LinkedIn founder: how to get ahead while others lose their jobs | Reid Hoffman @reidhoffman

LinkedIn founder: how to get ahead while others lose their jobs | Reid Hoffman @reidhoffman

Silicon Valley Girl

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@aartisaha9061 - 02.03.2025 21:40

Can you make a video about artist, designer, illustrator future will look like in next 10 yrs .

@ankaimen - 02.03.2025 23:20

Loved this interview. Thank you!

@shaileshdhuri4166 - 02.03.2025 23:29

Most bs pod in recent times. Get someone who is real

@mrd6869 - 02.03.2025 23:36

UBI will be here without a doubt in 5 years as the level of disruption will require it.

@kwimms - 03.03.2025 01:00

What a boring conversation... she's scared, he's jaded... goes nowhere.

@eawil-sunart - 03.03.2025 01:14

The title of this video is everything that is wrong with this world.

@eawil-sunart - 03.03.2025 01:14

Oh, look who it is the Epstein but buddy

@ProAudioIQ - 03.03.2025 01:22

The Reid AI is so creepy though. It just doesn’t flow and still is super obvious it’s AI. It just seems like really smooth animatronics at Disneyland or Universal Studios.
It’s fun to see where the technology is going, but it’s sort of like watching beauty and the beast and the original CGI that was used for the ballroom dance scene. We used to think that was just as real as animation could ever get and so convincing and now when you look at it, it’s clunky and old and archaic and feels like the Reid AI currently does

@juhanleemet - 03.03.2025 04:02

hahaha, people want to ask AI "hurry up and make me rich, and don't bother me with the details", just as some business people want to bully their staff for the same

@1andyou2 - 03.03.2025 04:03

Iyou asked what should you teach your daughter now at her young age, I had the same question and then a wise man answered me. He said why are you concerned about what your child will be doing in a professional aspect of their life in the future, rather focused on teaching them how to be a wholesome productive, compassionate, kind human being. That struck me and made me think. I realized that this is what we are missing on our society today. We don't focused on making our children on appropriate humans development, rather on what profession that will have and chisel them from a young age like a robot to respond to that prompt.

@GuitarWithBrett - 03.03.2025 04:32

Get actual coders on to talk , business people are ridiculous

@stolenhen - 03.03.2025 04:55

AI will replace almost everyone, including Marina. There’s no need to have any illusions about AI providing some kind of advantage. Maybe it does for now, but the future looks bleak for everyone, including, as I already said, Marina.

@paulussantosociwidjaja4781 - 03.03.2025 06:00

Very interesting, indeed - especially as some one with account of that app. Thanks!

@adennyh - 03.03.2025 06:06

I found it intriguing how a lot of non-technical people are like: "we all can now code and build an app", "do we still need to learn how to code?". Yes it's true but only to a certain degree. You could create a prototype app that works, but you would quickly hit a bottleneck that you could only solve if you have a thorough understanding about coding and how the OS works. And these alone take years to learn.

@boonkiathan - 03.03.2025 07:59

great point that we shouldn't be starting on blank canvasses

I differ from one of Reid's points in that
AI won't be everybody having their copilots or coding assistants to write more 'apps'
AI will definitely be writing nearly all of the things we used to call 'apps'

but we will be working at a prototyping, design level, conceptual level
and we need to be gearing out AI tools towards making us effective at that level

@leha5345 - 03.03.2025 08:02

Ты же вроде онлайн учитель английского?

@dwj9099 - 03.03.2025 08:10

He is not a good guy. Why would i ever have a linkedin account.

@tatyanarebrova - 03.03.2025 11:21

Подумаешь компьютерная версия Хофмана. Вот если бы как у Стругацких дубли в очереди в столовку бы стояли или за получкой, или бутерброды нарезали...)

@ujju_k7157 - 03.03.2025 11:30

Well great conversation. I have hinge of doubts, like currently AI base knowledge is based on human created content/research/blogs etc. Wouldn't after a while base knowledge of AI/LLM will change and it'll consume self created knowledge/content/research base.

