I must admit it is a beauty. I would have this over the Urus I think. 🙏
ОтветитьIt’s like a flying brick! I know it’s off road abilities, but you’re never going to yomp across a muddy field in the thing ! Are you? Should imagine it’s going to be very popular with police forces across the country and beyond though
Ответитьsuper rr
ОтветитьHere we go. Finally the end of a lazy Range.
Ответитьto me car reviewing is the best job in the world.
Ответитьfrom india
ОтветитьFord also makes a 4.4L TT v8 except it’s diesel. It’s no longer in production, at least for ford. Land Rover still uses it in Europe as their range topping diesel engine. The rest I believe are i6 diesels or mild hybrid diesels
ОтветитьI love everything about this except the fake hood vents… might as well not be there
ОтветитьLand Rover own insurance wont insure me god knows they won’t insure for this car! Great cars but getting insurance is almost impossible
ОтветитьHow did Range rover put a range rover ad while i was watching who must pay for that damage you did
ОтветитьGet the X5M and pay half price 😂😂😂
Ответитьit looks like a soap dish with wheels, I prefer my 2019 version😂😊
ОтветитьDiscovery 2 had it. Active Cornering Enhancement (ACE).
ОтветитьLove the car but what the hell happened to top gear. This guy is so boring!! Must be someone better who can present!
ОтветитьI like the man behind the wheel
ОтветитьNothing will go wrong with BMW engine 🎉
ОтветитьThe school run women are already mental, imagine when they get this bought for them.
ОтветитьWhat colour is this??
ОтветитьBest looking car among ugly modern cars😍
ОтветитьAll the money launderers, drug dealers in my country drive range rovers and Gwags so I'll stick to Isuzu muxes, dmaxes, fortuners
ОтветитьSuper cool and so special ❤omg❤
ОтветитьThe initial part of the video, talking off road, feels forced like trying to emulate someone else eg an ex-Top Gear presenter or two. Yet later talking about on road, and later on track, it clicks really well. So, to the presenter and writers, go into that latter mode more, it works well, and I really enjoyed your message. Very watchable.
ОтветитьNow they've gone and ruined it with a BMW engine.
ОтветитьFor a moment there i thought Mat Watson went bold😭😭😭😭
ОтветитьNo, this top gear not attractive
Ответитьthats the reason why i cant quit school i love that shit so much
ОтветитьRange rover and jaguar is INDIAN CAR BRAND
Ответитьbro casually drifting a range top tier driving
ОтветитьThe only Range Rover I’m gonna buy in the future
ОтветитьThe only Range Rover I’m gonna buy in the future
ОтветитьI was always wondering why someone will need a race suv if could by a proper sport car :) If i buy a suf or a big cat it should be for proacticality ofroad capabilities but to rae 3 tons of weight :) it is a fashion
ОтветитьThere is water in the headlights already 😂
ОтветитьA wonderful automobile journalism I've seen in a while
ОтветитьGreat video. Love this Range Rover!
ОтветитьVery nice car ❤
ОтветитьDon't get me wrong, I love power, owned a Mustang for a while, but what is the point of these vehicles. I would suggest 90% never go off road, and the majority are used to fetch the kids home from school, about three miles away.
ОтветитьPas trop la place de cette voiture le circuit 😢
ОтветитьSince it is a turbocharged V8, how long is the lag time before turbos kick in? 2,3,4,5 seconds?
ОтветитьYou gotta love some Deadmau5
ОтветитьWill defender Octa do the same?
ОтветитьThink I'd prefer an Octa Defender that can actually be pushed hard off-road. And no, hard packed dirt roads does not constitute an off-road environment LOL Those are indeed still roads.
ОтветитьNatural habitat ❤❤❤
ОтветитьYour discs are shot.
ОтветитьFor $200k+…..😑
Ответитьcome on,, all the 'old one' had more was noise.
ОтветитьIf you compare it to the new M5 it is a leightweight....LOL
ОтветитьGood luck with insurance
ОтветитьThis, an Urus, or something else?