10 Signs You're an INFJ, One of the Rarest Personality Types in the World

10 Signs You're an INFJ, One of the Rarest Personality Types in the World

Frank James

4 года назад

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@ivonne2843 - 22.12.2023 20:54

I have realized I'm better writing than speeching me

@duckey83 - 24.12.2023 15:06

infj's are spontaneous ...

@firebolt95 - 29.12.2023 12:55

“I can be spontaneous if I planned for it” is the perfect description

@RamiCrafy - 31.12.2023 09:45

For dome reason I was it once when I did s test but every time I redo the test after a few months the result always changes (???)

@dinosaurdisguise9046 - 07.01.2024 08:01

or both?!
also, love your Fing Videos! yes.

may be tipsy, so there's that XD

@iipatino888 - 20.01.2024 06:34

The journey doesn’t stop

@StewartDavidJ - 01.02.2024 17:25

How about this for "intuition"? You're driving down a city street, and you play a game with yourself: you point at the vehicle ahead of you and say "He's gonna turn left at the next traffic light". And he does, 8 times out of 10. Is it psychic? Or just noticing minute changes in driving pattern? Who cares? It certainly helps me zip through traffic quickly. And it's a quick check as to my current level of intuition... because it does change as I get tired, or distracted.

@ghenulo - 09.02.2024 07:02

Well, don't use an iPhone. I use Linux and I can understand that some changes are scary: sysvinit to systemd, LILO to GRUB (largely due to hardware moving from BIOS to UEFI), X to Wayland, network-scripts to NetworkManager, OSS to PulseAudio, etc. Though, it's nothing compared what M$ and Apple users go through.

@pangsupharatch1452 - 16.02.2024 23:05

Omg I just laughed throughout - this is so accurate!

@lilaccilla - 17.02.2024 16:35

Jay Reids book , Growing up as the scapegoat to Narc parents .

@lilaccilla - 17.02.2024 16:39

read Jay Reid and find out how to change ! Be healed

@saravatsal3639 - 18.02.2024 19:59

Ohhhh my god the example part is so correct like I would be totally winning an argument until I pull up an example and then it's like NOPE NOPE that's not what I meant

@slavteter - 20.02.2024 14:35

INFJ with an iPhone, daym, consumerism is that strong in US?

@slavteter - 20.02.2024 14:40

Spontaneousity can also go far beyond. We can plan to have fun, and find random options and agree to propositions we haven't exactly expected, although we will think of options given still and be upset if not an optimal one has been picked 😂

@PLuMUK54 - 28.02.2024 15:10

If you want a double whammy, try being a high performing autistic INFJ. Some INFJ traits are strengthened, but others become a battleground between two opposing sets of needs.

@zeroaxis5041 - 13.03.2024 08:17

My go to for giving examples: Imagine this other world where...

Most of my friends particularly hated that😅

@13autumnmoonful - 25.03.2024 01:27

You’re not “slipping” you’re “finding the value” in the joke by repeating it.

@Ventiis_Boredom - 04.04.2024 15:25

I really got correct like 100 INFJ questions, but thats not enough lol. I need more evidence.

@ayyq3174 - 10.04.2024 16:12

So damn true, I always feel like I need to ask permission when eating food in the fridge and to turn on the aircon.

@Nick-Nasty - 13.04.2024 20:40

The thumbnail suggests, five signs you're a totally artificial robot of a person lol

@naufalnoorizan1763 - 20.04.2024 12:11

I dont know man, im sometimes intj sometimes infj, it depends whom im with.