Will authenticity still exists?
As different ai platform has different way to train, thus different output, thus in future it might have contradictory input thus output?

@taashifbashar166 - 03.03.2025 11:44

is the interview also real or ai generated ? 😂

@bcan9lick - 03.03.2025 11:47

great episode.

@BlankReg-v9m - 03.03.2025 11:51

Anyone else notice that the word ‘thrive’ is being used more than ever? Always by some biz speak sycophantic idiots.

@entertainmentaccount2996 - 03.03.2025 15:18

the ai version looks healthy!

@tboogie44 - 03.03.2025 15:30

Good grief. This Silicon Valley Girl seems to think universal basic income is some laudable goal rather than the benchmark of disaster it is.
Getting paid from the efforts of others. Gee what could go wrong with that?

@CopycatStudiosLA - 03.03.2025 15:55

He obviously doesn’t understand the power of AI

@ed_the_farmer - 03.03.2025 16:29

Do not ever, if possible, let a robot put your child to bed.

@dattatreyapujar4068 - 03.03.2025 17:30

Well an AI can not generate a podcast like this!!

@pattumpadamalum - 03.03.2025 19:07

I am just wondering if AI is pointing at a void : when ppl lose jobs, spending is gone, then businesses are gone then what’s AI going to solve for businesses when there is no business

@Jack0trades - 03.03.2025 19:54

"... people want to compete for things." No.
People want shelter, nutrition, medical care, safety, happiness, etc. for themselves and their families.

When AI is more effective at every task than humans, there will be no need for human labor - because it will always be more expensive and less effective than anything humans can contribute. This enthusiasm for competition for it's own sake has brought us to an obscene level of wealth disparity. The movie 'Elysium' is not just a warning about the course we're on, it's a caricature of where we are today. If we don't somehow manage to get those in power to share the bounty of AI productivity with the least fortunate among us, we're quickly headed for a nightmarish dystopia.

@ModernAlpha - 03.03.2025 20:45

Universal basic income is 100% coming. And it will further limit (destroy) the lower classes ability to level up into middle/upper classes.

@BurOnOz - 03.03.2025 21:00

### *Summary: "How to Stay Ahead in a World of AI" - Interview with Reid Hoffman*

#### *1. Should We Fear AI?*
- Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, encourages hope and curiosity instead of fear regarding AI.
- AI will become more advanced and integrated into daily life, but humans should focus on *amplifying their creativity* rather than competing with AI.
- AI plus human collaboration is more effective than AI alone.
- People should experiment with AI tools to better understand how they can use them to their advantage.

#### *2. Skills to Learn for the Future*
- In 2025, every engineer will use *AI coding assistants* like Co-Pilot.
- By 2026, most people will have personal **AI coding assistants**.
- It's better to start using AI tools now rather than waiting for them to improve, as early adopters will have a competitive edge.

#### *3. The Future of Work*
- AI will change many jobs, but **human creativity, decision-making, and strategy will remain valuable**.
- The workweek may shorten in some industries, but many people will still work hard to achieve success.
- Universal Basic Income (UBI) is unlikely to happen soon because people naturally compete and strive for more.

#### *4. AI’s Impact on Business and Entrepreneurship*
- AI is changing business rapidly, making some traditional startups obsolete.
- However, **new major companies will emerge**, possibly even surpassing the current "Mega 7" (Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, etc.).
- The biggest AI opportunities are in **healthcare, education, legal assistance, and productivity tools**.

#### *5. AI’s Role in Healthcare and Education*
- AI can provide **better-than-average medical advice**, available 24/7, making healthcare more efficient.
- AI tutors will personalize education for all ages and subjects.
- AI will **enhance human expertise rather than replace it**.

#### *6. AI Assistants and Personal Legacy*
- Hoffman has developed an *AI version of himself (Reid AI)* that can interact with people.
- In the future, AI versions of individuals could preserve knowledge and allow future generations to communicate with past figures.
- AI can handle **basic communications, scheduling, and remembering conversations**, acting as a personal assistant.

