Carmina Burana (Ballet du Grand Théâtre ) - Teaser

Carmina Burana (Ballet du Grand Théâtre ) - Teaser

Grand Théâtre de Genève

8 лет назад

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@nuengtanwa4510 - 28.09.2016 07:20

saw the show in Bangkok, very touching and spectacular!

@natewatl9423 - 04.11.2017 03:24

Carmina Burana is one piece of music and song that should not be polluted with attempts to choreograph it.

@pedinurse1 - 02.12.2017 08:18

Down here in Sacramento California, Ron Cunningham did this for the Sacramento Ballet, I was there for the premier and it got a standing ovation that wold not end, it was so super spectacular that none of these videos can compete with it, right here in little old Sacramento. It was so powerful , riveting. Too bad the company is not doing well cause no one wants to go to the ballet!!!!!!!

@raymondefouanon9930 - 17.05.2021 14:14

Waouh ! C’est magnifique🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

@jackyvaugrante7642 - 05.12.2022 23:38

Un spectacle sublime
De la joie du plaisir du bonheur
Des émotions. Un souvenir pour la vie
