Walking NYC : Brooklyn Heights with Hannah Lee

Walking NYC : Brooklyn Heights with Hannah Lee


3 года назад

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@therealhannahlee - 21.06.2021 16:07

Thanks again for having me! This was so much fun. 😀

@sofiac7170 - 21.06.2021 16:20

Thank you got to watch while at work …have a nice day 😎

@davidellis5141 - 21.06.2021 16:35

The Action Kid on a nice 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️ with the very charming Hannah. They discuss their love of plants 🪴 & how to care for them. Hannah teaches The AK about her neighborhood. Nice.

@yogibearfan424 - 21.06.2021 16:50

Good morning actionkid, good video

@vivajay - 21.06.2021 16:50

I love Thai food, may have to check out Pinto since she says it’s the best.

@thebeardspare2820 - 21.06.2021 17:05

I remember leaving farmers market and taking the bus to Brooklyn promenade and just before we went in I think that was the house that they filmed Cosby show in, damn I miss New York.

@xevious2501 - 21.06.2021 17:14

I remember the first renovations down in DUmbo back in the early 90's. Pier 19 south street seaport across the river along with the lower manhattan skyline and the then Twin Towers (world trade center) and the brooklyn bridge made for such an icon view. Looking west, on our brooklyn side, viewing all the abandoned piers warehouses and docks, even then i wondered why the city didnt develope it all into a park on the water. Back then even the park along the west side highway had not begun development. NewYork city, with the nations highest rate of daily income had so much corruption from the top on down that it wouldnt even create a few parks along its waterfronts. But after a few mayors and govenors finally they actually got something done. if For only a reason to attract more people and tourist to the city. Or the simple fact that NYC, once the worlds great urban specical had fallen way behind other cities around the world. And embarrassment on every front that once made it truly the EMPIRE STATE. but today moves are being made to reclaim at least some of its glory. BUT just as well after 911 the world changed, and once again Post covid 19.. we now see yet another world before us. People fleeing from the likes of California and Newyork. Florida the one state that people commonly bashed is now seeing an enormous increase in new residency. Texas may actually see much of its vast lands being developed and used, and who knows, texas succession from the US is still on the table. Seems like an impossibility but so was the results of covid-19. Shutting down the world. still, Brooklyn with its new waterfronts and parks at least looks a little better, although these such things are not truly made for its native residents, but rather to attract the rich. who often look to kick out those who get in their way. And the city more than happy to accomodate for the all mighty dollar. what will the future hold. who knows. but i do worry about another great calamity to mannhattan that ive long drempt of. and my dreams always come to pass. all i can say, is its not good, and if anything ,,, the more people leave manhattan the better.

@januszfutrzynski2636 - 21.06.2021 17:25

I watched your new movie from Brooklyn cordially you and the girl ktura with tobom was yours from Warsaw Poland

@vitomcsween974 - 21.06.2021 17:48

Wow we must really be nice for Hannah to live in a quiet neighborhood such nice people I've been to Brooklyn heights a lot of times it's pretty cool

@cadillacjack3240 - 21.06.2021 18:03

Hey look its a hardware store "Hahaha" hey look heres a restaurant "hahaha" hey look there's a.... hahaha

@D.N.. - 21.06.2021 18:50

Very nice walk with Hannah ☺️ She has a great personality ! Hopefully she gets a lot of subscribers to her channel 🐶🌸🐻

@kryptopcgamer589 - 21.06.2021 18:58

She has pretty eyes

@Nazir-WalkAroundTheCity - 21.06.2021 19:06

🌈✋❤️😊 🌹🙏✌️Extra Good job🤝😘👍
Wow. Great view, I love to see new places 👍❤️
Great movie 👍👋 Bravo 👋
And I have a new movie from a walk around the city 😊
Yours sincerely, DJ Janusz from Warsaw Poland 🇵🇱😘🎶🎵🙏✋

@jarthuroriginal - 21.06.2021 19:21

Took my granddaughters to the playground many times. This walk brought back many memories.

@nomadicwalker3582 - 21.06.2021 19:23

You ata my Hero 🌞👍

@danielx9801 - 21.06.2021 19:24

great job as always

@WanderThisWay - 21.06.2021 19:36

What a lovely take on a walking video - great insights from you and Hannah.

@terryday9637 - 21.06.2021 20:13

A good date will be to go to the cat cafe and eat Italian food afterwards!

