Hub vs. Docking Station! Which one do you need?

Hub vs. Docking Station! Which one do you need?

Marina Tech

3 года назад

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@bilgeoktem - 15.12.2022 18:35

That was really helpful, thank you. :)

@phillipholmes7144 - 08.01.2023 05:54

Nice 👍 🤔😆😅😂🤣👍

@phillipholmes7144 - 08.01.2023 05:56

Boy would I dock her port. 🤣

@kathryngagne5813 - 12.01.2023 23:28

Thank you! This is the best video I've found to educate this old girl on this subject.

@ProductionTime5593 - 14.01.2023 16:54

Is the docking station only for laptops, or, can it be used on PC desktops? If so, how does it connect to the pc, is it by a USB port? Thank you!

@jackwong64 - 22.01.2023 16:44

A good video, I am setting a new work desk at home, I do have Lenovo tb docking and usb c hub but… the Lenovo tb docking has a weird layout which is hard to hide it, and it has 2 usb-c ports only, I would like to have 4 and I do not care all those hdmi and DP ports, there are 4… my most important concern is… usb-c docking is not cheap, they are around US$150+…

@peraruor - 27.01.2023 15:02

Great video! It point to something that we all need to know. How ever, would be a good adding to explain that a Hub, "echos" the data signal from the computer to all of the Hub ports, which in turn produces what is call signal collitions. This can couse a slower and degraded data signal. This is where switches came into picture on the 80s. I asume that docking stations are the same. Well done, anyways!

@samaanam76 - 28.01.2023 19:48

Thanks 😊

@PatriotCoinRings - 04.02.2023 07:22

"Something I always wondered, when using a HUB or a Docking Station, having let's say 5 USB 3.1 cables plugged in, while running 2 HDMI 4K Monitors, and lets say your Ethernet cable is plugged in all running at the same time, doesn't that seriously bottleneck down even when connected to a Thunderbolt 3 in contrast to plugging them in separately around your laptop?"

@PatriotCoinRings - 04.02.2023 07:22

"My MSI Titan Pro has Thunderbolt 3 and I want to connect a HUB to handle multiple 7-10 USB 3.1 devices however I'm finding most hubs use USB-C thus my question. If I were to plug the USB C connector of a HUB device into my Thunderbolt 3 port, will it all still work and if so, will it work just as efficient or better than if I had a USB C port on my laptop which I don't?"

@KimoKimochii - 05.02.2023 13:45

This lady doesn’t really know the details specs and technical reasons of why how how these devices works lol eg having a more powerful charger doesn’t mean your laptop will charge faster. Also she doesn’t even know about the difference between USB3 and thunderbolt interfaces

@JoshuaVasquez - 08.02.2023 07:10

great video!!!! Thanks for that

@sina7051 - 10.02.2023 12:00

Lol the apple products that are DELIBARATELY in the frame lol

@primedina14 - 21.02.2023 10:26


@davidpenna2176 - 27.02.2023 20:47

Gal Gadot is handing out tech advice! 😅

@rickv5004 - 07.03.2023 09:01

you have a really clear voice

@jeffrey5961 - 14.03.2023 10:22

Hello Marina, the Amazon CalDigit link is not working. thank you for the video.

@SeVeCiK - 23.03.2023 21:39

OK, just out of option I came to this video... how wrong I was, She provided me more info then any "pro" channel, thank You I have made a choice thanks to You! subbed :)

@nowandrew4442 - 21.04.2023 15:37

What's the difference between a car and a motorcycle? Well a car is normally bigger and heavier, but can carry more stuff. A motorcycle is smaller, lighter, and faster, but can't carry as much stuff. There! Now you know everything you need to know about the differences between them.
FFS. Utterly ridiculous coverage.

