Triathlons and Iron Man Competitions: What Does It Take?

Triathlons and Iron Man Competitions: What Does It Take?


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@almaguapa-sailboatliveaboa440 - 14.04.2023 06:45

I raced 10years. Had the most incredible thrill of being so fit in my life. Just an amazing feeling every time I finished a race. JRE needs to interview pro triathletes. 🙌🙌

@ThePOPET1 - 15.04.2023 01:21

Joe rogan should definetely have Lionel Sanders on his podcast

@troystein2404 - 16.04.2023 15:39

Toughest sport in the world man. Unrelenting pain for 8-17hrs.

@troystein2404 - 16.04.2023 15:42

He will step up to the full Ironman.

@pooky2626 - 20.04.2023 00:23

Started in 1999. over 23 years later. Over 150 tris including 4 IM's. Love this sport. Lionel is a superstar...nice to see other athletes crossing over.

@shanehiggins4142 - 20.04.2023 07:08

Ironman... ill be doing it til im 80

@jimboydonayre9697 - 21.04.2023 01:34

Ironman is same is triathlons as a triathlete here in Philippines and soldier my soon become a Promen after I serve the Philippines 🇵🇭

@constantintrudel3756 - 21.04.2023 04:02

Love this!!! Comming from a basic martial arts background and transitioning to Triathlon I totally get this!!! Not same level of course in either category, but this warms my heart.

@Christomshack - 24.04.2023 00:22

I went from a 10k to a full distance 140.6 Ironman in 6 months on a borrowed bike and didn't know how to swim until 2 months before race day. Yes, triathlons are hard. But, anything is possible!

@McStoolio - 27.04.2023 01:47

I found this guy lionel sanders,…lol dude, he’s way more famous than you pal….

@McStoolio - 27.04.2023 01:52

Joe, you should get Joe skipper on here, Ironman champion many times over and one of the most interesting guys in sport.

@theWdog12 - 27.04.2023 04:15

Shout out Lionel Sanders!! Love it

@arthursosajr.2031 - 28.04.2023 02:59

The Diaz brothers used to do Triathlons they would do the Old Vineman 70.3 in Santa Rosa, CA area.

@ahouston9 - 30.04.2023 03:20

My first triathlon was an iron man. Yeah, I'm cool

@mattsweet7331 - 22.10.2023 05:35

Thanks for this guys- just ramping up for 1st 1/2 Ironman - Paul I am right with you. I call the swim training “not drowning” so far. Haha!

@33awesomeman33 - 05.12.2023 07:48

Just finished up my ironman 70.3 indian wells yesterday with a borrowed surfer wetsuit 😂 when they brought that up in the interview I lol’d so hard

@mirkalf3148 - 14.01.2024 19:50

Joe Rogan. Oracle of all health doesn't know what a tempo run is..

@sumeetbhanjadeo5994 - 02.03.2024 13:26

All the best Paul…I am sure u will do wonders there..

@mattfitzbizdr - 19.04.2024 13:46

Did my first Ironman in 1986. Greatest test of character you will ever experience…. Like combat sports you become the athlete during training, you just test yourself on the day….

@haidirwasli3692 - 20.04.2024 06:31

all you need are MONEY and TIMES

@willbilson7210 - 20.04.2024 08:32

What a fkn badass

@Slowhand871 - 20.04.2024 17:33

Olympic tris are the best in my opinion. Training for them is incredibly selfish for your family. You can train for an Olympic and still be a part of your family.
Also if you aren’t a swimmer I would highly recommend you find a local masters swim team and train with them. They care everywhere and very welcoming. Usually there’s a coach to give you technique info.

@doctorjus - 21.04.2024 16:59

Doing my first tri in August! Nervous

@jbratt - 22.04.2024 00:22

I have raced bicycles for years. Occasionally a new rider comes along that has a boxing background. Those guys make great road bike racers. They have fast twitch and slow twitch muscles endurance and speed incredible discipline and can ignore pain. They are lean and usually smaller guys. Perfect bike racers.

@Daksterizer - 25.04.2024 00:34

You don't lose 10 pounds in a race lol

@chevystuffs5971 - 25.04.2024 21:30

My first triathlon was a 70.3 in Santa Cruz. Escape from Alcatraz is my favorite. This year will be my 3rd Escape. Age group tri is the best addiction!

