I’ve hosted 100+ of these Don’t Die dinners. Most people conclude it’s one of the most consequential conversations of their life. Let me know what you thought of it.
ОтветитьI just feel sorry for the lady in yellow sweater, looks like she lives in a cage built by her own brain
ОтветитьIt is already too late. The most advanced AI technology is only controlled by the most nefarious and powerful elites (individuals that are not known in the public realm).
From a macro perspective, I am seeing big diabolical shifts happening. The dependence of AI also removes us away from what makes us human (with soul and spirit). It doesn’t matter whether you are religious or not, I cannot deny that there is part of my ‘being’ that sparks life to this vessel that we call the body. People who recovered from being ‘brain dead’ can recount all the conversations from hospital staff and loved ones. How about countless NDE cases of folks who died and came back to life and could recount every thing that happened in the hospital room while they were ‘dead’? What is the ‘being’ that is doing the ‘hearing’ and the ‘seeing’? Is this ‘being’ eternal?
AI is artificial and does not have this soul/spirit/being - this is what makes them different than the human species. I know this is a topic of debate whether AI can have a soul.
Since there is no evidence that they do, they cannot replace us. They can transcend our intellect and possibly destroy us - big possibility. But, the part of us that makes us human is indestructible.
So my conclusion is that we focus on the indestructible part of us (soul/spirit). I feel there is enormous power and untapped potential here that AI can NEVER reach.
I wish this conversation was had with philosophers or just more thoughtful people, not mystics and vibe surfers.
ОтветитьI think life is about balance. I will implement this experiment into my life. But in general rather live a short happy and exciting life, than a long life in a mental prison. Although I may not judge early, because you said you feel free spiritually. When I ate vegetarian food for 1 year, I felt like I could fly too. I also believe if you change your lifehabits, others doors will open for fun too. We can create our prison our freedom in any circumstances. So life is an experiment by itself for me. Love you and your results Bryan, you look handsome 😊❤
ОтветитьYou can take the man out of the know-it-all Mormon death cult.
But you can't take the know-it-all Mormon death cult out of the man!
So much value and knowledge for free
ОтветитьMiranda had such a stupid response to the first question "if my family" says yes lol the familes obs won't. have the same algo
ОтветитьThis is so inspirational to me, it's crazy! Keep up the good work Bryan & Team💪
ОтветитьIf AI is smart enough that in it's current stage of infancy we are already scared of it and want to limit it, then it's very likely going to be smart enough to thwart any restrictions we put on it if it so desires to. That doesn't mean we can't try to put safeguards in place, but we surely know there is a good chance that if it not shut down now, we could very well lose control of where it leads regardless of our best efforts to the contrary.
Also, does America have the best democratic system in the world? There are plenty of other democracies (Australia, the UK and European countries), what makes Americans think they are doing democracy better or even as well as other countries? Also, the most democratic country may not produce the best results if the populations opinions and goals are ill informed, uneducated etc so is besting "the best democracy" synonymous with "the best country to live in"? Probably not.
I’ve just realized that Bryan Johnson looks almost identical to Data from Star Trek! He’s like a robot constantly talking about data 😮😂
ОтветитьI have never seen Miranda Kerr this serious
ОтветитьI imagine if quantum computers become as power as they theorize, the instructions to reverse ageing through genetic manipulation will cure everything. Still might get hit by a bus though lol
Ответитьhave you looked into yoga? i can teach you about the Khechari mudra and how Indian ascetics live past 105-110 routinely
ОтветитьI just ate 30 grams of sugar
ОтветитьSo to clarify the definition/reason for don't die in relation to AI, you said that
1) AI is a wall of uncertainty, and our current knowledge/ways of thinking are not capable of predicting how things will go.
2) "Don't die" (right now) is the only idea everyone agrees on, which makes it effectively an objective value.
3) Therefore, we can use the "Don't die" philosophy as the starting point and North star for making decisions about what to do for ourselves, others, and the world.
Is this the line of thinking?
This is quite disappointing because now Bryan is trying to define “autonomy” or what many would call “free will” and he’s speaking as if it’s a solved problem in physics. It’s not. And he isn’t an expert in either cognitive science or physics. So it’s disappointing to hear this somewhat tone of arrogance.
The thing is with people like this guy, his life is essentially living at a luxury all inclusive resort. Meals prepared for him by chefs, finances handled by someone else, house chores handled by someone else. I think that takes away a lot of stress, which in turn supports his health.
I do my absolute best, but as a single mother, I am severely limited by energy, finances and time. I can only dream about how healthy I could be with his access and wealth. I had 3 months off work last year, paid, due to my mental health. By the final month, I felt like I could breathe again. Was sleeping better, exercising more, eating better, house was cleaner, much less stress to combat and then BOOM, back to work and my physical and mental health went to shit trying to spin all the plates.
