Was the Story of Prophet Muhammad’s First Revelation Plagiarized from Saint Bede?

Was the Story of Prophet Muhammad’s First Revelation Plagiarized from Saint Bede?

Al Muqaddimah

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@mostarac7297 - 24.08.2024 00:29

Muslims were present in Spain since 711 CE. There was always lot of raiding especially of ships in the Mediterranean and Atlantic. It is possible that some Muslims familiar with the oral traditions of prophets life made it to England as slaves, learned English and told the story in England. We know this was a proven fact with much of Troubadour poetry, which was derived from the slave girls captured in battles and raids against Muslims. Your hypothesis is highly hypocritical just like mine….And you seem not to understand what plagiarism is. To retell a story that you know your audience is familiar with in order to make a new point or to support your argument is not plagiarism. If I retell an episode of a popular sitcom in order to make a point or to support my argument I am not plagiarizing, especIally if my contemporary audience already knows the story like a popular sitcom with familiar characters. So Quran is not plagiarizing but rather refers to the stories its audience already knows in order to make a new point or support its argument allegorically.

@Patlichan - 24.08.2024 11:29

The Quran is not poetry.

@pigmenall8892 - 24.08.2024 12:24

Wow, great video.

@amshakey9748 - 24.08.2024 13:39

Nor sure
What the point of this was
Total waste of time

@Shukry - 25.08.2024 07:50

Brother, the Quran is not poetry and Prophet Muhammed did not receive his first revelation while sleeping in a dream. I have no idea why are you saying this, I hope it is ignorance and not willful malice

@hashirabdullah8645 - 25.08.2024 10:11

Bro there's literally a Qur'anic verse in which God says that its not poetry..

@hashirabdullah8645 - 25.08.2024 10:12

And We have not taught him (Muhammad) poetry, nor is it meet for him. This is naught else than a Reminder and a Lecture making plain,


@shawki122 - 25.08.2024 11:59

Dear brother. I do not blame you much for saying Qur’an is poetry because Arabic language is not your mother tongue language. But for you to appreciate the difference you need to learn “buhur Alshier”
بحور الشعر
Only then you will understand the difference.
I am bilingual but Arabic is my mother tongue language.
I am a huge fan of your channel, so please do not let some comments discourage you in any way or form.
Best regards and wishes. Salam 🌷🌷🌷

@chipfu_4501 - 25.08.2024 20:41

I liked your videos so much but how dare compare prophet to anyone..that is disrespectful imo plus saying quran has poetry while Allah clearly said quran its not.

@cushitic173 - 26.08.2024 14:01

can you make a video on the name rahman and brahman and their meanings

@sidjoosin6549 - 26.08.2024 14:04

it can be because of bad ventilation or may be flouride one struggle to realize that the only text about Claedmon was written in Anglo-Saxon realm when King Offa of Mercia minted golden coins with "la ilaha illa Allah" in Arabic (better look by yourself), and written about a guy who, according to this only source, was newborn or a child when Muslims fought in Central France and besieged Constantinople. And after ventilating area one could think that text probably was written by Crypto-Muslim about one as Jesus warned - will be sent by God and called him by name in every Canonical Gospels, translated to Greek Text as "ParaCletes" (prefix Para-/Over-/Mu- and root Clete/Praise/HaMD) - Muhammad ﷺ . And yes Christians read Gospel back then.

@minimalisticadvise6732 - 27.08.2024 03:49

It is difficult to say anything positive, because the reaction can become dangerous of muslims,

but thank you for your videos

@muhammadabdullahi7200 - 28.08.2024 16:01

Before Muslims doubt this, let me explain.

Al Muqaddimah is a Muslim who studies at a secular university, so naturally, the videos he makes will go under the paradigms of the HCM. If he disputes this story authenticity, it doesn’t really affect him being Muslim, unless he goes further into discrediting all ahadith ( which he doesn’t).

