Shackled Music - Legion Patch 7.2

Shackled Music - Legion Patch 7.2


7 лет назад

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@ViZiOMusic - 09.03.2017 22:55

lovely vids

@noahmellemstrand4756 - 10.03.2017 00:02

So beautiful. I love how it has this sort of sad, eerie feel to it

@davideaster6512 - 10.03.2017 09:15

I like to pretend at first that this is gonna play in the Naga area and is N'zoth's theme ;D Some of it kind of has the potential I think! It sounds intelligent, patient and ominous.. But glorious and elegant as well.

Especially the beginning bit.

@vortimulticompte7177 - 29.03.2017 00:02

Wow, so eerie and beautiful... sounds night elven ....

@017Pavel - 17.04.2017 06:48

I don't understand what's wrong with Blizzard! They have so many beautiful tracks like this one! But they completely destroyed all main themes with something absolutely tasteless and ignorant - instead of using this kind music in it! :\
Another example - "Jaina's Homeland"! OMG the whole game would be totally different if they've had some brains to use it smart!
What's wrong with them??

@ThePolishValsion - 18.06.2018 18:28

Mortals... DIE!

@NewInkFoHalo - 12.09.2024 22:52

This is one of my favorite tracks in Legion. It perfectly captures the sober melancholy of the struggle against the Burning Legion and the ancient ruins they’ve occupied.

It makes the Broken Shore feel like less of a bombastic epic battle, and more of a slow, grueling grind as we chip away at the enormity of the Legion. It’s a fight against annihilation, a nearly hopeless struggle.
