Breaking the Windows Clipboard

Breaking the Windows Clipboard


2 месяца назад

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@bluestation1234 - 01.11.2024 16:43

I’m never copying something again

@krimke881 - 31.10.2024 17:33

Cudos for writing this stuff! such small little tools and executables, have made my life so much easier for YEARS in the professional industry. clipboard, explorer, registry, are the main targets mostly. Ooooh what you actually can do with just a small little smart tool.

@krimke881 - 31.10.2024 17:31

How about @DavesGarage chip in on this for a minute =)

@raijeru - 31.10.2024 03:01

It would be hilarious if you prank someone and the commands run on startup and the computer would be very unusable. 💀

@mrfoodarama - 30.10.2024 20:18

Awesome stuff Joe! Imagine Explorer crashing, that never happens 🤣

@rob3108 - 30.10.2024 16:58

That is very interesting; I had no idea windows in the clipboard were tied so closely together.

@Voreoptera - 30.10.2024 15:49

What about clipboard history? Windows key and V.

@UlrichSchmiedel - 30.10.2024 10:55

I hope no malware will use this behaviour.

@Oweblow - 30.10.2024 10:18

Thankfully, I don't use Windows anymore so I don't have to deal with any of this.

@_Dearex_ - 29.10.2024 22:28

Ok Windows, please explanain why the clipboard history is so short if you could fill ~50000 items?!?

@GamerGator665 - 29.10.2024 19:46

Clipboard? Breaking? Windows needs to just get better at making a good os...

@Thready_Carnival - 29.10.2024 16:03

I remember when you almost convinced me to wipe my xbox 360 cause it was actually secretly an xbox one in disguise and i just had to factory reset it to turn it into one. By god i was a stupid kid, good memories, glad to see you're still up and kicking

@DallasRabot - 29.10.2024 11:14

Recently on Windows 11, I’ve been noticing that I have been having clipboard copying issues on multiple computers. It’s been inconsistent when copying passwords, etc.

@FusionDeveloper - 28.10.2024 21:44

Sometimes clipboard fails to copy

@AlphaWhiteWolf20 - 28.10.2024 19:41

I've had problems similar to the ones shown in the video, but never thought it could be the clipboard!

I have a terrible habit of using hibernation mode instead of doing a full shutdown - particularly when I'm doing video editing. Regularly save the project (using a "versioning" filename system) but some projects take so long to initially load that I leave the program running and just hibernate the PC...

@avvn9331 - 28.10.2024 19:09

Interesting video didn't know this about clipboard . So what does happen if the program doesn't registe with clipboard?

@60_069 - 28.10.2024 14:01

One of the most interesting videos i've ever watched regarding windows. great work thiojoe!

@namesurname4666 - 28.10.2024 13:39

I've had the drag and drop disabled and paste greyed out issue before, thanks for explaining why it happened
iirc it might happen if pc is out of space

@Steamrick - 28.10.2024 10:07

I really wish programs would return more useful error messages. If we got an 'your computer has run out of clipboard space, please reboot your computer' instead of the generic 'has run out of system resources', it'd be so much easier to troubleshoot.

@MrMarbles - 28.10.2024 06:54

is this valid in india?

@briananeuraysem3321 - 28.10.2024 06:32

Well this seems to have scarily many consequences. Why is windows built like a house of cards?

@chuckthetekkie - 28.10.2024 05:30

Had no idea the Windows Clipboard has a limit. As a daily Mac OS user I wonder if Mac OS has a similar limit and if so, how does Mac OS react?

@keithgarrett9829 - 28.10.2024 04:26

Switched from Windows to Linux 10 months ago and haven't looked back. Great video, Theo. As usual, you do a great job.

@_GhostMiner - 28.10.2024 03:32

You should try this on a more stable version like 7 and XP.

@mvstermlnd - 28.10.2024 03:29

Speaking of windows generic keys, remember when gpt generated lists and lists of them because all of our grandmas suddenly "died"? Believe it or not, the 4th one, on the first list i opened, it activated my windows. 😅

@SimonZerafa - 28.10.2024 00:42

All this clipboard breakage and Copy Paste not working reminds me of the effects of thr Sassar Worm which could broke IPC when it infected a Windows instance 🙂🤷‍♂️

@россум - 28.10.2024 00:07


@krievolic - 27.10.2024 23:02

this explains why my computer crashes and wont let me paste when i try to change a file name

@classicalricky - 27.10.2024 23:00

hey joe, question for you. for deleteme, what if you WANT your info on that site to save yourself time typing it in, like filling in a password, or filling out a job application, etc

@mchenrynick - 27.10.2024 21:32

Interesting is that the clipboard system is still set from 8-bit computers. For example, the Commodore 64 memory is 0 - 65535 (0000 to FFFF in hex).