This idea about the Islamic tradition plagiarizing from fables or stories in the past, is an assumption that is made in order to work on the Quranic passages. These universities does not believe the Prophet got divine revelation, so they try to find the information in the Quran from other historical sources.

This narrative promoted in the video has some serious criticism.
Firstly, it seems like a he cherry-picks the version of the Iqra narrative, in order to fit it with the order historical source. He says that the prophet was sleeping and he had a dream, but the story more ulema agrees with, is that he was awake when it happened, and historians like Ibn Katheer reconciles it by saying he was sleeping then on his way out of the Cave he saw Jibreel. This exclusion of information, by Al Muqadimmah I found to be disingenuous, unless he truly wasn’t aware. Many more factors like these, happens to be in the comparison you’re making, and reconstructing every single one of them, leaves us at the fact, that the comparison in reality , does not share the similarity, that would force us to assume they share the same source.

Secondly and more importantly, we have a direct chain of narration back to Aisha, who told us the story which happened, directly from the Prophets words. In other words, the story of the Iqra Narrative is not before the other historical source you’re comparing it with, rather it is 100 years before that, and it was also well known since we have other narrations speaking about the event. You are forcing the implication, that the Iqra narrative first happened as a historical event, when it wasn’t written down by Ibn Ishaq?
That is a forced interpretation, and far from established traditional Islamic sources.

I don’t know if you’re reading this Al Muqadimmah, but I am not attacking you or your work whatsoever. The reality is that many Muslims, could get doubts from these kinds of conspiracy comparisons, when in reality they shouldn’t.

@DahrenT - 30.08.2024 13:02

Those who try to destroy Allah swt's religion will never succeed. Sth abt ur channel seems off to me. The way you narrate things and such. Fear the Most Powerful and All-Knowing. If you call this being objective, then why point out "possibilities" when talking abt the prophet SAW's intentions behind his actions. Im talking abt ur video on his SAW's life. Just be objective but dont say Muhammad decided, did this, that, because thats not objective. Thats trying to suggest that the prophet's actions were all from his own not from Allah swt.

I guess this channel is a good example that Allah swt will use certain people to mislead people and they wont even know it thinking they are doing a service to themselves and society.

@DahrenT - 30.08.2024 13:24

Bro, May Allah swt use you instead for the benefit of the ummah. Fan of the prod value but not of the delivery, intent, and legitimacy of sources.

@ziryabjamal - 31.08.2024 17:08

Ha tfw youve read sean's book 😂

@nlneth9 - 01.09.2024 22:17

This channel gives off clear secular or semi agnostic views of Islam which I’ve seen in various videos. This is a dangerous area for average Muslims to wonder.

@derkennedy1228 - 02.09.2024 11:50

A masterclass in deception. The elevation of the physical and the loss of any spirit of Truth.

@megatshahril9931 - 02.09.2024 12:59

Sympathy to you OB boy

@anasshahbaz4573 - 02.09.2024 18:05

On the 21st of Ramadan in 609 or 610 AD probably in december 16, the Prophet Muhammad visited the Hira cave for itekaq or solitude. During that time, he saw an angel, either in a dream or while awake. According to the Quran, the Prophet saw the angel in his full form twice: once during the first revelation and again during the Meraj. I learned this from Javed Ghamadi, and the dates were my calculation. They could be wrong, but Laylat al-Qadr is always on the 21st of Ramadan. In my experience, the Quran was revealed during Ramadan.

@aihsanasl - 02.09.2024 23:36

Very interesting and informative

@شاح - 03.09.2024 03:09

Holy Quran E Pak ❤

@ibnAmat - 03.09.2024 04:59

Quran Verse 36:69 “We have not taught him poetry…(cont.)” this clearly states the Quran isn’t poetry. Also, the story of the father of Khalid where he stated it wasn’t poetry either. Not to mention many scholars agree the Arabic definition for poetry is has to do with “emotion” not just eloquent speech so scholars say the Quran isn’t poetry but more like a “rajaz” which can just be normal statements (without emotion like facts) said in a “poetic” way but not actual poetry since it’s not “emotional”.

