How FAKERY Destroyed CoD Trickshotting (History of Cheaters)

How FAKERY Destroyed CoD Trickshotting (History of Cheaters)


11 месяцев назад

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@EutrophyYT - 20.02.2025 10:42

Dude you deserve way more than 20k subs wow production quality is through the roof.

@SlomoUofR - 20.02.2025 20:03

Imagine going for clout with fake clips instead of enjoying playing a video GAME. It’s a game you missed the point. 😂

@WoofWoofNibba - 20.02.2025 21:02

it wont matter who is its who isnt these days even treyarch is giving you hacks these day

@killrockit - 21.02.2025 10:02

No m&k has this mentality. This is a controller loser mentality.

@Nick9Three - 22.02.2025 14:41

Ah yes, the worst era in CoD. I had fun on BO2 destroying the clear outs and then shitting on the “trick shotting” losers that secretly had RGH Xboxes and when the last round came they’d kill me in spawn as soon as the round started. Then I’d hit them with a million packets and tell them to take the night off. Miss those days.

@idontfakeclips - 24.02.2025 03:07

Wow… I wasn’t expecting to see this pop up in my recommended today. You made me go back and find the information for this channel. Kleos, Stitchz and I built the packs that were sold to everyone to fake clips. It’s insane just how many people ended up using them, I even remember writing Azza lobby mod menus later on when we didn’t need to edit clips. Thanks for the video, what a throwback!

@rottisrule4272 - 25.02.2025 14:55

People who used any of this stuff in the video got Bullied 💯

@saintcorvic1194 - 26.02.2025 02:52

I swear it looks like all this took more effort than just trying to get the shots legit.

@Galcan - 26.02.2025 05:19

If they were faking those clips , that means i was actually a beast at this game

@saltslug1386 - 28.02.2025 19:52

Great vid, but you could have delved into the "darkside" of the community, where playing legit was the exception. The divide in the community spanned as far back as 2013 with the STC movement (save the community) when setting up clips was becoming more and more common, and players and team leaders in big teams like FaZe, SoaR, Dare and Synergy were pushing back against it heavily. Players who wanted to join these teams either had to hide their set up clips or play legit, while the other side of players simply set up or played azza, focusing on hitting more technically impressive clips in a controlled environment. Teams such as despize would gain notoriety for going for increasingly complex and difficult shots while not hiding the fact they were setup. The divide still exists to this day

@abstract_extremist - 28.02.2025 20:48

All i know is every one ive done is legit and thats all that matters never had the ability to cheat that was for people who had computers and were literate in 1s and zero's.

@ZaTaRyMz - 01.03.2025 00:13

I'll never thank or forgive the cheaters. Nobody should. Hitting legit shots was and is the coolest and most memorable thing. Pure dopamine rush.

@tdoto - 02.03.2025 21:34

Crazy, throwback after throwback

@hctaz - 03.03.2025 04:46

So you’re telling me I was actually good enough to be doing trick shots this whole time, and I just thought I wasn’t because the trickshotters started faking their clips… like that one with the fake hit marker was worse than my normal gameplay when I was a kid if you removed the fake part. Rip.

Well… that’s a missed opportunity and a half. Oh well.

@GetWildBoyz - 04.03.2025 09:21

This doesn’t ruin anything for me! In fact it’s interesting I think for people like me cause we’re so young and hyped and didn’t really think it was possible for people so good to cheat that are recording everything we do it’s also crazy to see some of these guys get exposed years almost 12 years later it’s insane and awesome great video🎉🎉🎉

@grxvs8519 - 05.03.2025 00:12

I used to sell the fake asset packs when I was like 14, 15 lol the amount of big name players who bought it was insane.

@IMIatix - 05.03.2025 12:39

I could never stand those extremely over edited cod montages, it's like they didn't want you to see their actual gameplay at normal speed so it's constantly sped up and slowed down.