@ricardoh.sakuma9062 - 24.04.2023 06:54

Muito legal ver que você tem canais para gringos e outro para brasileiros! Sucesso Marina! 🇧🇷🌏

@brucejohnson5568 - 17.05.2023 01:23

I have two different hubs, each has several ports including HDMI out. 1 plugs into my laptop with a USB-C connector, the other with a USB-A connector. Neither will provide an HDMI signal to my projector, but plugging directly into my laptop, I do get a good HDMI out signal. What is a likely reason for the problem?

@rampagephoenix1735 - 24.05.2023 12:45

I think that for my personal ideal use, the Hub would be best. I want to be able to simply take my fordable smartphone, a portable and lightweight hub, a tri-folding Bluetooth keyboard, and a pair of Augmented Reality Smartglasses like the NREAL air, and BAM, instant ideal computer anywhere i go that isn't bulky like a laptop.

@iiishception - 29.05.2023 10:27

Type c is usb 3.1 or 3.2, 3.2 gen 2

@blackbeardbarkbark - 12.07.2023 18:54

Thank you for uploading this informative video. I've been researching hubs and docks, other videos are stumbling over their words, makes me nervous to listen to them.

@lafanfafra - 17.08.2023 22:07

CalDigit SOKS!!

@carloscanadas4299 - 02.10.2023 09:54

You’re really beautiful 🤭

@PatrickDAllen1 - 04.11.2023 23:37

You never mentioned that with hubs, all of the devices connected are powered directly by your computer which can drastically lower battery life whereas with a dock they typically have their own power supply and they power the ports with that supply, so it wouldn't draw much (if any at all) power from your computer for the connected devices. Charging your laptop aside.

One downside to a dock is that is constantly charges your laptop and you can't turn off this charging if you need to use your devices. This is a MAJOR pitfall because it will keep your battery always charging when plugged in and cause overvolting/overcharging which will lower your battery's lifespan significantly. This is why I typically prefer hubs to docks, because I can use my devices and disconnect my charger from the laptop for a bit so as to let it discharge and not cause battery damage by having it constantly charging all the time.

@ThiagoConsortiFotografia - 08.11.2023 20:37

The main and most important difference is that the dock has an independent power supply. Thus, along with the greater number of expansion possibilities, the laptop port is not energetically overloaded and is not at risk of serious damage due to energy overload. This difference is very important to highlight. Furthermore it's possible to use all the dock ports at the same time, but if you do this on the hub your equipment will suffer damage.

@W1HURI - 22.12.2023 02:34

You can connect like 8 monitors to that doc if you use usb-c adapters

@amain7965 - 09.01.2024 23:39

Thanks for the good analysis. Exactly what I was looking for.

@bryonsview - 02.02.2024 08:36

does the hub allow you to dual monitor extender?

@johnaronson5974 - 14.04.2024 02:01

Can you recommend a hub or solution that has a Thunderbolt 2 input /output (used with my G Technology 4TB external drive) and SD card input.that works with high speed SD cards..(my 2013 iMac has built in ports for these connectors and I am looking at buying a M3 iMac.

@brighttooth3592 - 15.04.2024 19:37

Thank you

@LnMMedia - 27.04.2024 15:54

I appreciate this video and I have a question for you.
I just bought a Belkin 5 in 1 dock which has a power brick and supposedly powers my M3 MacBook Pro 14 inch.
The MacBook has MagSafe charging.
Should I use the MagSafe charger WITH the power from the dock or is this asking for trouble. I have not been able to find anyone to answer this question.

@KleinCahucom29 - 10.06.2024 02:34

Gal Gadot?

@ogarthaitken3635 - 23.06.2024 22:26

Oh my goodness a basic explanation about everything ❤❤❤

@irafael8080 - 26.06.2024 01:07

Thanks Loved your explanation.
I have hub and lives on my desk. But, I be looking for that Docking station. I think my weak laptop GPU may thank me in the long run. 🎉

@DannyBoy11oc - 11.07.2024 00:30

So anoying

@davidlorentz7248 - 12.08.2024 16:35

Just one “tiny” thing, I’m pretty sure it’s Cal Digit as in California Digital not Call , great vid though thnx

@gabs0r - 24.08.2024 22:32

100% dock at home for a base workplace. Hub if the tech you bought was a bad decision since it lacks ports 😊.

