to attend College (First Mercy College for 1 year, and then School of Visual Arts for the next 4 years). During this time, I met a lot of amazing people through many of 3DS and Wii U's games. Probably The biggest games for me were Animal Crossing New Leaf, Pokémon XY/OR/SM/USUM, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros for 3DS & Wii U, and Super Mario Maker 1. Animal Crossing New Leaf & Pokémon were definitely the biggest ones for me. Of all the Nintendo Systems out there that supported online, I think the 3DS was the system I spent countless hours on for online. For once in my life, I was actually feeling very happy, making new friends through common interests, and was finally overcoming my shyness towards people that I've carried through the entirety of my school days.

However, as the years went by, probably 60% of those people who are on my friends list on both systems are people who I've lost contact with, and have never heard from again, despite most of them being on good terms. It's mostly due to different interests & priorities, not as active on social media anymore, or because I never got their contact info when I had the chance. Thankfully, some of the people on my friend list are people who I'm very close with to this day. As for the others though, I forever will miss them, hope they are doing well, and hope that maybe one day, we can reunite again. Though they probably wouldn't remember me anymore. :(

Again, seeing the Wii U and 3DS friend list screen today now feels like looking at a graveyard. In fact, it actually hits worse more then when the Wii & DS Wifi service shut down over a decade ago. Anytime I see and click on the friend menu screen, and/or listen to the music for it, I will forever reminisce about the glory days that the 3DS and Wii U has brought to me, during the first half of the 2010s. Nintendo, I thank you for what you provided for me & everyone during that era, and I will truly miss it.

R.I.P 3DS And Wii U
2011 (3DS)/ 2012 (Wii U) - 2024

@Odyssey_Cappy - 09.04.2024 15:26


@milan_spl - 11.04.2024 01:38

Goodbye WiiU ❤️🥲

@JamesAlvarez-kr2dz - 15.04.2024 21:52

When you don't have friends and you come to the friends list just to hear this nostalgic music...

@joshcs24 - 15.04.2024 22:10

Fueron buenos momentos...
Aún recuerdo cuando llegaba a mi casa después de la escuela y encendía mi Wii U para jugar con mis amigos agregados, más que todo Minecraft y Mario Kart, extraño ver cómo un amigo se ponía en azul signifcando que me podía unir a su mundo o a su servidores de batalla, ahora escucho esto y no me da las mismas vibras, se siente triste y solitario...

@笑笑笑笑 - 22.04.2024 18:34


@RoboCario - 02.05.2024 14:44

Do you know the wii u game pad and tv play diffrent versions of the theme and both cobine into this theme

@16juon - 28.05.2024 10:16

This rushes alot of memories for me, On a Friday night when i finished coming home from school, I hop on minecraft, then I check up on here and see whether my mates is online. I said to one of them. "See you tommorow." And then my charger broke on me. Never got to see them the next day. or the day after that. And till today. Never got to speak to them once again.

@gabriellevelmamorse1446 - 10.06.2024 06:25

this makes me cry from time to time, i am not afraid to admit it.

@ItsMeINKMASTER - 21.07.2024 21:21

the nostalgia anthem :'

@ItsMeINKMASTER - 24.07.2024 21:30

and in 2025 it still hits hard :'D

@mystir1x - 25.07.2024 10:38


@kdg_yt - 28.07.2024 06:06

Maybe we were too hursh on the wii u it wasnt that bad of a console it had a banger soundtrack and it even had a good shop and it even says happy bday to u not even the switch dose that.

@Spletz - 28.07.2024 10:31

this shit go hard

@BroGamerX1X5 - 11.08.2024 18:26

I own my cousins old Wii U and his old friends has it saying last online 7 years ago

@CheeseburgerGT-es4lu - 13.08.2024 16:48

going to see who's online always disappointed me. but the Wiiu friend list was ten times better than Nintendo switch. at least you could join people directly and you could hear this awesome beat. Rest in peace Wiiu

@Astro29740 - 04.09.2024 00:58

This will always throw me back to 2022... ;)

@sonicgunners - 18.09.2024 13:56

Its seriously sad that thr Wii U was a not so well sold console for Nintendo, but i was one of the few people who got a black colored Wii U. This music brings back good times when i was searching for available friends to play Minecraft Wii U Edition, which the friends i played with, all of them now say "Last online over a month ago" which makes me burst into tears.