@c0d3warrior - 27.10.2024 20:28

Paste random data to Bing: About 41,900 results. 😂

@MonochromeWench - 27.10.2024 19:04

Out of system resources. That's an error I haven't seen since the days of 16 bit Windows. Back then out of system resources pretty much referred to running out of handles of any type (65k max total combined) . Which would include handles to clipboard formats. Surprised that Microsoft didn't move the clipboard to be 32 bit handles on the move to Win32. Instead it still uses 16 bit handles. It really is amazing how much 16 bit cruft is still in modern Windows for Backward compatibility and for the most part changing things is unnecessary as under normal situations you wont exhaust clipboard formats, but this looks like a potential low privlege local denial of service attack.

@sandeeepkiran1130 - 27.10.2024 17:14

Damn, ThioJoe went full pro

@FreakGene - 27.10.2024 16:44

I've done a lot of weird programing trying to make things do things that's they weird intended todo. I'm definitely aware of windows clipboard limit, there is also an issue where it can't keep up all the time and has to "think" it seems. (Regardless of how big or small the copied item or text is) As I'll clear the clip board history, copy something and then paste it and it will say there is nothing to paste, or it can't be pasted. But if I give it a few extra trys then it will go through. But mind you all happening within a few miliseconds as I'm running these actions through code. An error handler event just to spam windows paste function lol.

@haves_ - 27.10.2024 16:22

This is like the apps are office cubicles and you are in what they see is someone with a mountain of tasks ready to handout for them and they just disperse, lmao.

@theopoldthegamer4284 - 27.10.2024 16:05

Hoorya for subtitles

@dmtsza - 27.10.2024 15:12

Can this be done from JavaScript in a web site? If so, this is a vulnerability since any malicious site can crash your computer by abusing the clipboard.

@whamer100 - 27.10.2024 14:54

the clipboard is very cool stuff. I've played around with this kind of thing once in the past (for probably a similar curiosity) but I never got as far as registering custom stuff. I was mostly curious to find out exactly how copying and pasting files worked, and it's a lot different than what one might expect!

@IBM29 - 27.10.2024 13:49

Virus and malware authors are taking notes. MS will soon have a new Zero-Day to deal with... 😂

@pedro.alcatra - 27.10.2024 13:41

The windows sand box is a pretty good program for when you just want to test some suspect programs ot files. It also didn't have shared clipboard function when I needed, in the past.

I hope Microsoft adds the option to edit some configuration about it. Like permanent storage for it. I know you can do it with some prompts, but it sucks.

@Scrivyyy - 27.10.2024 13:06

Wow, I run into my clipboard not working multiple times a week. I always thought it was my file Explorer having issues but restarting file Explorer never fixed it. I did work out a system restart fixes it but good to know why this is happening haha

@Laszlo34 - 27.10.2024 13:04

OMG what a wonderful coincidence! Literally just yesterday I was contemplating making my own clipboard editor. I've got some simple java code that read clipboard, writes clipboard, but it's separate and there's no GUI. Can you believe it...I've been using InsideClipboard.exe since the beginning of time. yuck! :| Thanks for the info!

@BartierCardia - 27.10.2024 13:00

What if you pin the items

@ravenman13 - 27.10.2024 12:32

You've just shown issues I've add, drag and drop, copy, windows explorer crashing.

I use clipboard board like a temp posted note, so my clipboard history (win10) always get full where it has to remove stuff that is too old.

Maybe that is what's causing my issues.

I've also noticed the clipboard history history reset when you screenshot and copy very large images, it seems to wipe them.

@Twinsen764 - 27.10.2024 12:27

Another lame video... Again 99.999% of people use clipboard for txt and images and files only...

@sayemprodhanananta144 - 27.10.2024 12:09

well, new DoS attack dropped

@EIRE55 - 27.10.2024 11:02

Yesterday, I discovered the SuperMSConfig tool which is apparently for W11. However, I managed to download it onto my W10 22H2 computer, although opening it took a bit of playing around.

Anyone here know anything about it, and can you tell me if it works okay on W10?
