HELLO FRIENDS!! i hope you enjoyed this trip to the Ice Hotel in Sweden (and also our extended hi-jinks trying to actually *get* to the Ice Hotel)!! Our small stint at the ice bar in vegas couldn’t have prepared us for the bone-chilling-yet-very-beautiful rooms that this hotel had to offer. what do you guys think? pretty **cool**, eh? would you go to a hotel made of ice?? and, where should we go next? ☃also - to add on to our disclaimer in the video - "lapland" is not a technically a shared region, it's a general region that spans across a few different countries! sorry for any confusion there!
ОтветитьHow does the ice bed not melt from body heat?
ОтветитьThis is some next level Die Another Day shit lol
ОтветитьThe thought of sleeping there is so cool yet scary
ОтветитьWOW! This place is fantastic! But it's making me cold just looking at it!
ОтветитьMa’am how do you get the money to do all of this
ОтветитьFun fact: most sculptures are stored in something like a big freezer so they don’t have to be re-carved every year! 😊
ОтветитьAre we not gonna talk about the "Hey sweetie?" 🥺❤
Ответить"Left or right?" 😅😂❤
ОтветитьSeeing the world through safs hilarious reactions is amazing lol I'm exactly the same way 😂
ОтветитьI got Alice in Wonderland vibes from looking at their room ❤
ОтветитьIt was 26° this morning in nyc and I hated it. Can not imagine sleeping in it but hey. I’d still try it ❤
ОтветитьOmg I'd love to see the Abba museum!
ОтветитьLoved the ice carving you made!
ОтветитьIt looks like some thing out of a superman movie
Ответить"The ice are the window to the soul" would be like sleeping in a tool music video. Sign me up.
ОтветитьDid you guys bang in the hotel?
ОтветитьI was hoping they would put the plumbing into the ice hotel too. I really wood have loved to see ice bathrooms.
ОтветитьPine? Rather juniper.
ОтветитьYou both did a fabulous job making this video, it must've been very challenging. I really enjoyed it. 😊😊
ОтветитьSad for you that, because of stormy weather, missed some of it. Did you still have to pay for those you missed, though??
ОтветитьNygård :p
ОтветитьI had to pause when the words "penis museum" were said
ОтветитьI was so shocked when you said it was -7°C!! I wanna stay at the ice hotel but was worried it would be too cold, so hearing it is only -7 inside was very relieving (I’m from northern Sweden, it’s often minus 15-20 during winter. Which is roughly half of the year here hh)
ОтветитьAnd they call it " gail force winds" WHen I was out there Iw as all Nah ya'll this is a cold ass hurricane.
ОтветитьAs a person from Sweden it’s very fun to hear you say some Swedish names
ОтветитьStuck in stockholm syndrome?
ОтветитьLoved watching this! My father helped build up the ice hotel in Sweden and used to be an igloo builder by trade! Retired now but owns a slightly chaotic b&b for pilgrims!
ОтветитьLOVE the strange hotel content! You are an awesome mashup of Hopescope and Ryan Trajan!!!!
ОтветитьThey’ve been married for 5 years now. Are they going to have any children?
ОтветитьWhy haven’t you gotten lasik?
ОтветитьBoring!!! You Safiya are boring!!!
ОтветитьI wonder how you got the money to do all this? Guaranteed you dont have a job.
ОтветитьHALF DANE!? I KNEW, That Nygaard is SO danish! (Speaking as a person, who is danish and grew up with a friend whos last name is Nygaard) :D
ОтветитьHow many people have dressed up as Elsa here for a photoshoot since frozen came out i wonder😂
ОтветитьIt was Stuckholm for you 🥲
Ответитьmy husband and I went camping in New Zealand in -5 Celsius (2 degrees warmer than what they slept in, in the video) and my contact lenses did indeed freeze in the case.
ОтветитьMy studio apartment has terribly insulated windows and the heat is struggling to keep up. I'm cozied up under a blanket, watching this video, and pretending I'm in an ice hotel.
Ответитьthe actual concept and story behind The Ice Hotel is pretty impressive. not to mention they includes artists all over the world and using natural source like the river BEHIND it wow
the mushroom room is so dreamyyy
Completely unrelated to the video, I watched this whole video with two kittens cuddling my head like purring earmuffs. I just thought Safiya might like this information
Ответитьamazing video you guys, thank you for bringing me some icy relaxation tonight. i really appreciate the way you mentioned the history of the Icehotel. Knowing the history of a tourist destination makes it feel even more lively and rich ❤🎉
Ответитьdid u get a refund for the activities you missed or?? 🧐🧐