Do more research. I usually enjoy this channel but this might be a miss.

@user-cs9tg9ze5o - 03.09.2024 20:30

Don't you feel ashamed to put such a title? Don't you fear Allah? Fear of Allah in many Muslims is gone.

@mepnicales2881 - 04.09.2024 08:15

How you can assure who plagiarised whom.?

@mepnicales2881 - 04.09.2024 14:41

There are many similar stories in Quran too.. The encounter of Angels/ Allah' s voice to all the prophets..specifically to Musa AS and Maryam AS ..mentioned in the Quaran..

Similarities in the stories are not necessarily build the case of plagiarism.

If we follow the logic shown in the video

The whole prophethood of Mohammee SAW was plagiarism of All prophets b4 him

@MAbdusson - 04.09.2024 16:26

Both also follow the Hero's Journey.

@TupacMakaveli1996 - 05.09.2024 11:27

Hesoid was also believee to be visited by muses which are equvalent to angels i.e. delivering divine knowledge.

@TupacMakaveli1996 - 05.09.2024 11:29

Hesoid was also visited by muses which are equivalent to muses i.e. delivering divine knowledge.

@Chitae-t3x - 06.09.2024 06:54

Allah maybe good..
But muhammad is vey demonic.

@Aaronglasswolf - 06.09.2024 14:16

You seem to be on a dangerous way ...

@gauravtejpal8901 - 07.09.2024 07:21

All the noble teachers acquired wisdom in winderness and renote regions. For example, the Buddha, Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon them. So there are bound to be common themes in the stories. One thing is for sure - they became awakened in solitude 😊

@bushairkp - 08.09.2024 05:08

the whole story of Israaa and Meraj travel was plagiarized from zorastrian prophet..even meeting the prince on each level of the sky story is there .. and guess what you have the story of Sirat bridge also. namely chinvat bridge....

@ssa6227 - 08.09.2024 13:49

This filth is Israel paid Islamophobe pretending to be Muslim. Spreading doubts when they don't exist. Any Sheikh can discredit his lies.
Shame these filth bags earn money on spreading hate and lies.
They are the reason millions of Muslims are being killed.😡

@vturn2247 - 08.09.2024 16:08

All these are made up stories

@lordpacer - 11.09.2024 14:44

Gabriel just saw the way their subordinate did it and copied it. Classic manger tactic.

@zubayydahahmad1995 - 15.09.2024 04:33

Masha Allah

@Saqib_AliRana - 15.09.2024 11:47

Maulana Ishaq and Javed Ahmed Ghamidi as well believe that the story of first revealation is fabricated, according to Ghamdi Surah Alaq is not even the first revealation

@Saqib_AliRana - 15.09.2024 11:53

Many ppl in the comments are misunderstanding the intention here. It is not, God Forbid to discredit the Quran, but rather debunk an incident which has been needlessly associated with the first revealation.

@ob3668 - 15.09.2024 13:22

You have a great ignorance of traditional symbolism to think that this is surprising

@Ijasahammed-ev6mq - 18.09.2024 09:43

These narratives should have been fabricated right during ummayads.because thats what they would do

@FaridResponds - 21.09.2024 11:07

Urwa is only separated by a generation from the events. What would be his motivation for ripping off this "common source" that you speak of? Also, the narrative comes from others too. Is there a reason for them to want to bolster what Urwa mentioned?

@MuhammadTahmidIslam - 23.09.2024 10:10

why would some use such a caption I don't understand.

@chefbuccino5933 - 25.09.2024 03:33

I enjoy your videos very much. Feels more straightforward without the worry of trying to be more than what it is: history. Unbiased historical facts. Glad to see you’re still streaming after several years.
I’m curious what’s your take on schools of islam.
Excuse my ignorance if you did anything on this subject, I just discovered your channel and going through the videos as I find time to watch

@UFOhunter4711 - 09.10.2024 15:53

Would love to see a video on Siti Jenar and the Wali Sanga
