15 Tips to Pay Your Labor and Materials

15 Tips to Pay Your Labor and Materials

I AM Builders+

6 месяцев назад

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@CajunLiving - 07.09.2024 02:55

Called y'all to work with y'all never got back with me if y'all to busy to take new clients just till me

@shappirefishing1186 - 07.09.2024 03:02

Hi, I just registered for the training. However I can not log in. It just shows me the zoom invitation for the estimating.

@Eniggma520 - 10.09.2024 18:48

This only works if already in business though what about when brand new?

@ilyagum836 - 21.09.2024 23:09

We try to finance jobs with cash unless. For Special order products we take deposits.

@SidArteaga - 02.10.2024 14:49

I was number 70. Thanks for all the videos.

@jesseRUbio-v7b - 10.10.2024 02:07

amazing content.

@baddogcreative - 14.11.2024 07:18

I’m a small residential GC. I ALWAYS front load my deposit and early invoices / SOV. I rarely will execute work on credit. If a client wants slower payment terms prices goes up ~5-10%. I explain that it greatly increases my risk - unless it’s a repeat client that I can trust will pay fast.

I require payments usually within 3 days of invoice date. Most of clients are paying cash or have a HELOC.

I do invoice as a SOV even on small residential projects unlike most small guys. As a residential GC showing a SOV for work completed is huge advantage when most other small residential GCs have haphazard invoicing methods. The SOV makes my invoices super transparent the homeowner feel like they know exactly what’s being paid for and when.
