Upper left 1,2 molar buccal supragingival scaling 34/35 sickle scaler

Upper left 1,2 molar buccal supragingival scaling 34/35 sickle scaler

Dental Boda

55 лет назад

8,211 Просмотров

Upper left 1,2 molar buccal supragingival scaling 34/35 sickle scaler
This is a video about Oral Prophylaxis for Dental Hygienist.
I would be very happy if I could help dental hygienists around the world who are trying to improve human oral health.

The video was produced by a three professor of dental hygiene
(Lim Hyun JU, Hwang Se Hyun, Lee Ji Young) and Dental Boda.

Oral Prophylaxis is a unique area of the dental hygienist, and all the theories and practical techniques are discussed in the video by three professor of dental hygiene.
And if there is a question about the Oral Prophylaxis at the bottom of the YouTube video, Professor Lim Hyun Ju, the author of charge, will answer the question.
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Dental Boda planned and produced photography and video.

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#스케일링 #scaling #국가고시 #oral_prophylaxis #dental_scaling #calculus #스켈링 #치면세마 #치위생사_국가고시 #dental #dental_education #dental_training #dental_school #oral #prosthetics #dentist #dental_hygienist #hygiene #dental_videos #teeth #tooth #dental_youtuber #치석제거 #치과위생사 #치위생사 #치과위생사_국가고시 #치과위생사_실기시험 #upper #maxillary #left #posterior #molar #buccal #supragingival #34/35_sickle_scaler #sickle_scaler #scaler #yeonkyung_Pak #박연경 #jungbu_roh #노중부 #dental_boda #dentalboda #lim_hyunju #hwang_sehyun #lee_jiyoung
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