3 Steps To Become MORE Than Just A Handyman | THE HANDYMAN BUSINESS |

3 Steps To Become MORE Than Just A Handyman | THE HANDYMAN BUSINESS |

The Handyman Business

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@jimhughes8374 - 19.01.2025 23:53

Three great, very important things to take care of. Also promote such things when dealing with customers. You also might want to include "references available upon request".

@Nelson4JesusChrist - 02.02.2024 21:27

But how do you get jobs when you are starting up? I don't have anything at the moment and have no clue about anything on how to get started. Don't you have a video on "How to get started as a Handyman?" I downloaded Jobber but that just manages quotes and the business not how to get and secure jobs. Do I use "Nextdoor" and just throw it out there, "If anyone is looking for a handyman to fix stuff or install stuff, I'm available." Seriously, there is a lot of new development in my area with homes being built by the truckloads (for some reason) and you said people want something more than these "spec'ed" home features and you went in and upgraded parts of peoples homes and what? Did that generate leads for you and do you go out and search for jobs? Do you get calls for jobs? Do they hit you up on some app for work? Do you use Angie's List, Taskrabbit, or Thumbtack? HOW DOES ONE GET JOBS?

@ccc822007 - 12.12.2023 01:39

A handyman also known as a handyperson in today's lingo is a person who can do Odd Jobs.

@ryangolden3243 - 27.09.2023 02:48

Why do I need a different bank?

@sigmacentauri6191 - 05.09.2023 05:48

Thank you for this encouragement ❤

@jpet1112 - 22.04.2023 03:18

You sound like an elitist

@jpet1112 - 22.04.2023 03:17

This is so wrong on everything

@TimStevens-g6h - 06.04.2023 02:17

Great introduction video to the business. I don't like to call myself a handyman because of the stereo type image. I'm a remodeling and repair specialist because I go in and professionally solve home repair problems for customers.

@Overlandjon - 28.12.2022 03:20

If your in construction you know that it doesn’t matter if you are an electrician, a carpenter, a plumber or a handyman because we are all equally hacks. Be a handyman and make money dont let ego or anyone else tell you what to do. Just take pride in what you do and the rest will follow.

@chriss4365 - 07.10.2022 19:50

They don't pay taxes yeah ok you get checks electronic payments how can you hide that from the irs? Why should you have an actual business set up if your making under 50k? Its not worth it unless your very successful and are making over 50k a year. Most handyman jobs you get paid and that's it customer buy materials so why would you tie up all your earnings in a business account when a handyman business has very little expenses.

@CinematicTouchProductions - 21.09.2022 05:47

Oh the "WOKE" left have not gotten to the compound word "handyman" yet? and try to change it to handyperson or something? Anyhow handyman I thought was just a word describing a man who is handy able to do many various projects, fixing, doing, creating even. Just some are better skilled or experienced than other
By the way love you vid thank you for it!

@steelbak-customs - 06.09.2022 14:35

Its really hard to see letting the Dept of Making Things Suck run you as a goal to success, lol. I do understand your point, it just sounds like letting leeches suck on you for success.

@MarkH10 - 04.03.2022 09:35

My friend with a lawn service told us once that from his residential development where he lived he drove by a commercial business on the corner at least 2x each day. He decided to bid them. The lady said this happens all the time, people asking to mow, and lets cut to the chase, I need to see $1m in Liability coverage. He joked his agent won't reduce his $2m Policy, lol. She was genuinely surprised that FINALLY someone was professional.

@choreboyz581 - 13.02.2022 15:16

Thanks for what you do. Started like you. Today business is more than just a handyman business. its a relationship business too.

@yovanisaavedra1311 - 07.02.2022 12:12

Who is talking . Nt big deal

@BamaBreeze - 19.11.2021 01:07

Recently retired from corporate world and always loved repairing homes. I am following your advice handy man. Let’s Roll!

@Badger1776 - 17.11.2021 19:46

I call myself a handyman and have never had a dirty look. Deal with it.

@roycooper947 - 08.09.2021 06:13

I have all that and working on my contractor license. Would like to hear why to have the buisness account separate.

@handimanjay6642 - 15.08.2021 23:42

My # 1 rule: Know when to say no.
#2: Liability insurance is a must, just in case.
#3: study and follow the codes and different repair techniques.
#4: expect the customer to complain when you fix anything electrical on one circuit they’ll blame you for any other electrical problems that crop up later.
#5 treat all electrical as if it hot.
Here in California where poor people have $1000 phones and ceiling fans can cost hundreds $$ we are limited to $500 T&M per address per year, the work around is multiple receipts by category.
My side hustle is engineering HVAC for a one man service company.

@thequietkiwi - 13.08.2021 21:53

You got me at, "or a new boat" :) I've been working as an employee for too long, and my dreams had become faint memories. Now that I've bit the bullet and started setting up my home repair business, the possibilities are opening up, although my only dreams at the moment are of growing a huge business. Developing a detailed business plan is important (to me). I've bought an old Honda Odyssey as my startup work van, and picked up some cheap gear for decking it out to suit my purpose. Obviously it's less than ideal, but it was the roomiest vehicle I could get for 40 ounces of silver (had to convert the bullion to cash first LOL). I might yet need to sell some GPUs from my crypto mining gear to raise capital for more tools and a trailer but if that's what it takes then so be it. Probably better to keep the mining stuff and sell a couple of guitars since they don't earn me anything. Whatever it takes!!