@yuechan925 - 24.04.2024 08:13

When infj had had enough of people...hmm...i'll do whatever i want because i can always be an escapes

@eyladiarson92 - 26.04.2024 04:50

Me : Never getting any compliments of being me
Frank : INFJ are very rare!
Me : Thank you 😢😢
Frank : I would suggest not to get caught up in this whole rarity aspects of INFJ
Me : 😭

@leoscreams__ - 27.04.2024 10:01

So i took around 100 mbti tests in 3years , intj, infp, enfp, istp, istj,( intj 5o times) yesterday chat gpt took my test and said i am infj😂 so i believed😅

@Musique88888 - 12.05.2024 09:49

Hello INFJs .. let’s all write and read comments here to reassure and validate our feelings to each-other :)
and yes we are INFJ so stop searching for videos to make sure you are.
Btw, yes we all overthink and it’s okay to have plan A,B,C..Z and it’s totally ok if you feel like you’re a stranger in this life. Cheers 🥂

@lunaa2926 - 15.05.2024 03:50

I think im INTJ after watching this even tho i got INFJ twice in the online personality tests

@DDD-qx4ct - 17.05.2024 05:25

took 4 years to admit that I’m infj 😅

@maureenseel118 - 05.06.2024 02:52

Ok I feel called out with the phone update. I see that thing pop up in the corner...see it now-"New Chrome Available"...I've postponed for days.

@alienillusi0n - 24.06.2024 18:46

bro is just describing autistic masking

@prashant9660 - 25.06.2024 10:49

I do not want to be an INFJ.

@RichterScale-oz5pp - 08.07.2024 12:36

Explaining my thought processes to others has always been difficult, but not impossible. Its like trying to describe a forest. By meticulously describing each tree one at a time.

@ShizuruNakatsu - 13.07.2024 01:13

I do act different around different people, but I don't mean to. All I want is to be my true self and be understood and loved for who I really am. I've never been confused about who I am. I know who I am. I just can't express it. I'm accidentally wearing a mask and I don't know how to be me.

@ShizuruNakatsu - 13.07.2024 01:17

For a lot of us, it IS psychic or spiritual. We all have "psychic powers", they're actually just natural spiritual abilities that all conscious beings are capable of. Some of us are just better at tapping into it than others.

@TranquilRiceman - 19.07.2024 13:03

This was relatable on so many levels, I found myself laughing multiple times and saying "YEAH that's right"

@Aya-rk4wy - 26.07.2024 01:48

That's really me

@unknowngaming3276 - 29.07.2024 21:18

What is your age when you know that you are an infj...? (Btw im 15)

@dreamdust38 - 29.07.2024 21:36

Yeah, I am an INFJ. Maybe we are so rare because we do not survive childhood. You should see my suitcase when I take a trip. I am way over packed just in case. And yes my I want everything very well planned. I am an old lady now and I wish I knew this stuff when I was older. Honestly I cannot figure me out still.

@ozratarot - 24.08.2024 18:48

I tried to convince myself I was an ISTP for several years 💀

@elizabethnunez7630 - 25.08.2024 06:26

infj is able catching meanings of almost all things around in their own meaningful thoughts...

@joannnnnnnnnnnn123 - 06.09.2024 21:26

Awww my youngest daughter in a nutshell!!! Love it🎉

@lilixfive2307 - 09.09.2024 21:55

I think I'm an ENFJ but sometimes I am confused because I am not an obvious extrovert. Like, when I said to my friends or my parents I was an extrovert, they were astonished. And we also often ask me what I am thinking about (that's really annoying)

@B4rt3k192 - 20.09.2024 18:40

I relate to all signs and it's all true

@tamago_yaki - 26.01.2025 12:12

Overplan is really my shit

@tamago_yaki - 26.01.2025 12:20

Yeah I feel the “rarity” thing is just some gimmick lol.. i mean it’s 16 types.. of course we gotta get a little percentage right?

@whitelotus6619 - 07.02.2025 16:57

Anyone else see some...bs

@avoiceinthewilderness9864 - 16.02.2025 22:10

Lol! I have declined the Microsoft windows upgrade for 4 years now.

@nielhalam - 28.02.2025 04:56

I'm INFJ so far, but they say I give the best examples. 🤔
also, doing a personality test I got the the result INFJ + INTJ, wonder what that would mean.
