Innovation is a pervasive term that has characterized commerce and governments since the renaissance. The advent of the latest round of information technology has been problematic and has cost governments time and money in too many failed attempts to improve the quality of life of citizens and the economy. This presentation examines some of the main causes of digital transformation failure and how the application of existing practices can address them.
Robert Weisman, PhD, PEng, PMP, CD1 is a professor at the University of Ottawa in the Digital Transformation and Innovation Program. There he created the Enterprise Architecture (EA) and Enterprise Modeling courses at the graduate and undergraduate level.
Robert spent 30 years in government starting as a civil and military engineer specializing in Plans and Operations and was in the forefront of the digital transformation of Canadian Forces command and control. He ended his career in Strategic Direction of the Defence Information Services Organization. Subsequently he spent 10 years at CGI as an executive management consultant where he founded the global EA practice and consulted with governments in the US, Canada, Europe / NATO, and Australia. He re-retired and joined academia to pursue a PhD in DTI in 2019 and teach. He is also the CEO of Build The Vision Inc. where he works closely with The Open Group Architecture and ArchiMate Forums as well as the cross-Forum “EA in Government” WG. He volunteers as president of both the ISACA Ottawa Valley and the Association of Enterprise Architects Ottawa-Gatineau Chapters as well as Chairing the Annual DTiG Conference.
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