This is my first self produced video ever made for the internet. It is a rambling rant about who I am and what I want to do as an artist for 2021. It was meant to be a means to get over my anxiety of taking the step to make that first video, bad or good, and just get it done before the New Year hit.
It is over 30 minutes long... I I feared that I wouldn't have enough to say. Haha.
Here it is... in all of its bland, low budget glory. I promise to get better at this video production thing and create edited and polished material for folks to see and appreciate in the future.
Thank you for watching. I tried to just speak into the camera like it was a person instead of feeling like it was the whole world. It helped.
#juggling #comedy #new #the_amazing_flec #flec #fleck #flec_mindscape #contact_juggling #entertainer #clown