@PurpleHazeModel - 27.04.2024 22:28

Hey, doofus you spelled it wrong.
Ironman = the Race
Iron Man = cartoon character

@anthbailey - 29.04.2024 23:49

Felder is pure class. A scary beast competing close to the top of the UFC in his weight class for years. Now he's taking on triathlons and is already very knowledgeable about them and super humble about his abilities. Doing a half iron for your first triathlon takes big balls which he clearly has. But he's totally realistic about the big gap between competing in triathlon as a pro and an amateur.

@Ayekody - 30.04.2024 00:08

What are the mini triathlons called? I would love to do one

@redguitar69 - 02.05.2024 21:13

I'm almost 60 and I run 14 .Iles every other day... I started doing Triathlons back in 1984.... now I just run for fun back 20byeard ago I ran a half marathon in Death Valley when it was 123 degrees! Just because.

@benjaminfj - 05.05.2024 16:04

Thinking about starting thrilathon. What tips do you have? Can it be combined with heavy lift training?

@sebastiankouladjian4814 - 11.05.2024 19:49

12 years of racing was super exciting

@RC-wz9vw - 18.05.2024 03:07

Lionel is a BEAST!

@josetadeia1188 - 18.05.2024 20:55

oh man, its me on the thumbnail in the blue suit ahahahah

@na-dk9vm - 19.05.2024 10:29

Would I be right in saying that to do a full Ironman, you need be at the level of ""Athlete"" fitness wise?? I've a full coming up next year, and that's the level of fitness I'm telling myself I have to be at- an "Athlete".

@edward2497 - 20.05.2024 03:16

Beating up your body and calling it fitness is mental illness

@endurodadclint5377 - 30.05.2024 09:30

I’m doing the Hawaiian Ironman this yr ! 12 yrs and 13 Ironmans later I’ve been racing and dreaming of the triathlon Ironman world champs in Kona! This Sport is addictive . Harder you train the better you go. Simple

@kielatkinson2137 - 09.06.2024 07:39

Gonna be my first 70.3 tri in September 2024, wish me luck 😂

@therelentlessspartan3876 - 11.06.2024 05:46

Going for my first iron man, from the couch

@billybussey - 14.06.2024 10:17

Just do sprints

@Pian0Mon - 18.06.2024 22:42

Been in the sport for 10 years. Love it. You can stay competitive for years if you keep up with it. I was a wrestler growing up.

@MOliveira-m5h - 21.07.2024 03:54

I started learning how to swim well enough to do this starting by taking lessons 3 summers ago. The swimming is fun. I'll go to the river and just jump in swimming around like tarzan. There will be mexicans fishing, and barbecuing with their kids playing on the beach and I'm this dude swimming back and forth for fifty minutes. It's fun because the water is dark, and I can watch my heart rate on my goggles. You just focus on breathing and work rate. I love it because it's not like going to the gym were you're trying to look pretty or have bro-morons. There is bro-science in the river because idiots would be dead. You can't just take steroids or eat the spinach and start swimming like Popeye. You can't fake the physics of the swimming technique. You can't hold your breath like with lifting. It's just darkness and work in the water. It's all spirit. You're just swimming through the darkness.

@Jicawa10 - 14.08.2024 18:26

Rogan needs to get Lionel Sanders on the podcast.

@WellsLindsay-e6e - 10.09.2024 09:10

Miller Maria Davis Lisa Thomas Deborah

@bigtaco956 - 30.09.2024 08:04

dang and i am over here just doing 1 hour a day of cardio and being lazy smh

@DanKitchener - 25.10.2024 07:44

I started Triathlons this year from years of marathon running, I did 3 sprints and one Olympic in training and then the 70.3 Ironman in Greece, i am totally hooked, what an amazing sport!

@fictionalreality1010 - 27.10.2024 01:02

All jokes aside there is going to be some kid that crossed the border in 2023 or 2024 that got lost and fought for his life to be here in America! 🇺🇸
I know this topic of illegals coming to US!
But when you fight just to get here! Wow…I hope this reaches you young man or woman! Welcome to America 🇺🇸

@Cavadaniel - 26.11.2024 17:43

I’ve done the half iron man, 2 km swimming 90km bicycle 22 running

@ironman_legend - 10.12.2024 09:49

did my first full ironman last week in 9 hours 30 mins
