This vehicle is an older EMAMC, a Honda ST1300P.
Usually Honda EMAMCs are equipped with a Whelen WPA series siren, with a highly distinguishable US-styled high pitch Wail or Yelp tone. This time, even though we can see the highly visible WPA series siren controller on the dashboard of this EMAMC, this bike doesn't produce the iconic siren tone. The Wail tone of this siren has a lower pitch and it is much less intensive that it reminds me of a few siren model used in Europe, especially a Federal Signal Vama AS320.
一般而言,本田製嘅EMAMC應該配備由Whelen Engineering所生產嘅WPA系列警報器,響號嘅嗰隻聲係較為高音同節奏較快,係典型嘅美式警報響號嘅聲。不過呢一部EMAMC(A612)雖然似乎儀錶板上都係有WPA系列警報器嘅控制器,但隻響號嘅聲係完全唔同。 響號嘅聲(Wail tone)係比WPA系列嘅更加低音同節奏無咁急促,令我諗起另外一隻歐洲用到嘅警報器,尤其係Federal Signal Vama AS320。
According to a comment from mlps93, an experienced emergency vehicle spotter, the bike was actually using the siren from even older EMAMCs (10 years ago)
根據資深緊急車輛攝錄YouTuber mlps93留言嘅講法,查實係用返上一代EMAMC(10年前)嘅警報器。
Date 日期: July 2022 2022年7月
Location 位置: Tin Ho Road, Tin Shui Wai 天水圍天河路
Call info 事件: Unknown 未知
Agency 機構: Hong Kong Fire Service Department (HKFSD) 香港消防處
Fleet no. 車隊編號: A612 (EMAMC-???)
Siren 警報器: To be confirmed 有待確認
Camera 相機: Samsung Galaxy A52 5G (w/Samsung Camera app auto mode)
#HKFSD #TSW #Turnout #Hong_Kong #Emergency #Responding #Ambulance #AMB #EMAMC #Emergency_Medical_Assistant_Motorcycle #消防處 #救護車 #急救醫療電單車 #去車 #天水圍救護站
#gta #grand #theft #auto #gta5 #GTA_5 #mod #police #Tref #A. #香港 #消防處 #警報器 #警號 #HKFSD #Hong #Kong #Fire #Service #Depatment #Code #Code_3 #emergency #response #responding #去車 #救護車 #Ambulance #AMB #EMAMC #Emergency_Medical_Assistant_Motorcycle #急救醫療電單車 #A612