@NickPalamar - 06.03.2025 07:02

99% of S&D Clips are setup clips. Back in MW2 if you queued for search with 6 people, you would get a lobby with other trickshotters almost every time. Everyone quickscoped until last alive, and whichever team had one person left first, went and setup practically wherever you wanted. You would tag them and shoot a spot on the ground lmao. Completely setup lol. But i never played during the macro era. Would it not just look robotic?

@ronalife504 - 06.03.2025 09:16

bros like 6 years late

@wailedcoder937 - 06.03.2025 13:20

I totally remember the cringey kids inviting me to trick shoting lobbies. 😂😂😂

@VSGotNM - 06.03.2025 18:10

Faze and all these other pros been cheating since the jump... crazy.

@geewehye8576 - 06.03.2025 19:42

Rule #1 if they only show the killcam its 99% a cheater

@willg9106 - 07.03.2025 02:57

I was super into the MW2/BO2 scene in 2012/13. Tbh the most shocking thing is learning there was still life in the community in 2020.

@Mj-vh3ih - 07.03.2025 07:55

This has actually destroyed my nostalgia 😢

@wtfdookiefpv - 07.03.2025 10:03

they were never a thing

@venum98 - 07.03.2025 12:57

Trickshotting has got to be one of my most favorite memorable gaming memories. It’s one of those things I wish I could go back and experience all the good, funny, grinding times with all my online friends. It makes me sad & happy to think about .

@narcostarko - 07.03.2025 13:28

I mean ...the scene might be dead...but when I'm getting shit on using an assault rifle in MW3 and I switch to a sniper and go on a 9 kill streak only quick scoping nothing beats that high. I just keep it in the back pocket to punish cancerous players now

@Slanderish - 07.03.2025 14:36

Im so glad pamaj wasnt mentioned in this video...

@irmollaar - 07.03.2025 22:53

sick video. Trickshots were cool but i always thought they were too hard or mostly faked. womp womp. Going for feeds was my shit though, really wish I could have afforded a capture card back then. Its so clear now that this was the golden age of call of duty, and maybe all of gaming.

@DJRobotPanther - 08.03.2025 11:24

I always had a feeling this was the case, I’ve gone for shots to this day for YEARS and it’s so rare to actually hit I couldn’t believe there was people doing it multiple times every couple weeks.

@ruffr4bb1t - 09.03.2025 08:00

My edits are for fun. The worst “faking” I’ve done was use the wrong match for when someone insulted me. That’s it. The rest is just editing for pacing I don’t hide anything if you look frame by frame. If I wanted to hide stuff I would but I don’t bc it’s more fun to edit for myself instead of stressing

@SonicShots - 10.03.2025 07:54

It’s funny because I used to play with all of these dudes and it was always the ones cheating who had the fattest egos.

@emazethegoon8967 - 11.03.2025 06:04

S/o to all the homies who used to play COD on Ps3. We used to be hardcore about faking clips but to compete with the big teams we had to set up and use azza lobbies, all the teams we wanted to join had players who did it🤣

@nyquilforhands3480 - 11.03.2025 09:28

I remember being 13. Absolutely loved trickshots on mw2. Religiously watched ur tutorial on how to hit the temperrr shot and one day hit it in game on high rise wasn’t even killcam but it the feeling inside my soul was amazing.

@Misqti - 11.03.2025 10:35

I’m pretty sure vekays was trolling with the Cronus lmao

@StillGotShit4Brains - 12.03.2025 12:01

They kept being forgiven hahah

@trevdevs - 13.03.2025 03:48

Yeah man, this video hits.

I was really into trickshotting very early in the days and I was a big player in the modded lobby trickshotting space on PS3/Xbox.

Used to host every day and got some fairly big names in my lobbies, they paid my entire childhood dreams but I still feel like shit about my influence on the scene today. I remember the days when it didn't include fakes and we all were having a blast grinding for real.

Love this video, appreciate the nostalgia trip

@STZ3E - 13.03.2025 15:02

Saw trust

@Avea47s - 14.03.2025 06:03

Oh man, this video brought me back.

