The Fascinating Psychology of The High Priestess Archetype Explained

The Fascinating Psychology of The High Priestess Archetype Explained


1 год назад

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@Ls2ELevation - 03.11.2024 22:24

This was beautifully put together. Thank you. 🙏🏿 Learned a good bit.

@lesliepowers3487 - 03.11.2024 22:47

We all have potential access to the high priestess' wisdom. Great video.

@tatyanaandrus14 - 05.11.2024 04:34


@Faith-gr8ig - 06.11.2024 13:51

Forged In The Fire..
Rises From The Flames
Like A Phoenix From The Ashes
😉 🙏 ♡ XX ⚖ 1010 🌟 🕯 🌹 🔹 ☯ 🕊 Asè
The Only Way Out Is To Go In..
DeepDive Into Subconscious.
Alchemise The Pain To Wisdom
Learn the Lesson,
Receive The Blessing
Healing Is The 🗝

@tiffanywarren1605 - 07.11.2024 08:27

I have a hard time watching these videos with all white people in the artwork. Diversity is necessary unless you are only reaching out to Caucasian people.

@graceyacho - 07.11.2024 10:30

I bought a miniature painting 🖼️ of pomegranates and moved to a new city recently. ❤ it was calling me randomly. Thank you.

@angel_myu - 08.11.2024 02:32

All is mind

@whitebirchtarot - 10.11.2024 13:43

At the beginning, you compare the high priestess to the anima, and then you say it’s the feminine presence within the psyche of men. So is this only for men? What if you’re a woman? Do you have a video on the archetype for the animus? Also, I turned it off after the word Jungian was mispronounced.

@TheNerdyBirdie00 - 17.11.2024 08:37

Good info but wish you hadn't copy pasted straight out of chatgpt.

@guidanceassistance2832 - 17.11.2024 15:49

@ChrisBronson-gn5yd - 17.11.2024 17:03


@y.u.208 - 18.11.2024 18:07


@thefairyoflight - 18.11.2024 18:30

Posting this with the inner standing that it’s not about our “physical appearance” then why show only images of white women? I embody the high priestess but no one would consider a black female to be one and this contradicts that. I’ll just find a way to make a video that reflects women from all walks of life as a high priestess because that’s exactly what God/Universe intended. ❤

@theGodinMe-isgreat - 19.11.2024 04:12


@Ritza.Elefteria.Michaki - 19.11.2024 17:09

It's was long time replaced by fake priestess. But time brings back what has been taken long time ago

@LuneFlaneuse - 20.11.2024 14:35

Is this done with AI?

@karenthomas4441 - 20.11.2024 19:40

Stay away from me,I will not be responsible

@empressmoon888 - 21.11.2024 18:39

Thank you for sharing💚

@JMichael-o7g - 22.11.2024 21:22

The crown is the birth canal
The womb is the water through which the world/earth was made
Dualism s a misinterpretation
Every woman who wants to be a high priestess will be deceived
Only those born to be such a spiritual individual can be
Eve is the original archetype
There is only one true story, already written and being written
The tarot can say what could be but should not be used as a talisman which is faithless
There is no female deity
There is one God, Spirit
Both male and female bear Gods image
Seeking power is always evil
Seeking truth is power
Historic expressions of patriarchy are all perversions enslaving women or fetishizing them rather than respecting them and honoring them
God is light in God is no darkness
Like Galadriel the high priestess brings light, knows the darkness for what it is and refuses to seek its offer of power and thus guards the pure light
Pagan concepts of this always turn to idolatry because they seek to use it out of fear or desire
Without faith the high priestess is blinded by deception

@MichelleEpple - 23.11.2024 18:20

I love this and it supports me so much in what I was called to and am becoming ❤

@turiyawildrose - 24.11.2024 00:23

I resonate with all aspects of the High Priestess. I am grateful of how this video supports my Linguistic understanding in words and helps me to integrate a newer understanding beyond the experiential. I also love my rational mind having a new understanding of the Shadow of this archetype....which I can also relate to. Thanks for this...Bless you.