Thank you Nintendo for the great times on the Wii U!

- inkingboy02, my Wii U name
Yes I was a massive Splatoon fan when the account was made.

@nemusita - 29.09.2024 01:55

El otro dia me puse a escuchar musica de ningendo ds y wii para relajarme un poco mientras dibujaba y acabé llorando como por veinte minutos con este ost. No puedo explicar porqué mi nintendo 2ds me evoca recuerdos tan vividos y nostalgicos, en verdad hay pocas cosas que puedan hacerlo pero esto es otro caso... Amo tanto el nintendo de esa epoca y lod momentos de felicidad que pasé en mi niñez gracias a ello... Q marica q soy

@keylinnavarro5321 - 30.09.2024 22:13

man, my wii u was the greatest thing ever, played it since i was four gordopro9 if you see this, you were a great friend, when will you hop back on Wii u?

@James_Dakota - 07.10.2024 03:07

chrisfree68, tyjones… Hope y’all are doing alright!

@sonicramdomchannel - 04.11.2024 20:01

Someone at Nintendo: Dude, it's just a friend list, don't make it go hard
Someone else at Nintendo: And what will you do me if I do?
does the best beat possible

@ExtrainADogsLife - 10.11.2024 16:36

Toshiba_118. You, your sister, and your brother all were great friends to me during a rough spot in my life. I hope things are okay for you now, and just know that I'll always remember our old survival world. Take good care of yourself, you matter to me even if may never see you again.

@_dragonn - 17.11.2024 19:23

miss this shit

@The_Fridge_Guardian - 24.11.2024 02:09

Date is around March 29 2024.
"I just made friends from Splatoon online!"

-April 7 and 8 2024

"I never got to say goodbye to those friends."

@Andrew-ms4dr - 02.12.2024 20:09


@BarragePacking - 10.12.2024 05:41

Last online a moment ago
Last online a minute ago
Last online a hour ago
Last online a day ago
Last online a month ago
Last online a year ago
Last online over a year ago
Last online 8 years ago

@Beyconzitos - 16.12.2024 20:59

Weegee, Jennifer, Chara, Marcos, Thiago, and my many other friends on my Wii U friend list, It's been a decade but I sincerely hope that you all are doing well in life. I got my Wii U taken away from me, without the right on saying a last goodbye to all of you, and I deeply regret that, even if it was way out of my control.

My username on the Wii U was boninnha (some name my mother invented for me to use on it). You all made me smile and have the most fun I could get when I was at a complete mess of a house when I was 13 (I'm almost 23 now). Even if I never met you all, I still respect you for everything you guys ever did to me, be it talking on Miiverse or spend the whole afternoon playing Smash or Splatoon after school.

Especially you, Jennifer. You were my most talked friend on the Wii U, and I never had the chance to say goodbye... my Wii U gamepad got broken in a fight I had with my piece of shit father, and I couldn't talk to you much since. I remember vividly sending a reply on a post checking on her, since the Miiverse website had no DM features... I'm sorry if I sounded like an asshole by leaving out like this but it wasn't my fault. I'll never see you again most likely, but if by SOME MIRACLE you read this, thanks for all the moments you gave me. I don't remember your exact username, I just know that your name was Jennifer, and that your Mii was a girl with long (maybe wavy?) hair and round glasses. Either way, I hope you're living a very happy life. I haven't seen you in a decade but I still remember and care for you, our friendship still stands strong in my memories.

Thank you Nintendo, for making Miiverse and making me add such incredible people that made part of my teenager years. I just hoped the Switch was this lively. Maybe the Switch 2 will be different.

@BackyardigansPablo1 - 19.12.2024 08:41

I love my wii u and all it's cool noises ^^

@CarBleeder - 11.01.2025 23:18

everyone is talking about nostalgia but I’m here because this song is a bop

@antoinemassol3723 - 23.01.2025 21:58

Who know Destrac ? This is the Destrac's music