#### *7. Top AI Apps According to Reid Hoffman*
1. *ChatGPT* – Research and text-based AI assistance.
2. *MidJourney* – AI-generated images and creative visuals.
3. *Microsoft Co-Pilot* – AI-powered coding assistant.
4. *Inflection Pi* – A chatbot designed to have emotional intelligence (EQ).

#### *8. Final Thoughts*
- AI is **not replacing humans but enhancing their abilities**.
- The best approach is to *learn, adapt, and use AI as a tool* for creativity and efficiency.
- The future is about **collaboration between AI and humans**, not AI dominance.

*Key Takeaway:* *Embrace AI early, enhance your skills, and focus on creativity to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving world.*

@BurOnOz - 03.03.2025 21:02

### *3 Simple Actions to Stay Ahead in a World of AI*

1⃣ *Start Using AI Tools Now* – Experiment with AI-powered assistants, coding tools, and creative software to improve your productivity and stay competitive.

2⃣ *Focus on Creativity & Problem-Solving* – AI can handle repetitive tasks, but human creativity, decision-making, and strategic thinking will always be valuable.

3⃣ *Keep Learning & Adapting* – Stay updated on AI advancements, develop new skills, and integrate AI into your workflow to enhance your abilities rather than fear automation.

@Ginger30161 - 03.03.2025 22:01

Has Reid Hoffman come clean yet about his connection to Jeffrey Epstein?

@mc6505 - 03.03.2025 22:53

Turns out to be a sales video. I’m out…

@jaredmotopnw - 04.03.2025 00:19

Got off LinkedIn a number of months ago. Found zero value other than most people peacocking and/or looking for work that isn't there anymore.

@alexway303 - 04.03.2025 01:07

Just a note: All these Hubspot guides are always a complete rubbish made by Indian schoolboys just with one purpose - get your Email.

@michaelcalmeyerhentschel8304 - 04.03.2025 01:34

Hoffman talks a big game because he's old and comfortable as a Billionaire, he's not worried. He has climbed the ladders on the backs of technology explosions. He has no idea what suffering people will go through being anything but dependents on State handouts. The elites will own everything and be the winners in corporate and startups populated by robots and digital decision-makers, not humans. Creative artistic type may remain unique, but machines are able to produce all imaginable permutations before humans can even think of anything unique that can generate economic value the way LinkedIn did by being early.

@michaelcalmeyerhentschel8304 - 04.03.2025 01:37

Jabbah the Hut pontificating. He's not suggesting anything other than passive acceptance of whatever comes. Everybody will be his CBI, forced to do community service: that makes anyone feel better?

@_rufcut - 04.03.2025 02:04

universal basic income bwahahhahhha

@pepa007 - 04.03.2025 02:24

Early March 2025: is there any engineer who's NOT already using AI in some capacity every single workday?

@StephenBolger - 04.03.2025 03:31

"It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail" -- Gore Vidal. This quote speaks somewhat to the idea of human nature that people are not just driven by success, but by the need to outdo others. So AI could create basic universal income, but that would not be enough for everyone to be equal. We won't live in a world where some crave and need power.

@sasquatch989 - 04.03.2025 05:57

Isn't this dude on the Epstein flight logs part II?

@ST-rj8iu - 04.03.2025 06:35

I love how AI is going to take our jobs, but yet we all are supposed to keep working? With what? My needs are met except for my time. Most people should only be working 5 to 10 hours a week. Yet, we are supposed to work 60 hours a week now per Google Co-founder? What a load of BS.

@SeanEustace-zk3mc - 04.03.2025 07:46

UBI is a return to childhood. Community engagement requirements means slavery. You may no be able to escape the plantation but you can burn the cash crop and the big house.

@Hystable - 04.03.2025 08:33

He's on the list

@user-mj2lm5fh1j - 04.03.2025 11:13

People in the comment section has no idea that AI is w hype, and this guy has no idea what he is talking about!!