@Naampetra - 25.11.2024 09:57


@zouz8195 - 26.11.2024 21:16

Thank you

@meganchristinehenrytannous7031 - 28.11.2024 19:23

I just watched the first few episodes of Dune Prophecy. I’d say the Bene Gesserit are a great example of the HIgh Priestess sisterhood and the Oracle. The High Priestess also signifies the “power behind the throne”

@anonymoussilenceofthelamb5903 - 29.11.2024 18:47

Darkness conscious
5th step experience if you have the courage

@hersheykisseys - 30.11.2024 05:12

I always see myself as the Empress and the High Priestess

@GoddessEnergy333 - 30.11.2024 06:49


@Phoenixrisingseer - 01.12.2024 01:59

Stop putting colour on a gifted it’s pathetic and your weak minded 🪬🪬🪬🪬

@stevenjohns-savage7024 - 02.12.2024 15:47

Well done 👍. Thanks 😊

@fairydustcat1925 - 06.12.2024 13:14

Exactly who I am as the high priestess, lovely interpretation of the tarot card 😇🧚🏻‍♀️🦄🕊️🎵💚🌎🧿

@deidremuphy9735 - 16.12.2024 08:57

It’s the Sumarian goddess with pale skin for me🤣 I guess your version of high priestess are all white, thin young women.

@heartbrainalchemy2023 - 17.12.2024 05:31

I witnessed ❤️🙏

@DEVanderbiltCecil - 19.12.2024 04:07

I am the Magician.

@dreaminginhues - 20.12.2024 17:52


@dianacastor - 26.12.2024 22:19


@LykaMarieMixArtist - 28.12.2024 18:34


@bettyhaines2570 - 29.12.2024 05:43

Thank you for this video 😊❤🙏💝🌞👣👂👁🌝🦁🦅🦉🔮🏹👽🌴🌈🎇⛄👑🥞😇

@liesxh - 09.01.2025 14:44

Very well made! Thanks for sharing your creation!!!

@devikaharidas7442 - 12.01.2025 20:18

I think high priestess is a woman s ego itself, in women whose this archetype dominates. Anima is one side of duality and people will need to face it , anima or animus (I think , what I mean is the male of anima)

@stitchaspell - 15.01.2025 00:58

While I enjoyed this video very much, and the images portrayed are all stunningly beautiful, they are also all white. Surely the High Priestess can, and should be depicted as figures of the intuitive and wisdom in all the races. If this is objectionable, I think some shadow work is in order. 🙏🏽

@philipallen1505 - 15.01.2025 02:20

This video popped up shortly after doing a self tarot reading asking the question "who am I", particularly with reference to an upcoming event involving a potential divine twin flame union at its most intense stage. This event clashes with others attending the event who are a mixed bag of unawakened and slightly awakened souls, with me about to shake s**t up. Being in my divine feminine energy to the point of near (but not quite) mastery, the reading, yet more introspection, and then this video have helped me hone that dualistic balance a little more, as I fight a few lingering past traumas I had been unknowingly avoiding, after another dark day of the soul today. Thank you universe.

@SharizynDesigns - 21.01.2025 05:25

The commentator's voice is so harsh I cannot listen to the video

@queenoluwatobiloba1 - 01.02.2025 04:33

Thank you for sharing this very powerful and profound information. Many blessings 🙏🙏🙏

@anncathrinesigfridsson9282 - 07.02.2025 10:56

Beautiful ❤

@espirituosa - 25.02.2025 04:38

That’s me.

@oraclejourneytherapy - 28.02.2025 06:39

Well said

@scooterbunz - 07.03.2025 03:07

The artwork was fantastic! Thank you. I am curious where images of BIPOC folks could be included....

@babygirl-97 - 07.03.2025 10:34

I grew up studying spiritually and I always felt a deep connection to the high priestess.

@Jasmine-bq6in - 08.03.2025 20:49

Great video ❤
