Destiny 2 Shadowkeep - Solo Master Difficulty Nightmare Hunt Despair Crota, Son of Oryx at 980 Power Level. Just a quick video showing the highest difficulty on the Nightmare Hunt being done solo for Pinnacle Gear and the challenge itself. Details below.
Ended up being a fair bit easier than I expected, was thinking this would be the hardest of the 3 but found The Fanatic to be worse personally. But was a fun fight none the less. Had a couple of deaths while learning the boss, and about 10 minutes of attempts yesterday practicing how to down him consistently before I had to head out . I think a Flawless would be pretty easy for this as well, even more so at higher power level or using a Hunter with invis. Will get the flawless next time it comes around though, as I have to grind a few more power levels on the artifact this week.
This was the last of the 3 Master Nightmare Hunts this week done solo, will do them again next week too! Have the 980 Nightfall to do which shouldn't take too long and will do that on Hunter, will have that up over the weekend sometime. Ended up taking yesterday to grind out the Eriana's Vow Catalyst which makes a pretty big difference for the weapon, so will make these things much easier to do now.
My PC setup is nothing too crazy at all, but the specs are:
i7-8700, GTX 1070, 16GB DDR4-3000 Ram, 256GB SSD, 2TB HDD.
Allows me to run max settings at constant 60FPS while recording. Which is about all I need for now :)
Keybindings can be seen here:
Thank you so much for your support!
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