@EternaLWaX - 14.03.2025 08:45

Only one who got me into was whosMagic but wow it sucks having real talent be forgotten

@user-cn3vb9bs1z - 14.03.2025 17:55

Back when my ex friend thought this rubbish was real 😂

@justdope840 - 15.03.2025 02:04

I already knew they faked them clips cause I was playing this when it happened tenser probably had the worst

@oGCantEdit - 16.03.2025 00:54

Lmao i went to MLG event and after he joined again i asked him if he still taking clips man looke so angry 😂

@Hairy_legs_64 - 16.03.2025 09:43

This video made me get out of bed and put a zynn in

Thanks 😊

@Tarrymonz - 16.03.2025 14:00

there was a guy sellin azzas called thrax goobear and he bought bitcoin from hosting and became a multi millionaire off it no cap

@FormVelox - 17.03.2025 02:49

There were so many that were faked. I knew alot of them when I was in synergy. Another method was having 2-4 other consoles and hooking them up together on the same connection and running a LAN party with them. You couldn't tell it from a real clip with no editing. It truly was a cancer to the community for us trying to hit real shots and made us look bad. I could only hit maybe 3-5 a week at best and I was getting smoked by some who hit 5 a day.

@stevfell - 03.01.2025 05:16

Thank you for this beautiful video, that has managed to hit a very particular spot in my heart. As someone who was heavily invested in the trickshotting community and resorted to cheating aswell, this hits too close to home. The saddest part in all of this, is that it's exactly what killed trickshotting. As you rightly and cleverly pointed out, these videos and clans went from kids having fun, banding together, being creative and inspiring themselves from the skateboarding community, to a multi-million business, but still run by kids. There was just no way this was ever going to end well, especially since, to be fair, we cod players and maybe especially trickshotters weren't the brightest of the bunch. People quit the scene when they grew up, and when it felt like everything that could ever have been hit, had been hit. It just wasn't the same anymore, everyone was hitting left and right, but most were cheating/faking.

As for my personnal experience, I started trickshotting in late 2011 on pc, MW2 specifically. The community was very active and had a shit ton of crazy good players, but we were never recognised by the community as a whole and rightly so : it was so freaking easy to cheat on pc compared to consoles. You mention azza lobby being uncovered in late 2013 ; we had explosive bullets since at least early 2012 - probably earlier - and then came much more advanced ways of cheating that were even harder to spot. I played legit for two whole years, but I could never compete with other top pc players, namely because a good chunk of them were cheating and the shots they hit were absolutely out of this world, or i wasn't able to match the sheer quantity of it. Then, when a friend finally got his hands on the tool, which he could use to give eb to anyone he wanted in the lobby, i finally tasted the cardinal sin. That was the beginning of the end, I started hitting shots after shots and just couldn't stop. I too joined a good clan and could compete, but the widespread availability of the tool and other forms of cheating killed the community as early as late 2013. There was just no point anymore. Everyone knew, yet it was so hard to tell, took so much effort to uncover. Sometimes it was obvious and sometimes it wasn't. I never got caught, even though some clips were rather obvious, i started getting generous with the eb range too. By summer 2014, all of my numerous friends met online had quit the game, and I was alone, playing FFA, with the tool, hitting fake trickshots.

But this story actually does have a good ending : during covid, many people from the pc community started the game again and played mw2 steam for the first time in many years. Somehow we all got together in 6 men and went for unsetup shots, just like back in the days. None of these were fakes or setup, because no one cared anymore. We just wanted the thrill of hitting the shots, legit, like we used to. Because, in the end, that is what made us fall in love with the game, and what brought some of us back all these years later. I can proudly say that during the month I played back, I hit about 5 unsetup and legit shots. These shots will always be my favourites, and a beautiful farewell to the game and people I have loved so deerly. I realise this was a long and most likely boring comment, but I needed this out. Your video was therapeutic in a way, I was holding onto something for far too long. Godspeed, trickshotters and friends of the past. May life be kind to you all. Maybe we'll meet again someday, spinning round and round like we used to, to hit one last shot.
