Master the NEW iPhone Camera Button: Shoot Like a Pro in Seconds!

Master the NEW iPhone Camera Button: Shoot Like a Pro in Seconds!

iPhone Photography School

4 месяца назад

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@andie3448 - 01.12.2024 00:58

I wonder how many people are gonna accidentally film themselves cheating lol

@Crt541 - 24.11.2024 20:37

That button will make my iPhone photography much easier, suffering with a very bad tremor I don’t have to take my hand off the phone trying to hit a button on the screen. Brilliant

@lamonthoward3379 - 20.11.2024 03:34

I can’t wait to get my iPhone pro 16 max and 😂

@rlaw8658 - 14.11.2024 12:26

Is it the same as sony? Two-stage camera button?

@司马小小小光 - 02.11.2024 06:27


@AmaliSaid-xz1dr - 29.10.2024 02:57


@KedarKhade2013 - 25.10.2024 10:34

Your back 🎉

@pano3607 - 24.10.2024 10:16

This is a good, instructive video. But I've seen nothing yet to convince me that the button isnt a waste of time. The only thing i use mine for is to quickly get a video. You can control everything much easier using the onscreen controls. In fact, you can adjust depth AFTER the photo is taken anyway.

@patnewson6908 - 24.10.2024 08:04

What model? My iPhone 15 pro max does not have this button.

@luxpursuits - 21.10.2024 03:34

Living the good life - he has gained a bit of weight

@assstrak - 18.10.2024 22:49

I am probably the only one who really love this button. Everything is just in one place accessible with single one finger :) And many thanks for great explanation of all the functions :)

@BlueEagleSG - 18.10.2024 19:02

The button is wrongly positioned and one I put on a phone cover the button is basically useless. The camera button is the worse implementation that Apple has made

@alanpack1 - 18.10.2024 18:08

If it doesnt suit you just ignore the button. The old method is still there. Its a godsend for me with arthritic fingers

@SnowyOwlPrepper - 18.10.2024 15:32

Wonderful video. I hope to try this soon.

@christianpetersen1782 - 18.10.2024 00:27

I keep my iPhone in a hard silicone protective case that also has a security strap. Thinner more flexible silicone covers the camera buttons which would prevent the stroking function of the new camera button. The on-screen options will be useful here. Great job Apple, always innovating to keep well ahead of established camera companies.

@fbales - 17.10.2024 18:46

The camera control “button” comes into its own with a light monopod.

@travelshad - 16.10.2024 18:54

Sorry, I’m still not sold on the camera button thingie! Staying put with my 15PM. Hopefully the 17 will be more than just a button! 😅

@og-um4tv - 16.10.2024 16:17

You’re a great teacher but I still can’t justify using the button vs the touchscreen controls. It’s poorly placed and will shake the phone.

But still great video 👍🏾

@Ryenako - 16.10.2024 08:41

Emil is back!!! 🥲🥲🥲

@markferrell2470 - 16.10.2024 07:49

I use my phone for work, I take a lot of pictures everyday and I thought the bottom would be great I don’t use the bottom it’s just some much easier using the screen button , but that’s just me

@andyibanezk - 16.10.2024 05:51

I have noticed that if you are shooting ProRAW (might work with HEIC Max too, I don't know), if you take a photo with a zoom level between 0.5 and 1, the photo will actually be taken with a crop and no optical zoom. For example, if you shoot at 0.7, you might get a 29 megapixel image, which while cropped, it will maintain optical quality. I thought this was really works.

It also works on any zoom level between 1 and 2x. Unfortunately it won't work between 2 and 5x as 2x is already cropped in from 1x, and needless to say won't work for anything beyond 5x.

@sgrant9814 - 16.10.2024 04:45

I feel it is poorly placed.. most times when handling, or picking up my phone that camera button gets triggered...damned annoying!

@Smartsparky - 16.10.2024 03:59

Camera control is utter pants. You sell it well. 👍🏻

@roncockerham3569 - 16.10.2024 00:22

Shoot like a pro? Pros don’t shoot with cell phones. The camera button is a joke design for suckers.

@pdcorlis - 15.10.2024 23:31

Thanks so much for the tutorial! Like anything new the Camera Control feature will take some time to get used to. For my photography, that time is well spent.

@carmelofaziotanatologo3620 - 15.10.2024 23:17

dude! don´t say de B word!!!!

@razfilmstv - 15.10.2024 22:17

you have to keep holding down to record video? That sucks.

@Dr.Mark.Marzinzik - 15.10.2024 21:57

Thank you, Emil, for this new video! Actually, I was waiting for it already. And I’m so glad that you, my iPhone photography master, did another video yourself 👍🏻💚.
I hope that Apple will deliver some software updates for the new camera control button to enable its shutter button usage with a more gentle pressure. Otherwise, too many photos will get blurry as you warned.
Moreover, I’m a bit sad that the excellent way how to best hold the iPhone that you taught us in the iPhone Photo Academy is not really compatible with the new camera control button. So, I myself still have to find a way to integrate the new button into my photography.

@Part_121 - 15.10.2024 20:35

I like the concept of the new camera control button, but I always feel like I'm about to drop the phone when I use it, especially when doing the sliding action.

@josuemayorga - 15.10.2024 20:05

Gracias Teacher!

@anbo9542 - 15.10.2024 19:46

The button makes no sense. It is far too rigid, poorly positioned and difficult to use with the protective cover on.

@Hadassah28 - 15.10.2024 19:36

You are an excellent teacher!

@peterwilliams2889 - 15.10.2024 19:02

You might be able to shoot like a Pro, but a slower Pro. As a shutter release button it’s a little too far from the end of the camera. As a button to choose other functions, it’s a lot easier to do it the old way.

@21velasco - 15.10.2024 18:25


@SahilSauda-z4q - 15.10.2024 18:25

