I Led a VIKING INVASION in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord!

I Led a VIKING INVASION in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord!

Spartan Gaming

55 лет назад

216,214 Просмотров

After losing his father to the Roman Empire, Ivar the Boneless finds himself with no gold, no food, and no equipment, surrounded in every direction by powerful enemies. Ivar's main goal will be to avenge his father and destroy and conquer all of the world.

Ivar the Boneless will be starting off this campaign at war with every major faction, minor faction, and mercenary group, alongside his brothers Bjorn Ironside and Hvitserk.

Victory Conditions:
* Avenge our Father
* Destroy or Conquer the World

Defeat Conditions:
* Ivar is Captured
* Ivar is slain in Battle
* All Brothers are Captured

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Life of a Viking Mod List:
Realistic Battle Mod, Open Source Armory, Harmony, improved garrisons, diplomacy, Eagle rising, serve as a soldier, RTS camera, Raise your banner, perfect fire arrows, and my own Viking mod.
(Version 1.0.2)


0:00- Cinematic Intro
0:28- Building a Viking Army
2:09- Vikings VS Barbarians
4:30- Viking Invasion
6:31- Viking Bridge Battle
9:59- Viking Tournament
11:04- Shield Wall Tactics
12:26- The Great Raid
15:14- Saving our Brothers
20:55- A Powerful Ally
21:38- Cinematic Teaser


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