How to Declutter Your Mind

How to Declutter Your Mind

Alex M Dorr

5 лет назад

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@kerimizell1131 - 25.02.2021 07:37

“Edit you story” is my go to tool in focusing on what I know for sure and to stop believing everything I think

@jackiefroendt1182 - 25.02.2021 22:58

Mental minimalism - love!! Edit your story is one of my favorite tools!

@janicegerbrandt2179 - 02.03.2021 20:59

Thanks, Alex, I love this take on the RBL Philosophy. I want to work toward being a Mental Minimalist!!

@jojob_clips269 - 09.03.2021 18:01

You Sir, got another subscriber

@crazedagenral - 23.03.2021 00:24

Thank you, I needed this video in times like this, have been stressing alot and couldn't hear myself think

@aliabalhebshi - 26.03.2021 14:53

thanks man .. very useful

@sanabutt9403 - 02.04.2021 18:27


@ocvegasproperty - 11.04.2021 17:22

How do you focus with all that wood around you?

@thepretentiousgentleman - 29.04.2021 14:49

What... what are yo doing with your hands?

Are those like physical queues to make sure your inflections are being done properly?

Is it a hypnosis thing?

@meloniemotley3990 - 03.05.2021 21:58

This is sooooo good! Thank you!

@ruthrkm6614 - 08.05.2021 16:46

It's the greatest video so far. I have been trying a lot of ways to declutter my mind. And this has been a gem. Really practical and amazing tools. Thank you so much, Alex! ❤❤💕💗

@deeceegee276 - 12.05.2021 14:22

Oh my God i didn't know that my "thinking" on the situation 3 where sbar is the tool is really happening i strugle i lot in dealing with my thoughts... THANK YOU FOR THIS! REALLY!!!!

@CrandleDo - 28.05.2021 05:16

I love how you just built a bridge between minimalism and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The first two techniques from a CBT standpoint are basically questioning our cognitive distortions which are thoughts we have that may or may not be true. In CBT you learn to identify these thoughts and then collect evidence such as you describe to test whether the thought is an accurate reflection of reality. I never thought of this as mental decluttering before, but I can see now how it can be!

@Sandranvm - 30.05.2021 12:53

Alex, I love you, thank you.

@ananthapadmanabhanss4553 - 03.06.2021 15:38

Thanks :) Alex, great insights. Mental peace helps us to be happy and emotionally strong in difficult situations.

@hidayaothman1630 - 04.06.2021 14:32

Thanks a lot! Such a clear way of explanation!!!

@sa_0515 - 14.06.2021 16:56

Very inspirational speech. I hope that the techniques would work. Greetings from 🇹🇷

@crestonhardcastle7631 - 13.08.2021 05:26

As crestons wife no news or at least very little of it no social media fb Twitter Pinterest etc except you tube

@bethelshiloh - 26.08.2021 15:03

Take no thought for tomorrow for sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Cast all your cares on Him.

Keep mind on God to be in perfect peace.

Take every thought captive.

@travis.s213 - 30.08.2021 10:36

Thank you=)

@KEEPGROWING123. - 30.10.2021 14:20

Great info

@emmakatemiddleton - 15.11.2021 01:54


@magdalenamary997 - 25.11.2021 01:29

This truly resonates with me, I always say our perception and reality are two different things, and we can change our perspectives if we truly watch our thoughts objectively, I’m going to watch this video a few more times and implement this Thanksgiving weekend. Mental purge, here I come. Thank you for posting.

@lgov7343 - 15.12.2021 02:29

Please stop skipping from profile picture to front picture. It is very distracting. Not minimalistic at all.

@MaryamAli-vd1xv - 28.12.2021 22:06

Really really appreciate this information so very much.

@SustainaBIT - 28.12.2021 22:57

sharing my own notes out of the video for anyone who could use it :) - could be useful as a pinned comment ... your video is a very good one that I should have seen before

=========================1 - EDIT YOUR STORY======================
it's not the reality, it's our story about the reality ((the drama))
write it down>>>you just write what ever you're thinking no matter how bad it sounds.
cross out anything that's not a fact (intentions of other people, like your boss...etc) >>> you'll go from like 20 lines of text into only 3 or 4 lines that are true...
you can keep it as is, or you can add 1 or 2 lines for positivity, like "I'm going to rock this baby (referring to a paper for example)

========================2 - This Means That=======================
if you build fictional stories when something happens (a trigger).
like ... my colleague passed by and didn't say "hello"... is he rude, am I not being liked... am....

write down into 2 columns "THIS" & "MEANS THAT" to get them out of your mind. >>> and then you may find all of it is false,, and you may even find "logical positive reasons" to what just happened,, what we call in arabic عذرا :)