@GOZILLA_VR - 22.07.2021 06:51

What if you're a drinking man with a handy problem?

@handymanhoney-do6881 - 02.06.2021 03:36

If “Handyman” is what they are thinking or seeking, then don’t avoid the handle. My business card says “Handyman & Honey-do Lists”. I describe my work as a DIY expert for clients who don’t want to DIY. The cards are designed to appeal to suburban housewives. I sell gift certificates for a full day of miscellaneous Honey-Do projects and Father’s Day is the best time of year for that—followed by spring & fall cleaning seasons. There’s no reason to repackage the handyman trade and re-educate the clients to do it your way. Just embrace what you do and be the best, most professional, most successful handyman in your market.

@eamoncollier - 29.05.2021 02:43

The problem I have with using the title handyman is that it sounds too much like handicapped. The show In Living Color didn't do us any favors with their Handi Man sketch.

@MyName-kd4du - 15.03.2021 03:41

In my county you have to have a license, insurance, and be registered with the state. Plus can't do electrical Or jobs over 1000.00

@LeeePowers - 26.02.2021 10:00

I'm "Handi Man"

"Up up and awaaaaaaaay"

@sharpe_tv - 18.02.2021 15:57

Damn handyman... I’m a handyman! 😓

@CarlosHernandez-yt6pt - 30.01.2021 07:29

Your too full of yourself. This video is also full of it, BIG TIME!

@franklin106 - 02.12.2020 13:11

Thank you for all the great information and suggestion on the tips for being a better handyman. Especially the LLC info and commercial insurance. 👍🏽

@junebug5320 - 24.11.2020 16:34

And more have a Drinking problem

@cuchanu - 03.11.2020 21:51

It's a minor thing, but I would always choose a credit union over a bank unless you have a specific reason to choose a bank. Most credit unions are not out to get you and the sad reality is that's not true for most big Banks

@mp-sj4fz - 02.11.2020 13:18

Good morning sir. I am a novice at best in carpentry. I need to replace my outside deck stairs which are wood. It is 11 stairs/treads. What is the best approach in doing them myself. I thought about using the string that is in the best condition and using it as a template. What do you suggest? Thank you

@passivesolarhousingcoop1903 - 31.10.2020 17:52

Great job.

@stephennewton4638 - 09.10.2020 02:57

Very true and point blank facts. Good video

@raymondstarks9167 - 06.08.2020 10:38

My business is called
Doubble R Maintenance. I am a general contractor by my license. And I have business insurance. I still get called for minor repairs. And people cal me a " handyman" I don't mind. Because I enjoy putting checks in the bank and I even accept credit and debit cards

@TheOneshot78 - 24.07.2020 19:31

$100,000 as a handyman and no TAXES suck the government.

@danielwiebe1135 - 14.07.2020 05:07

Hey Handyman why keep your business money in a different bank?

@handymanhogan6882 - 11.06.2020 09:04

I can get LLC without a license in California?

@alant5757 - 18.03.2020 17:50

It’s just a fact... most banks are dirty. But it’s a major fact that Wells Fargo is the dirtiest. Just see Netflix “Dirty Money” ..... Ouch.

@bossdog1480 - 16.12.2019 10:45

I'm a handyman and I used to have a big drinking problem.

@Earthcitizen4609 - 12.12.2019 23:26


@clownworldpa - 12.12.2019 14:31

Yes... The handyman name sucks!
I used the name because my kids made it up....
I did start off with insurance and certificate..
But lots of people ask.. "the quality of work you do doesn't fit handyman"
But I just wanted to do this alone (sometimes use help).. but seems I never have small enough jobs to do myself.

But I understand what you mean.. and after a year or so more.. I am changing the name.. (I just spent $1200 on shirts,long sleeve and hoodies)... When they wear out, name changes

@lionheart93 - 11.12.2019 18:59

so what was your income during the recession period?

@alexkunkevich - 09.12.2019 00:27

Please refer the lowly handymen to the insurance company you're using. I'd love to get my hands on cheaper insurance

@vote4pedro7 - 04.12.2019 15:20

So, wait a minute...do I call myself a handyman? Or something else? I'm that side hustle guy, fixing my house.

@ehotto - 03.12.2019 03:25

Handyman probably also dont have safety squints or high end safety socks.

@Hammer.Mike-REI - 01.12.2019 19:00

What is the best name for my “handyman” business? Something with craftsman in the title, just Forbes Home Repair, or something else?

@rononyourleftretired5144 - 16.11.2019 05:43

Handyman, I have a question re. toilet repairs. Question: what would you do, or recommend, if we showed up to a job for a "leaking toilet, or running toilet" and the toilet was filled with brown water and feces? Would you- walk, call a drain cleaning business, or would you do whatever to empty the poop, et al? I'm not trying to be gross but when thinking about doing toilet repairs, well- I managed 10 rentals and saw what can and does happen. Your feedback, please. Thanks.

@harryswope5038 - 13.11.2019 23:23

I was forced to become my own handyman cause had no cash to pay someone to do my repairs, only time I was in over my head was when I had to jack up posts that needed new concrete footers for a 36X 55 barn.
