THE CRUSADER KING RETURNS! Medieval 2: Total War - Kingdoms Britannia - Scotland Campaign #8

THE CRUSADER KING RETURNS! Medieval 2: Total War - Kingdoms Britannia - Scotland Campaign #8


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@alexanderb8706 - 10.03.2025 19:01

Good way to start the week

@rodrigogoncalves6165 - 10.03.2025 19:38

Dude: you rock! You really do!

@niccolocaramori7288 - 10.03.2025 19:43

Yeah be carefull lionheart that's Edward I and he was called the Hammer of the scotts for good reason :)

@OracleGhandi - 10.03.2025 19:50

You should have the King on the bridge with Wallace waiting in ambush the other side, then he can hit all the retreating units as a reinforcement and wipe the army

@anumeon - 10.03.2025 19:52

Aye, ye rebel cur. Ye should nay have given up yer faith in Scotland. (Apologies to everyone for my poor attempt at scottish)

@gameofkane7210 - 10.03.2025 19:54

Throw the poor merchants against stronger ones. The more merchants they acquire the weaker against assassins they become. Also don’t level the chapel past tier 3 in Glasgow or the merchants could pick up religious traits.

@StephMcAlea - 10.03.2025 19:55

"You're as good as Brian."
Take his name outta your damn mouth!

@CelticWarband - 10.03.2025 19:57

Leveling up an assassin and using him to assassinate Edward would be the ultimate move.

@elismith6706 - 10.03.2025 20:06

Now may he rest in peace.

@mokkermokker - 10.03.2025 20:09

Don’t forget that the crossed sword marker near Perth is actually be a juicy merchant trading point!!

@simonchesterman7616 - 10.03.2025 20:09

Use Wallace army to attack. Also stick the other troops that you are going to send to Kirkwall on their ships now ready to sail the next turn, they can't be attacked so they will be all set and hopefully won't loose too much movement.

@Mr_Dade - 10.03.2025 20:18

My mediocre opinion is purely political. Billy The Kid's job is to defeat the invading army, and the king deserves to defeat the enemy in his last stronghold on Scottish soil. Because the king has been trying to do that for too long. He fought off the Norwegians before Wallace was born, and he continued to do so throughout Wallace's childhood.

@chessell256 - 10.03.2025 20:27

Hello Mr LH, Sir! Excellent progress against the Vikings! All these ambushes are really paying off! Attack Wallace! Then the king's army with Artillery can finish off the last! Scotland is almost united!
I loved the Merchant naval red wedding lol awesome!
Love this content and keep it coming! 🍻

@mokkermokker - 10.03.2025 20:37

Plus the bumpy ground on the turn map also represents high ground. For example, currently if your the kings army attacks the closest Norwegians they be on the high ground unlike Wallace’s army, if they attack they be at a disadvantage attacking from the low ground

@alexcottis3896 - 10.03.2025 20:47

Loving this campaign! Great to see you back on the old school TW games, I can’t keep up with the modern mechanics of the new games!

I’d say get William into the army near the fort, same town use the king to destroy the army in between them, 2 big armies taken out in 1 turn!

Also can’t wait for some more lotr total war! That’s my favourite content from your channel 💪🏻

PS, you can keep an army in a boat, as long as it’s in a port, enemy boats can’t attack, and you’ll get a tiny bit extra movement in your next turn as they’ll already be in the boats

@MultiLoska - 10.03.2025 20:55

Use King Alex for that army, then move both and smash whats left.

@Sundown42 - 10.03.2025 21:56

I really feel like you need to hurry and finish off the Norweigians before some of the other factions get some ideas since the bulk of your military might is waaaaay up north.

If any of them were to attack, they could probably take Edinburgh before your army could properly react.

@brianmcd993 - 10.03.2025 22:19

I'm gonna be hearing "Merchant at your service!" in my sleep!

@Soren015 - 10.03.2025 22:23


@nick_alderman - 10.03.2025 22:38

Use Wallace 1st, then the King can take the fort.

@matheusrondelleite8015 - 10.03.2025 22:43

I think that Wallace's army is better positioned to strike at the rear Norwegian army. Use the King to strike them and to take the fort, if it has enough movement points

@engasser - 10.03.2025 23:00

William is your field army, the King is your siege army. Also you haven't used William for a bit so his loyalty is starting to be affected.

@Deathraven693 - 10.03.2025 23:34

Lord of the rings would hit so different of at the end he just says "for Brian!" Before charging.

@TheGwydion777 - 10.03.2025 23:56

It's silly calling them spectacles if you don't want to be looked at. 🙃

@waltwalters4144 - 10.03.2025 23:58

Loving the campaign. Use Mel Gibson in the field then follow up with the king.

@jasondoherty7497 - 11.03.2025 00:15

Lionheart teaches us how to “disband” agents

@Deathraven693 - 11.03.2025 00:45

Wales has conquered the entire upper middle class of England!

@ParkeraNZX - 11.03.2025 01:32

For Brian! With Edwards return it may not pay to take to fight to the Norwegians in the North and finish em off sooner than later.

@Randomhandle6235 - 11.03.2025 02:00

Send the king’s army to hit and destroy the first Norwegian army, and send Wallace to defeat the second. Then if your losses are high you can consolidate everyone into one big army to siege down wick since they won’t be able to reinforce from anywhere nearby after your third force takes Kirkwall. The longer you take the more they’ll just continue to spam troops out from wick.

@jimcrawley4984 - 11.03.2025 03:03

My opinion would be, using the king and his artillery to destroy the first army. Use Wallace to take that fort. He has sufficient men to hold again the second army. While your king regroups or restocks the army. Loving the series so far!!!! Also try killing Norwegian captain to level up your assassin.

@wombatgirl997 - 11.03.2025 04:47

I love these historical campaigns. Warhammer is super fun to watch, but there is so much going on and so many factions with weird mechanics that it gets a bit much. My first Total War was the original Rome. Would love to see that again. I bet there's some incredible overhaul mods out there for it.

@MadShimmin - 11.03.2025 05:49

I dont think Wales get a hero like the others, they start with King Llywelyn who is hard as bollocks and they gain free troops from conquering English provinces and uniting all of Wales under one banner.

@n.r.4579 - 11.03.2025 07:05

I'm pretty sure generals were hideable in Rome II.

@lenny3k - 11.03.2025 15:48

LH's merchant 'disband' method will be in the next Crusader Kings 3 event pack DLC

@josefmoucka9584 - 11.03.2025 20:26

I would suggest definitely go with Wallace's army, because it is more suited for open battle and it has more basic canon fodder soldiers than proffesionals and you need to save money. And I think, it would be wise to keep more elite king's army intact for next clash.

@user-my3mg5mh3t - 12.03.2025 22:15

What a sad day to be a merchant...

@AkodoAkira1 - 13.03.2025 17:20

General's Bodyguard is modified by various ancillaries and traits your general has. Kings and Heirs, I think, have an unstated buff to the pool. But every other general should have the same number (minus casualties that replenish over time) modified by their traits and ancillaries if they have any. Most are very rare, so if you see one that adds Bodyguard size, it's a great idea to switch it to your most active commander (along with +HP items).

There is a point at which size bonuses stop, but I am not sure what that is.

@darthcheese7971 - 18.03.2025 00:33

Forgotten how much I liked Medieval (even if this is the expansion). Almost the perfect game, just let down by dodgy unit pathing in sieges.
