Orion constellation through time

Orion constellation through time


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@MrrAnthropomorphous - 03.09.2018 20:24

Что с Бетельгейзе случилось на отметке +40000y?

@tb9174 - 24.12.2019 17:59

Amazing, 125000 BC to 100000 CE for a significant period the middle star of Orion's bow is literally being drawn back like an arrow. Right through our era.
Could be total coincidence of course, but I always like entertaining the idea of our ancient ancestors being much more capable than they've been given credit for

@jmaniak1 - 26.12.2019 00:26

Very cool, thanks!

@gerardomoscatelli8584 - 01.01.2020 18:15

Amazing ! This video deserves 1.5 Mln views

@Faisaldegrt - 18.02.2020 00:44

So atleast 1.5 thousand more years for Betelgeuse to explode

@jamiefoyers2800 - 28.02.2020 14:29

A grand chess board of the stars in time lapse. Pretty cool. I mind Orion was out last night, first clear night I looked towards the heavens and there it was for all to see..who dared to look upwards..

@DonRamon_SeuMadruga_52231 - 10.03.2020 22:12

It looks like all important stars will visit the Orion constellation region someday (or already done it)

@beto8287 - 19.07.2020 11:02

Are we going to ignore the fact that the description says

We can render this video on demand in 16K AND 300 FPS !!

@DancingToal - 17.08.2020 07:56

Would you guys be able to do this say, in reverse? Go back in time? There's a great idea the Giza Pyramids were aligned perfectly with Orions belt at one point. However the build dates given don't align them properly, and I'm not entirely sure if they aligned at 9-11,000 years ago either, the other possible time they could have been built. If you could do it in reverse, it would solve the mystery as to when they were actually built. We could take all the possible dates after 11,000 years ago and find the closest year they were constructed by seeing when the stars were aligned closest to the arrangement of the Giza Pyramids!

@caput_in_astris - 27.09.2020 13:23

I was here for Betelgeuse :-)
Great video, very interesting!

@pablocavazosgranados8537 - 20.10.2020 08:52

the Constellation ORION have Changes... Like the Humans ...start as a Baby And get Old...and All the constellations change too...

@danielreyes1084 - 17.03.2021 06:40

How about star collision explosions and super nova explosions....didnt see any super novas or black holes being created. To many years and none of that happened.

@the_trouble_makers103 - 31.07.2021 15:12

Did you know that Orion the hunter was gone because God made a scorpion which is part of the zodiac sighs he lost then got sended to the skies

@MultiTimelady - 02.10.2021 02:35

Aren't the nebulae on Orion's belt stellar nurseries? Shouldn't the stars being born in them be a part of Orion's changes through time?

@the_trouble_makers103 - 19.01.2022 14:00

Pullox how are you here!?

@VictorbrineSC - 15.05.2022 13:49

I like how Saiph, Rigel, the belt stars and the Sun seem to be all traveling together across the galaxy as a group since those stars don't really move that much throughout time unlike all the others.

@arkabhsaha - 05.06.2022 21:37

To see stars like Aldebaran and Capella become mere background stars in the distant future gives a weird and eerie feeling

@anubisiii4384 - 06.11.2022 22:11

The movement of Sirius star in this time lapse can not be right. It moves, according to Edmond Halley, to the southwest. Care to explain?

@gautamprasad4326 - 21.11.2023 08:42

Corporeal world

@natrezo4317 - 16.01.2024 22:21

Incredible how Rigel do not moove at all....

@danielfirdaus - 10.03.2024 04:28

Rigel and Saiph didn’t move at all

@mushhhki - 15.05.2024 05:21

I come to this channel every now and then from 3 Years…. Just wanna check, how is our admin? Are you ok?

@matejsteinhauser3974 - 22.05.2024 14:15

It is beautiful and also sad when you see Most beautiful star Betelgeuse disappear.

@AstroTetris01 - 16.06.2024 06:36

seeing capella (one of the brightest stars) disappear like that is scary.
