Anita Gibbs is one of the worthy opponent.
Ответить"That's a lie" followed by "I withdraw my motion"
Lawyer or Lieyer
In the words of Captain Sparrow " As Do I".
ОтветитьAnother one of Mike Ross' photographic memory Masterclass
ОтветитьOne of the best witty series and also one of the best law series from USA Network series!!!
ОтветитьAhhh....forgot how much I loved this show
ОтветитьI just love Anita Gibbs, She's something else..
ОтветитьThis is why i will never trust a lawyer and i think they are downright bad ppl.. They will backstab and lie with every chance they get.. I rly hope i never need one.
ОтветитьThe thing that really kills the drama is that Gibbs just showed to the judge she willingly breaks the law to win a case against people. Which means she does not care for the rule of law or if the person she is trying to convict is innocent. It is one thing to keep a guilty person out of jail but it is worse to put innocent people into jail. The Judge would then have to either throw out the case as a mistrial to be tried again with a new lawyer or have a new lawyer be in charge of this case. Furthermore any cases with Gibbs's hands all over it would have to be double checked to make sure she didn't break the law there to convict innocent people.
ОтветитьJudge Rall is hot
ОтветитьI’ve watched the entire show with these clips 😂
ОтветитьI am kind of fan of her after this scene 😂😂
ОтветитьIs the actor for Harvy the same actor for Simon Ambrose of Johnny English ?
ОтветитьAnd Mike hit her with another trap card
Some advice Gibbs: carry a few MSTs
Never know when you’ll need em
Gibbs thought she was just going to get away with it...
ОтветитьRed John messed her up a lot.
ОтветитьAttention to details is what I learned from this.
ОтветитьSuits is one of the greatest TV series of all times!
ОтветитьMan I wish these guys from suits universe met Saul Goodman. The camera would've already been turned into a vacuum by now.
ОтветитьAs the judge... After the motion is removed I would STILL subpoena the camera. The judge just received credible evidence that a prosecutor knowingly and wilfully violated someone's rights in an attempt to bully and force them into a confession.
Ответитьdat lady is the living embodiment of a karen. Lawyer level
ОтветитьIf i am that judge, she can remove her motion but now that tape still getting taken and she's gonna be out of a job. ha
ОтветитьWhat's with the title? That didn't even happen. Also is this the official Suits channel?
ОтветитьTheir greatest threat..Attorney karen.😂😂😂
ОтветитьI'm watching suits at present. I was thinking to myself, it's amazing all the lives that got rattled over one man's secret.
I liked Anita Gibbs closing argument , it really stick in your brain, way she say how about doctor was performing open heart surgery wasn't really a doctor, or if you found out pilot flying your plane wasn't really a pilot.
When Harvey went to meet the jury foreman , he said that it was twelve angry men, they were all guilty , only he changed their minds,
I was watching season 5 yesterday. I was thinking how come after Mike Ross got arrested, and then the arraignment the following morning, the writers never have in part where the defendant answer guilty or not guilty, to go forward. I know it's only TV.
ОтветитьI have huge amount of respect for women and I know she was doing her job, but there's that extreme urge to slap Gibbs whenever she's on screen.. dunno why
ОтветитьI dont get how Gibbs didnt end jailed after that. Or taken from the case at least. She ignored Mikes rights.
ОтветитьIn this episode, I was watching the season. I watch alot of suits on Netflix. I was thinking the writers should have left it that Harvey couldn't represent Mike. The judge throws Harvey off the case. Then Katrina Bennet has to represent Mike in his fraud case. It would be amazing, see Katrina Bennet fighting Anita Gibbs and fighting to keep Mike from going to prison, considering where they both started from. Katrina Bennet is an amazing character, and them when Mike goes to prison, Katrina Bennet could be visiting Mike with ways to get him out, appeal his case, be amazing to see.
You remember back in season four on the derailed and the intent episodes, Donna was facing the prospect of going to jail. Louis gave out to Harvey, saying that he couldn't represent Donna when the DA was trying to get Donna to make a deal,
But in these episodes they kept Harvey representing Mike, even though Anita Gibbs was fighting hard to get Mike to make a deal to name Harvey , to blame Harvey in the conspiracy.
Keep it up Harvey n Mike u guys deserve it totally
ОтветитьSo much delicious drama! 🤤
ОтветитьCouldn't they use the violation of rights to void the arrest, and therefore exclude any evidence obtained thereafter? And with no evidence, have the charges dropped/dismissed? Hmm.
ОтветитьHarvey moves forward, he doesn't pout.
Ответитьhow could anyone like this actress after watching suits. She played the role too perfectly
ОтветитьAnita just had to get Harvey going👌🏼
Ответитьit's females like gibbs, that gives women a bad name, can't be trusted!!!
ОтветитьIn real life the judge could’ve ruled the prosecution was prejudice and thrown the whole case out
Gotta love having photoraphic memory, Get recked anita! lol
ОтветитьHere and there r and is two mistakes Mike did one take the deal and 2 is go to prison
Ответитьshe was unlikeable in suits sure but her role in the first season of House MD was so tragic :((
ОтветитьMike Ross unbearable, having a go at Harvey when he tried to get him bail. And he’s only saved by his photographic memory in life, he’s actually an idiot
ОтветитьPhotographic memory is an actual thing, but it wouldn’t make anyone a lawyer. People with photographic memory do not understand the information they remember, because forgetting is the primary tool of deduction and reasoning. They can’t, they just remember the image or sound and can replicate it like parrots.
ОтветитьThis story arc was long overdue IMO but was great right up until the end when they shifted to the next arc under a BS reason of Mike folding under pressure which I don't think he would've done based on all the work and fighting he's done to that point.
ОтветитьMike Ross -#1
ОтветитьAnita Gibbs is on the right track, isn't she? What are your thoughts about Anita Gibbs?