@dplj4428 - 30.08.2024 08:53

that caldigit is a Caldigit thunderbolt 3. The newer is Thunderbolt 4 with 18 ports from year 2022. Both use a AC adapter which must be plugged in.

@dplj4428 - 04.09.2024 12:04

temporarily maybe use a powerbank when on the go.

@derrickamissah9696 - 04.10.2024 18:50

Fewer ports...

@kbezo - 09.10.2024 07:46

if a usb HUB has a PD , means that if i connect a usb charger to that, it get powered? (like a powered usb hub with DC)???.

What happen if i connect that hub to a usb c with no PD (i dont want PD to my notebook) ? can damage the port or the notebook?

and what happens if i connect a powered usb hub to that hub ?? thanks!!

@a_r_u_n7595 - 30.10.2024 10:20

Shut up meg !!

@CFJob - 31.12.2024 19:58

A Docking Station with WiFi connectivity to the internet and wireless connection to the laptop would be very useful.
Is there such a beast?

@philipperostin - 13.01.2025 16:57

Why do you have to talk like you have a throat cancer. It is so annoying I cant watch you till the end

@InvokedAlbaz - 17.01.2025 22:04

Its like Gal Gadot can speak English normally. ❤❤❤

@pcheintz7264 - 24.01.2025 06:10

So many people misunderstand the difference between Hub, Network Hub, Switch, Network Switch, Gateway, Wireless Gateway, Port Replicator, and Docking Station... Even Dell has it wrong, as they often call their Port Replicators Docking Stations.

- Hubs only have Serial/USB/Lightning/FireWire/ADB/Other connector types or Network connector types, generally a single series of related ports.
-- If it is a Hub with Network ports (ex. RJ-45 ports) and no intelligence in it, it is called a Network Hub.
-- If it is a Network Hub has modest intelligence built into it, it is instead called a Network Switch.
-- If it is a Network Hub OR Network Switch also has a modem and/or WiFi/Wireless built into it it is instead called a Gateway or a Wireless Gateway.
-- If it is a USB Hub or other type of Hub they are generally un-powered, and generally quite portable.

- A specialized type of Hub with single connector in and multiple same connector out with the ability to switch between them is also called a Switch. A good example is for Video 1 In and 4 Out, or 4 In and 4 Out (either Composite, Component, VGA, DVI, DisplayPort, or HDMI), in which case it is a Video Switch. Gamers love these for multiple console connections.

- Port Replicators has functions of a Hub those plus several other ports, like display, video, network, sound ports, Wifi, Bluetooth, etc (older ones also had serial and parallel)... Some have built in multi-card readers (CF, SD, etc...). Many of these have independent power supplies to power all the devices off of them and as pass through for powering the host device. Many but not all of these are still technically portable, but not as portable. They are better as a method to easily detach a notebook from a desk full of connections, with all connections going to the port replicator, and just disconnect the one wire.

- Docking Station (nickname/short name is just Dock) has functions of Port Replicator plus other functionality along with independent power... some have screens or stands and power pass through. In older days thy had built in drives (Floppy, CD, DVD, Blu Ray, Optical, Tape Drive) they are not generally portable. Many of these were also specialized and computer or company specific as they predated the USB, FireWire, Lightning, and ADB interfaces. A few were built into monitor stands.

These days, for computers Docking Stations are as not popular, and a port replicator can do most of what a older Docking Station can do and are more generic. A recent exception is Android devices... a dock with keyboard, mouse, and possibly a stand or a larger screen works good for some people.

If people do not know what to get these days, unless maximum portability is the goal then they almost certainly would benefit best from a Port Replicator.

@ericofadel - 14.02.2025 23:06

Muito foda o conteúdo <3
