The Two Minute Warning: Jainism and the Practice of Ahimsa

The Two Minute Warning: Jainism and the Practice of Ahimsa


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@brunovanhove1832 - 20.12.2023 17:27

Je linker kaak tonen, en de tweede slag aanvaarden zonder boos te zijn ,is een levenslange weg ,van nederigheid , en onderwerping aan het principe van geweldloosheid!☯️🙏

@hdrake1000 - 20.05.2023 10:53

Jails and prisons are filled with folks who lost control of their temper in just a minute or so.

@bethp3320 - 11.08.2022 20:51

Ahimsa should be law

@jonmcintire9067 - 15.07.2022 09:07

This religion ,like Islam is designed to destroy good anger 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

@akshat1264 - 01.12.2021 11:39

The vedio shown is of kundalpur A major jain pilgrimage in madhya pradesh damoh district.

@Addhyan27 - 21.03.2021 23:31

Im a tutor .. and Trust me Jains are good people and helpful too❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

@MostPowerfulPMofIndia - 08.10.2020 17:23

I hate such unneccessary penance

@gabrielahimsa4387 - 02.07.2020 01:56

Ahimsa is the highest Dharma, Ahimsa is the highest self-control,
Ahimsa is the greatest gift, Ahimsa is the best practice,
Ahimsa is the highest sacrifice, Ahimsa is the finest strength,
Ahimsa is the greatest friend, Ahimsa is the greatest happiness,
Ahimsa is the highest truth, and Ahimsa is the greatest teaching

@makathena5709 - 10.02.2020 09:39

100 likes to this video and Jainism!

@aww4954 - 17.11.2019 22:00


@bawattantiukoskula720 - 13.10.2019 13:17

Very similar to buddhism, love it

@melodicnostalgic3823 - 18.09.2019 16:08

Idiotic practice.

@BasicBuddhist - 03.06.2019 01:53

Interesting and nice video. Ahimsa is non-violence, not unique to Jain, but they take it very seriously indeed, it should be mentioned that compassion for self is also essential to increase that circle of compassion. . Jain's only have about 4-5 million adherents. no state (country) is Jain (to my knowledge) thinking as an example, Israel is Jewish, Thailand is Buddhist etc...
It also makes sense that "they are the only major religion that has never engaged in war' but that is a loaded statement, as it would totally go against their practice of ahimsa to do so and also you have to really look at what it means to 'engage' in war. That opens a whole book on whether you are perpetrator, victim or complicit. Not sure I would call it a major religion though, in that case Baha'i is an even more major religion with over 7 million. They have not waged war either. Well done video, would love to see a larger documentary in this style. We can all really learn from the Jain philosophy and practice.

@Altruismusic - 09.04.2019 14:30

" I do not know if there is an afterlife or not, but if there is Id like to be reborn in India as a jain" - Albert Einstein

@makathena5709 - 30.03.2019 18:16

Ahimsa is the idea that respect every single life. I really appreciate it!
If everyone practice non-violence, the world would become peaceful.
(Also, try to let our actions, speeches and thoughts free from violence.)
Jai Jinendra

@carmelitagood3384 - 15.03.2019 08:53

Jainism is truly the most peaceful religion on the planet whereas Islam is the most violent religion on the planet.

@yasserkhaled000 - 09.12.2018 15:14

أستغفر الله العظيم وأشهد أن لا آلة إلى الله محمد رسوال الله

@vermageet4669 - 25.05.2018 20:16

I really donn like this religion which avoid to eat rooted vegetable as it harms plants but what with those followers who suffers each n evry second by their tough rules

@WolfeTone66 - 16.04.2018 01:16

Thank you.

@papajoe922 - 01.02.2018 23:21

you don't need to be jainist to not harm animals and be peaceful, all you need is to be human. this religion is crap, go deep in this religion and u will laugh.

@akshaymurugesh - 05.01.2018 14:37

I want to convey few facts,
In Ancient Tamil Literature, The Thiruvalluvar author of Thirukkural, Was said he is a follower of Samana Samayam Which means a Jain and also The five great epics of Tamil was written by Jain and Buddhist Philosophers
Few Pallava and Pandya kings were followed Jainism
And the great Tamil Shaivism Poet Appar Supported Jainism and the Chola King Raja Raja Chola I He builted a Jain Temple called Mallinatha swamy a temple for Mallinatha Thirthankara in Mannargudi, Tamil Nadu State

@kararrsameer9243 - 28.11.2017 15:54

I'm an atheist but i really love this religion.

@thombendtsen399 - 23.10.2017 13:53

As I understand it Ahimsa is not only non-violence but can be better described as the opposite of doing harm whether through thought or deed. So purposefully causing psychic pain or emotional pain to anyone would also be something to avoid doing. And not because of the harm it does to the victim, but because of the harm it does emotionally to the perpetrator. It’s all about the individual achieving enlightenment, it’s not about the damage done to others. Harming others keeps us from attaining nirvana or heaven or enlightenment.