===============================3 SBAR===========================

when you are going very scattered

S (present Situation) "where we are" - what is going on.. 1 or 2 scentenses.
B Background "why are we moving from where we are"- why does our "situation" relate to what we are trying to achieve, from a brief history/background pov

A Analysis - what best practises have you looked at, what research have you done to address this ((the approach, how we are gonna get there))

R Recommendations >> 2 to 3 recommendations on how you can move forward.
**2 or 3 ways that you could move forward, and show your mental flexibility**

@rouminayz - 29.12.2021 00:39

When I subscribed to your channel because of this amazing video I couldn’t believe that you have 1k subscribers!! At first I saw it as a 1M actually!
Thank you soooo much
I shared it with my friends

@dantaninaruseb1617 - 18.01.2022 13:00

I love the simple easy-going nature in which you presented these 3 tools! Thank you...

@mikezen99 - 20.01.2022 19:03

Superb! I’ve never come across content like this in YT. Practicable and simple. I love 1 & 2. Thanks for this great vid! 👏

@CG-du4ez - 20.01.2022 23:21

What about if some of your fears are things that people have expressed to you at one point, so you know they feel that way and you’re not just imagining it?

@mrcute4584 - 21.01.2022 01:24

thank you sooooo much

@mrcute4584 - 21.01.2022 01:24


@anastasiapyrkh6156 - 05.03.2022 20:37

I learnt the new way to become a minimalist - an emergency backpack. You take only the critical things and try to live with it for unlimited period. Space is limited, finance is limited and you never know where you'll have to sleep tonihgt.
Russian army has attacked my city and destroyed homes of peaceful citizens. I had to flee to save my life. No one ever attacked Russia or Russian-speaking people in Ukraine. I speak both languages, my parents speak only Russian. There are no Ukrainian neonazis or whatever Russian propaganda is trying to sell to its people.
A couple of days ago they bombed two obstetrician departments in Kyiv. In one of them my goddaughter was born, the other one I passed by multiple times. What is the danger of pregnant women?
Russian army bombs kindergartens, schools and today they took hostage the psychiatric hospital.
But the most dangerous act is trying to destabilize and destroy an atomic power station. That would be worth than Chornobyl everyone watched on HBO.
Please, support Ukraine. I know that you have a lot of followers from Russia. Their government blocks facebook, twitter and other sources of information, so that they had only TV to get information from.

@jpgabriele9596 - 04.04.2022 07:37

Energizing !

@darlaharms5044 - 05.04.2022 19:26

So good!

@xe-iu9uo - 07.05.2022 19:05

🥺 Please minimise bulls..iting.

@hariu740 - 22.05.2022 16:25

thank you so much, this has gave me hope to execute these methods and feel brand new. thanks again

@tubber - 21.06.2022 19:58

great content. I like how you said don't judge. this didn't' just help me declutter my mind. It also helped better understand why God says not to Judge others. Thanks Alex.

@alisonkeable1467 - 12.08.2022 16:44

Hi Alex. Any relationship to Byron Katie? Something in your face and hand gestures reminds me of her (not to mention the wisdom!)

Thanks for the video.

@biggreenbananas8929 - 13.08.2022 04:47

Anxiety relief simplified. This video is what I've needed and wanted all the time. Thank you Alex. You explain things so clearly.

@somewhereintheworld2755 - 22.08.2022 03:23

Thanks for sharing 🙂

@Ariesfirebaby404 - 16.10.2022 18:38

Omggggg You ARE SPOT ON!!!! Wowww!!!
Thank you for these Mental Revelations and the Homework to help with me be less "mentally dramatic".

@jeffreygraham2174 - 05.12.2022 16:35

I’ll give them a try! Thank you, Alex!

@rozen9596 - 29.12.2022 23:52

Amazing video super helpful 👏

@Bussjaeger - 16.04.2023 18:24

Wow. Thanks for making simple sense. New subscriber here.

@shre9 - 15.05.2023 08:46

Wow. I’ve been practising minimalism physically but mentally I felt caught up and was looking for help. Awesome techniques. Can’t wait to apply these!!! Thank you so much ❤❤❤

@maiben210 - 09.12.2023 21:01

Thank you so much. These are fantastic tools that will greatly improve my life. So well organized and present and modeled😊

@fernandasaunders9278 - 15.02.2024 07:32

I am feeling overwhelmed and your video just released me so much just for learning this way to deal. Loved it.

@MahtabAlam-uf8db - 20.01.2021 22:26

this video is an undiscovered goldmine.