It was a really insightful perspective on how we can maximize our potential in life. It would be fascinating to find a species capable of achieving extreme longevity. I’ve always been an advocate for this concept—I love the idea of extending our lifespan or at least being able to grow older while staying healthy and spending more time with our loved ones.
I also hope for a global shift in our education systems. Having lived in many countries, I’ve seen firsthand how much misinformation is fed to us, and this needs to change. A true transformation starts early—introducing better habits in schools and kindergartens would be a great step forward. Junk food and excessive sugar consumption should be limited, or at the very least, made available only on request. When unhealthy options are constantly accessible, it becomes much harder for people to make better choices.
Overall, Bryan, I truly hope you succeed in spreading these valuable ideas. Your vision could help shape a better future for all of us.
is this an A24 film?
ОтветитьCult feels... Vampire feels...AI feels....
Yes yes yes
Food is medicine.
ОтветитьThis is how you don't die:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16, the Bible)
Much respect !!! Productive conversations. 👌🏼🧠
ОтветитьWhy do you dinner and not lunches?
ОтветитьA complete denial of the fact that we carry the image of God, and that the humanity of humans always usurps machines.
There was a reason almost everyone cringed at the first question. And that what kept Miranda from agreeing was relationships, and Love. Her instinct was spot on.
Like in any great dystopian story, a small group of humans keep the inner reality of Love and freedom alive and that's what ultimately defeats the autocratic system. (Which ironically doesn't deliver on its promises, and is just a cover for the evil of control and taking away freedom. See communism etc...)
This inner flame that's kept alive is a reflection of the nature of God, and will always ultimately triumph over every machine system.
Ответитьthis video is absolute nonsense, wtf is this hour and a half video talking about absolutely nothing.
ОтветитьMy finger went numb while scrolling this boring full length movie. I guess you can actually die from boredom while watching this
ОтветитьReminds me of The Last Supper
ОтветитьSorry, Bryan. You and people around you have no clue what is and what is occurring on not perceivable levels of our reality. The question what really makes us "aging" is still unanswered.
Ответитьvery interesting. I really liked the acknowledgement that we are only wired to know so much and that in order to see the blind spots we must in a sense rewire our brain. Would be really cool to see a collaboration between Bryan Johnson, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Andrew Huberman, HuTom Bilyeu and heart math. If we were educating children from a young age how to do nuero rewiring while also teaching them to feed themselves for the optimal experience I think that's a good place to start. Once you get a taste of health you become addicted and we have that natural addiction to dopamine so why not use it to our advantage. Also I was thinking since AI learns much faster than us why not ask AI what systems could be put in place to create "Don't Die" I did a simple AI chat search on how to educate us to be a healthier and more compassionate species the answers were really interesting. Maybe the first steps are simply asking AI to help get things established - just a thought probably a silly one ;) anyway thanks for sharing great food for thought !
ОтветитьI would choose to die right now 😂am I the only one?
ОтветитьMiranda kerr thinks that, she is the smartest one in the room, And that murderf***r He is saying that India don’t use catalytic converter, first learn what is Bharat Stage 6, And we don’t use 2 stroke engine, use 4 stroke cars and electric ones
ОтветитьHi Bryan , somehow you changed my way of thinking to adopt healthier habits, i would like to have talk with you ,i have few questions, do you have time to practice social life , family , more question , can this experiment be for 1 year and leave the freedom of choice to continue or not for the subscribers? thanks
ОтветитьNo, I'm human trained for having the intelligence to know what to do, when and how , growing always in wisdom to identify opportunity when it comes and have the strength to mantain.
ОтветитьTalmage scrolling his phone....rude
Ответитьnobody ate there...a few bites here and there...they're thinking about food bro...except miranda who is used to starve herself and can talk word salads for hours
Ответитьgirl in yellow sweater is the coolest and smartest there
Ответитьmiranda shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ответитьi have not eaten sugar in 1 month...double chin is fading away...I love it...bra fat is also dissolving, belly has gotten flat...this is amazing
Ответитьskipping Miranda
she interrupts everyone, so annoying!!!!!!!!!!!
Miranda is there because Bryan's son has been loooking at her semi naked photos...she's insifferable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ответитьdid bryan get a jaw implant????
ОтветитьBryan literally looking like a robot
ОтветитьOmg Miranda is soooo hot 🥵
ОтветитьBryan you better get concise with your questions...super long winded intro you lose people's attention
ОтветитьMiranda is so embarrassing, please escort her out