@HumanbeingonfloatingEarth - 17.10.2017 03:10

i am aware Jehovahs Witnesses were sent to death camps for refusing to participate in the Nazi war machine...however they do eat 'meat' , the difference is Jains and buddhists (Thich Nhat Hahn especially)call for your compassion for all life...and THIS beauty is what makes these two particular religions so special...with Jains supremely uncompromising in Ahimsa. thank u for vid. :)

@digitalcommunism - 25.06.2017 02:08

beautiful and simple

@SunFellow941 - 04.06.2017 04:02

Nice spotlight!

@EHISH - 18.11.2016 05:56

LOL patiently removing bugs without harming them... Oh boy...

@NeerajSinghairirt - 09.10.2016 21:34

Jainsim means Nonviolence, Tolerance, Sacrifice, and must is never engaged in any type of war. I am feeling proud to be jain....

@pradeepdhalawat - 12.09.2016 09:41

jainism is constitution of nature
humans want more and more
their desires are unlimited and this is the sole reason for environmental damage and globle warming.
we a jains believe and practice nonvoilece to extreme levels just because we belive in this Constitution of nature.
jainism is the best solution for environment and every living being
take from nature if you need it
take in such a way that no damage is done to nature and if you cant aviod this damage then second option is you should do minmum damage.
but humans ......unending desires are killing this universe.
please save it for are grand childrens

@judgementday2022 - 19.07.2016 12:29

You guys need Jesus. this is nonsense so all the animals must be left to run around what should humans feed on don't you see even in nature each animal must feed depending on it kind. We humans are aweful in the way we choose to treat others and things around us because we have no Jesus Christ. But I tell you this religion is nullified through a microscope. Every time you wash your hands and body you are killing and destroying microscopic living things

@MrGs2020 - 23.06.2016 14:47

Thanks. It's a informative video.

@mtarkes - 10.05.2016 16:25

Jains did not invent nonviolence but they are theones who rigorously practice it.

@Godskingdomwithin - 17.04.2016 21:43

I know on the path traversed by the spiritual Masters, Mystics- involves seeking the journey back to our true home, which is a journey that involves seeking within, and what is occurring in the outer world is an illusion, and in a very real sense, is the problem. The Masters did not come to change what happens in the outer world, but have come to take those who are ready-there disciples back to our true home. I've heard some say, why didn't Jesus address problems like slavery, or attack openly the Romans, that were occupying his homeland, was because that was not his role. Religion is what happens when the connection to the founder of that religion is broken! This is why most of the world's religions have gotten involved in war, and unjust endeavors! The change must occur within, and what is unfolding, that our human eyes see, is transient, and was created for the purpose of experience-outside of the sphere of "Oneness," with the source of all that is.

@kailashneupane5471 - 09.04.2016 20:48

I want to be jain .....

@markmoth - 08.04.2016 09:54

Aren't we humans all GHOULS potentially though? Having to extinguish the life of that which we have decided to eat, whether ANIMAL which at least has a chance to escape or PLANT which can't do even that? We can't eat dirt can we.... I've heard of Breatharianism which claims to subsistence on air and sunlight, but I can't presently see that as anything else but fond fantasy.....

@Showcasephotographers - 20.02.2016 18:32

I agree with this video except to say that the killing of animals can be brought into the circle compassion and that war is righteous with it is required to defend the weak against evil. There is nothing new under the sun. The Natural laws of life are of old and waiting for mans discovery.

There does exist a source of truth and of goodness that we were made to desire. I will always be finite creature, always exploring and always discovering. One day, I will be perfected when my faith in him is perfected and I can live wholly in his will. For he is outside of time and space and the universe is his masterpiece and there is no greater or gift that can be given than the capacity to desire him.

We share this desire with the gods which is why they are jealous. But not all are jealous. Some of the gods and some of mankind know that only YHWH is rightfully jealous because everything belong to him and we should all be zealous for him and not jealous for those who do not belong to us.

If you believe that you are equal to the one, or will one day become equal with the one, then you are under the original curse of pride. For there is only one uncaused cause of all things. Everything else is finite, even the Universe.

@A.I-America_and_India - 06.02.2016 22:17

ahimsa is the message not of buddhist nor of jains , its the message of beginningless universe

@panditlalitmohan - 31.12.2015 22:04

we should learn from jainism

@jaisrilaxmi6141 - 30.10.2015 04:39

Wasn't Emperor Ashoka a Jain when he started his conquering? It's a sticky statement to say that "Jainism is the only religion to have never engaged in war." Religions, being words, ideas, written and spoken thoughts obviously can't engage in war. Neither can a gun or a stone engage in war.

The question is, have the adherents of Jainism ever engaged in war, and maybe more importantly, have so-called leaders of the religion ever engaged in or supported war?. I'm looking online and finding evidence that they did, but the sources aren't reliable. I'd be curious to know more.

@Godskingdomwithin - 25.10.2015 22:46

Thank you my friend for another important message! Is Ahimsa originally from the Buddhist tradition, or did it originate with Jainism?