@terryday9637 - 21.06.2021 20:14

Going to the plant store with cats. Ha. Love money trees.

@christinebojic492 - 21.06.2021 20:29

What a nice walk in this so charming neibourhood - thanks to both of you 👍

@Gulfcamel - 21.06.2021 20:56

Beautiful video

@barnabasbulpett5840 - 21.06.2021 21:04

Good vibes 👍

@TimeTravelWalk - 21.06.2021 21:20

What a beautiful video! Thank you for this! Love the atmosphere!

@b-a4798 - 21.06.2021 21:25

Very nice walk and colab

@Miali-114 - 21.06.2021 21:57

Sweet neighborhood. Just subscribed to Hannah's channel.

@Lisatropolis - 21.06.2021 22:42

Ha, you practically looked in my window! I won’t say exactly where. I am house/cat sitting in Brooklyn Heights and it’s a lovely, magical area - and so many people don’t even know it’s here!

@carloscastro2479 - 21.06.2021 22:46

Can you give a little history of this amazing NYC neighborhood??

@carloscastro2479 - 21.06.2021 22:51

Thank you for sharing your pilates schedule and where you eye doctor is located. Great Brooklyn Heights tour :/

@stylishbunny6854 - 21.06.2021 23:25

What a nice walk.😁
Hannah is so cute and sweet!

@kathiec1333 - 22.06.2021 00:50

This is making me remember the Patty Duke Show theme song. It mentions Brooklyn Heights.

@AB-fm2zn - 22.06.2021 01:39

Incredible place! Lived there back in the 90s! Best times of my life. Henry and Clarke st.

Promenade was and is amazing... People nowadays go to the old Brooklyn docks... Or Brooklyn Bridge Park they call it. Because of this the Promenade is not as congested. Which is a good thing I guess.

@nancypettitt1211 - 22.06.2021 01:55

Thanks again for a wonderful walk. What a beautiful area. Hannah is great too. The promenade is nice and what a view! I think the views make NYC. As always.....enjoy your videos.....relaxing for me.

@mikeshinzo - 22.06.2021 02:05

I like this 4K!! amazing! thanks 👍

@victorsforza5578 - 22.06.2021 02:07

AK in BK.. If u live in Brooklyn heights u gotta have $$

@marti_flute - 22.06.2021 02:12

I had lunch in the Heights Cafe in 2019 with a friend who lives in Brooklyn Heights. I see they still have their website, Yelp and facebook pages, but we can see from the video that it is now Giulia. Thanks for the views of this great neighborhood. Wait, now I see that on Giulia's website, the owners of it are the same as had owned Heights Cafe.

@VladBurlutsky - 22.06.2021 02:56

22 Pierrepont street - Joseph Brodsky, 1987 Nobel prize in literature, used to live there until he died there at the age of 55

@lenanicholas3486 - 22.06.2021 04:54

Hey Ak

@maryreed2619 - 22.06.2021 05:34

I sure did enjoy watching your replay this morning of your walk with Hannah. I think I'm familiar with seeing her in your comments. She's so cute. I'm going to go over and sub to her. I have very strong heart felt ties to Brooklyn. Love it. Thankyou for introducing us to Hannah Lee.

@CFM-nl3bc - 22.06.2021 06:44

So refreshing that you are promoting a younger you tuber.... instead of old people using you to promote their 70 pound misbehaved dog that jumps on everyone and begs for food...from everyone. Keep it real.

@lourdesajramos6774 - 22.06.2021 23:26

I miss the Brooklyn Heights promenade - the view is priceless. And also the East River and Hudson River promenade.

@nancyking9718 - 23.06.2021 17:41

That was a great walk Brooklyn Heights is nice and Hannah was a great guest she added to it and has a pleasant personality ! Thanks 😊

@durf2753 - 19.07.2021 09:03

Unfortunate they have stacks of garbage bags lying on the floor instead of several bins to accommodate them.

@rondj3495 - 02.08.2021 05:35


@fireman4015 - 12.09.2021 19:17

Great video. Can you explain how you guys did the audio for this video? I see the rode wireless go on Hannah, but are you using the DJI mic? Did you use a separate recorder and add in during post? Thanks!

@26yevamena - 19.09.2021 03:35

I now have three favorites you tubers from nyc - You, Hannah Lee and Tomdnyc. You each bring a different perceptive.

@elsietraxler3541 - 20.04.2022 21:37

hannah looks so sweet i love seeing her with you action kid have her on a lot i love her neighborhood
